Politics, Politics, Politics

gif_Spider&Web.gif ... "Oh what a tangled web we WEAVE when first we practice to DECEIVE!"
................................................................................................................................................Sir Walter Scott
poem-TangledWebtoDeceive2.jpg ......GIF_GrouchoMarx.gif ....Truer words never spoken!
View attachment 1359064 ... "Oh what a tangled web we WEAVE when first we practice to DECEIVE!"
................................................................................................................................................Sir Walter Scott
View attachment 1359067 ......View attachment 1359068 ....Truer words never spoken!

Figures you would like quotes of Eugene Dens who ran for president five times on the socialist party ticket. He was also sentenced to ten years in federal prison for sedition.

Here's a few more interesting quotes from komrade Debs:

The Republican and Democratic parties are alike capitalist parties — differing only in being committed to different sets of capitalist interests

“As a rule, large capitalists are Republicans and small capitalists are Democrats, but workingmen must remember that they are all capitalists, and that the many small ones, like the fewer large ones, are all politically supporting their class interests, and this is always and everywhere the capitalist class.”

When great changes occur in history, when great principles are involved, as a rule the majority are wrong

Gotta love that last one. Guess it means the majority, which supposedly voted for Hillary.....were wrong. Can't argue with that! ;)
Figures you would like quotes of Eugene Dens who ran for president five times on the socialist party ticket. He was also sentenced to ten years in federal prison for sedition.
I assume you meant Eugene Debs ... who we can thank for helping the unionization of workers. You got to remember that this was back in the late 1800's-early 1900s when the great industrialists like JP Morgan, Rockerfeller, Vanderbilts, and Carnegie (known often as the robber barons) for their exploitation of workers, horrible working conditions, and unfair labor practices. They were the early vulture capitalists like Donald Trump (your man) ... taking advantage of the weak with their money & power. They were actually more wealthy than the US government in their time, and Eugene Debs was just one of a handful of people who rubbed these ruthless barons the wrong way. Oh and he didn't spend 10 years in prison, he was sentenced to 10 years but served 3 according to history.

A more flattering profile history of the man you prefer to demogauge:
and he just can't seem to keep his pervert fantasies in check
His comment to the French Pres' wife about her body!
Trump has a very specific view of women in general ... they are either sexual objects to pursue and lust after OR they are out of shape pigs to be ridiculed in public ... pretty easy to see where he comes from with his opinions of women. I can't possibly see his current marriage lasting long after Trump is no longer president.
Oh and he didn't spend 10 years in prison, he was sentenced to 10 years but served 3 according to history.
I didn't say he served 10 years, I said he was sentenced to 10 years. He actually ran for president on the socialist ticket from his prison cell in 1920, losing....although 3.4% of the electorate actually voted for the prisoner.

He only served 3 years because the man that beat him, Harding.....a Republican....commuted his sentence.
The Senate Health Care Bill Is So Bad Republicans Want an Exemption for Congress

While the news has been dealing with the absurdity of Donald Trump Jr.'s attempted Russian collusion-slash-email scandal, and the additional fact that at this point it seems like politics will just be a never-ending series of email scandals till we all die, Senate Republicans have been putting the finishing touches on their revised version of the health care bill that has been so unpopular that I'm pretty sure hemorrhoids, the films of Uwe Boll, and the general concept of existential dread would poll better than it. Sure, this newest version of the bill doesn't cut the Obamacare taxes as much as the previous version did, and does include more money for opioid treatment, but it would still make giant cuts to Medicaid that would likely lead to an increase in the uninsured to the tune of high double digit millions. ...

