Politics, Politics, Politics

Here's why Trump won't say the Russians meddled in our election
Business Insider 8 hours ago

I've been watching people tear their hair out, wanting to know when President Donald Trump will admit that Russia sought to interfere in our election, why he won't do so, and whether he can be pressured to put pressure on the Russians about it. But the reason for his behavior is fairly simple and obvious. Trump doesn't really believe in institutions or rules. He doesn't like the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act because he thinks it's inconvenient not to be able to bribe foreign officials. He doesn't see any reason a president shouldn't try to get the FBI director to stop an investigation into one of his close associates. He took the position that the pledge obligating Republican presidential candidates ...

Putin Played Trump Like a Fiddle at G20
Michael Carpenter,Foreign Policy Magazine 11 hours ago

By almost all accounts, President Donald Trump got played like a fiddle in his more than two-hour meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Hamburg, Germany, on July 7, on the sidelines of the G20 summit. It was clear from their opening press statements that both leaders really wanted to establish a good rapport. Putin said he was “delighted” to meet with Trump personally, and Trump said that he looked forward to “a lot of positive things happening.” But it was evident that most of the “positive things” in the meeting happened only to Putin, including Trump’s reported declaration that the two sides needed to “move forward” from the discussion of Russia’s interference in — and possible manipulation of — the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Whether Trump agreed with Putin’s assertion that Russia had not in fact interfered in the election, as the Russian side claimed, or merely agreed to put the issue behind him, one thing is painfully clear: The Trump administration appears to have no intention of imposing costs or consequences on Russia for carrying out one of the most brazen covert influence operations against the United States in its history.
According to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s account, the two leaders didn’t see value in “re-litigating things from the past,” and Trump instead “focused on how do we move forward from something that may be an intractable disagreement.” Even this admission sounds like a sugarcoated version of the actual discussion, given that only a day earlier in Warsaw, Poland, Trump said that Russia may not have been behind the attack at all. Indeed, Trump falsely implied that only four of 17 U.S. intelligence agencies had agreed that Russia was behind the cyberattack, reducing the Kremlin’s unprecedented assault on U.S. institutions to little more than a difference of opinion. In fact, however, all 17 agencies concurred with the assessment, which was coauthored by the four lead agencies with the primary responsibility for analyzing the matter: the Central Intelligence Agency, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and National Security Agency. Given Trump’s distortions of these facts, it would truly be surprising if his disagreement with Putin (if there was one at all) had been “intractable.”

BUT... there is/was no collusion found?

Trump Jr. was told of Russian effort to help *******'s campaign: NY Times
By Karen Freifeld,Reuters 6 hours ago

Donald Trump Jr. was told in an email before meeting a Russian lawyer who he thought had material damaging to Hillary Clinton that it was part of a Russian government bid to aid his *******'s presidential campaign, the New York Times said on Monday.

Citing three people with knowledge of the email, the paper said publicist Rob Goldstone indicated in the message to U.S. President Donald Trump's eldest ******* that the Russian government was the source of the potentially damaging information.

Trump Jr did not indicate in a statement on Sunday that he had been told the lawyer might be a proxy for the Kremlin.
The email is likely to be of interest to investigators examining whether any Trump associates colluded with the Russian government to sway last year's election, the Times said.

Trump Jr. hired a lawyer on Monday to represent him in the Russia-related investigations as prominent Republicans voiced concern about the meeting between the president's ******* and a Russian.

Allegations of the Trump campaign's ties to Russia have cast a shadow over the Republican president's first months in office and sparked investigations by congressional committees and a federal special counsel, Robert Mueller, into whether Russia interfered in the election and colluded with the Trump campaign.

Moscow denies interfering and Trump, who became president on Jan. 20, says there was no collusion.

"It’s a very serious development," Representative Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, told MSNBC of the Times report. "It all warrants thorough investigation. Everyone who was in that meeting ought to come before our committee."