Economy is growing or haven't you seen or heard unemployment is at its lowest in more than twenty years Wall Street market is going up
More buisness are growing
You talk about a EU - Japan learn economics not left wing math
Why do you think China has made agreements with USA Cause Trump will cancel taxes on buisness and we will make and consume our own products those countries need us to purchase their goods and services
If anybody ruined the economy it was Big Ears 20 trillion in debt 6 Stymulis packages a disaster called Obamacare 100 million not covered but left never talks about that
Insurance companies leaving states not offering coverage but you and other left wing nuts never talk about that
It is pathetic how the left always claims to have the answers but never do Party of Blame cause they can never come up with a plan
They are always critical of any right plan -complain never have an idea that works
That is why they keep losing seat in House and Senate
Moron from Virginia is Senator who put in impreacent papers in on our Great 45 President Donal J Trump does not even know the constitution Even if the moron got the votes which he cannot or will The VP of USA has to agree to impreachment VP Pence
Get educate them comment
Until then remember Mr Spell Check Trup is President now and four more four more
Watch the economy grow and stop backing the loser Democrats
If anybody ruined the economy it was Big Ears 20 trillion in debt 6 Stymulis packages a disaster called Obamacare 100 million not covered but left never talks about that
....Sure, we should talk about that, cuckoldroy.
....If my history recollection is right, the first $10 trillion of the national debt was put on the books by Republican presidents with their BS Trickle Down - Voodoo - Supply Side economics ... the platform Republicans adopted from Reagan in the early 1980's. At that time the Nat'l debt was under a trillion .... when Reagan left office it was over $3 trillion ... by the time both Bushes (mostly GW) left, it had skyrocketed to over $10 trillion, jobs were being lost at about 700,000 PER MONTH, Medicare Pt.-D was implemented with NO BUDGET for it and was crashing until Democrats helped save it, and we were in 2 UNFUNDED ground wars that GW chose to put the US military in. Housing market, the financial markets, and auto industries were all crashing, and the Republican candidate for president in 2008 (Mitt Romney) said "let them crash and reorganize under bankruptcy proceedings". In other words, ole cuckyboy, when Obama stepped into office in 2009, the economic plane he was in was nose diving straight to earth. Had Obama allowed the economy to go into a Great Depression we would be in a hell of a mess now.
....Obama wanted to have a "balanced approach" to addressing the economy and debt IF YOU RECALL ... offering the Republicans a 4:1 deal on cuts to entitlement programs for tax increases. If you'll recall, Grover Norquist had ALL of the Republicans sign a No Tax Increase PLEDGE to accept NO DEALS from Obama that included a penny of tax increases, and THAT INCLUDED the GW Bush tax cuts that were set to expire as per the AGREEMENT. In other words, only Entitlment/Spending CUTS were acceptable to Republicans ... kind of One Way, wouldn't you agree?
....As far as Obamacare is concerned, Republicans have thrown everything at obstructing the ACA ... including 62 meetings & votes in Congress at around $700,000 per vote, to make ACA fail. The entire time saying they HAD a better plan that wouldn't cost as much and would cover more Americans .... WHERE IS THAT PLAN, ole cuckyboy? Republicans have had seven years, for god sake, to design a BEAUTFUL alternative ... they haven't done ******* ... instead, they can't even get a full buy-in from all their Republicans on the current plan which milks another $800 billion from Medicaid so that Trump can pass ANOTHER Trickle Down Voodoo Supply Side economic TAX CUT for the wealthiest Americans. In fact, in the past 8 years the Republicans haven't done ******* ... nothing notable. This year they've yet to pass a single important piece of legislation, and over 60% of the office jobs in Washington remain UNFILLED.
....You need to quit drinking the Republican Koolaide, pull your head out of your ass, so you can smell the ******* the Republicans are dealing you. Trump's going DOWN before the end of his first term ... count on it.
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Not really. And a quick Google search of his first point should stop you from reading further. It's not partisan either if one is objective. But never let facts and history get in the way of a good narrative, no matter what side you're on.
Trump Continues To Take Credit For The Economy Built By President Obama

Trump used to say the job numbers were "fake." The only thing that's fake is his continual taking credit for things that were achieved by President Obama.


Trump takes credit for 1 million jobs. Not true

Trump’s huge mistake: Taking credit for the recent stock market rise also means Trump will be blamed for the coming crash

Trump keeps taking credit for Obama-era economic news

If you're referring to my post 10242, please provide that quick GOOGLE search that refutes my first point, nongolfer.

I'll get right on that. First, large portions of your post are lifted from Wikipedia. Certainly a scholarly source. Except is 10 trillion dollars really 10 trillion dollars after adjustments for inflation, and in relation to GDP?

No, not really.

But again, in your rush, and you're not alone, to blindly defend your political party's ideology, facts should never get in the way. And they obviously don't. I leave further comment about your facts actually being Wikipedia facts alone for now.
First, large portions of your post are lifted from Wikipedia. Certainly a scholarly source.
Really? You make a blind accusation based upon what assumption? Show me where I lifted even one sentence of information above from Wikipedia? Any line of information ... any numbers, etc.
I leave further comment about your facts actually being Wikipedia facts alone for now.
Wikipedia provides their source information at the bottom of their pages ... show me ANY documentation source that the Trumps have used for the Russian investigations! In fact, show me any consistent story they've maintained as response to the Russian investigations, as their stories and responses change DAILY as more details are uncovered. How many times has Trump been asked to provide his sources for the 3-5 million illegal votes that occurred in the election? No source has proven illegal votes of a fragment of that magnitude were made by illegals.

Why not just admit you're a mind controlled Trump drone, like 36 million other drones, he has brainwashed into thinking media & facts are but "alt-facts" ... his own created definition for his own facts.
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Major insurance groups call part of health bill 'unworkable'
ALAN FRAM,Associated Press 5 hours ago .

Two of the insurance industry's most powerful organizations say a crucial provision in the Senate Republican health care bill allowing the sale of bare-bones policies is "unworkable in any form," delivering a blow to party leaders' efforts to win support for their legislation.

The language was crafted by conservative Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and leaders have included it in the overall bill in hopes of winning votes from other congressional conservatives. But moderates have worried it will cause people with serious illnesses to lose coverage, and some conservatives say it doesn't go far enough.

Two of the 52 GOP senators have already said they will oppose the legislation. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell cannot lose any others for the legislation to survive a showdown vote expected next week.

The overall measure represents the Senate GOP's attempt to deliver on the party's promise to repeal President Barack Obama's health care law, which they've been pledging to do since its 2010 enactment.

The criticism of Cruz's provision was lodged in a rare joint statement by America's Health Care Plans and the BlueCross BlueShield Association. The two groups released it late Friday in the form of a letter to McConnell, R-Ky.
Deficit only matters when there is a Dem in office

White House says budget deficit to be $99B higher this year
ANDREW TAYLOR,Associated Press 15 hours ago .

The White House says worsening tax revenues will cause the budget deficit to jump to $702 billion this year. That's a $99 billion spike from what was predicted less than two months ago.

The report from the Office of Management and Budget comes on the heels of a rival Congressional Budget Office analysis that scuttled White House claims that its May budget, if implemented to the letter, would balance the federal ledger within 10 years. The OMB report doesn't repeat that claim and instead provides just two years of updated projections.

The White House budget office also says the deficit for the 2018 budget year that starts on Oct. 1 will increase by $149 billion to $589 billion. But lawmakers are already working on spending bills that promise to boost that number even higher by adding to Trump's Pentagon proposal and ignoring many of Trump's cuts to domestic programs.

Last year's deficit registered $585 billion.

The White House kept the report to a bare-bones minimum and cast blame on "the failed policies of the previous administration."

"The rising near-term deficits underscore the critical need to restore fiscal discipline to the nation's finances," said White House budget director Mick Mulvaney. "Our nation must make substantial changes to the policies and spending priorities of the previous administration if our citizens are to be safe and prosperous in the future."