Trump Jr. hired New York lawyer Alan Futerfas, who specializes in criminal defense and whose clients have included alleged organized crime figures, a Russian computer hacker and white-collar criminals.

and now for the utterly ridiculous......this kind of thing is only found in a dictatorship type country

Woman Who Laughed At Jeff Sessions Could Face Jail Time This Week
Ryan J. Reilly,HuffPost 13 hours ago

A woman convicted after laughing during a confirmation hearing for Attorney General Jeff Sessions is scheduled to be sentenced on Friday, and Justice Department prosecutors are asking a D.C. judge to uphold the jury’s guilty verdict.
Desiree Fairooz, an activist affiliated with the group Code Pink, was taken into custody at a Senate hearing in January after she laughed when Sessions’ former colleague said the now-attorney general had a “clear and well-documented” record of “treating all Americans equally under the law.” (Sessions had been rejected as a federal judge in the 1980s over concerns about his views on race.)
Fairooz has asked the judge to toss the jury’s verdict. Through her lawyer, Fairooz argued that her “brief reflexive burst of noise” could not sustain a conviction, and that the jury that convicted her “was not reasonable in its evaluation of the evidence.”
But in court documents filed last week ahead of Fairooz’s scheduled sentencing on Friday, prosecutors wrote that the jury “could have reasonably rejected” Fairooz’s contention that her laugh was a reflexive reaction to a claim about Sessions’ record that she found absurd.
So,now the count of meetings that have been discovered with the Russians is up to 20 ... twenty times the Trump administration has now lied about meetings held that they initially denied EVER having ... and the ultimate insult is Trumps top 3 generals in in administration met IN TRUMP TOWER and President Trump says he was not aware of the meeting and only learned about it YESTERDAY? .... LOL .... give us a break, President CHUMP. How can you possibly expect the people to follow you when you keep lying to us time and time again?

My question is to you Trumpster believers ... how can you possibly keep a straight face when talking about this JOKE of a President? The history books are going to really have volumes to write, and the movie producers many movies to make, after this corrupt administration is gone. But, I guess it'll create those US JOBS that Trump's been promising.
You got that right ... the conservatives are the home office for fascism right now, and we are most definitely resisting it.
If the shoe fits .... WEAR IT!

What you don't realize Mac, it is the liberal left that is putting the power in the hands of the government to control every aspect of our lives. With the dismantlement of the Constitution, Big government will demand complete compliance from it's people. When big government merges with big business then we are on the brink of fascism. Conservatives will have very little to do with it.
the liberal left that is putting the power in the hands of the government to control every aspect of our lives. With the dismantlement of the Constitution, Big government will demand complete compliance from it's people.

we are not the ones in control.... and who is giving everything over to big biz?
it's certainly not the middle class
The liberal left is handing power to the government by demanding free health care, free education, free transportation, free housing, the list goes on.

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have. Thomas Jefferson.
What you don't realize Mac, it is the liberal left that is putting the power in the hands of the government to control every aspect of our lives
....And what you don't realize, or maybe just deny, TwoBi, is that government doesn't shrink when Republicans are in control. They talk a good game until they control the office. What they do manage to do is spend more by shifting much needed revenue into the pockets of the wealthiest, and putting the revenue deficit on the backs of the middleclass-poor. Which is the reason our Nat'l Debt took off like a rocket under Reagan and the reaganite platform. And its so interesting, Trump and Republicans wish to do it again, but this time Mega Style. Unless I've been totally misled, I don't believe you, TwoBi, will benefit with what the Republican party has in mind for the US. In fact, your "lot in life" is going to get worse under them.
.....Still, we're talking about this administration, which has pretty much laid its cards on the table of intentions AGAINST the WILL Of The People. You should go to the fascist checklist and check them off under Republicans ... they pretty much get check marks on ALL the fascist items listed. Start with Nationalism ... do you need HELP here?
.And what you don't realize, or maybe just deny, TwoBi, is that government doesn't shrink when Republicans are in control. They talk a good game until they control the office. What they do manage to do is spend more by shifting much needed revenue into the pockets of the wealthiest, and putting the revenue deficit on the backs of the middleclass-poor.

Oh I'm well aware of that. The Republicans have declined since Reagan, and the Democrats have deteriorated as well. It's the "government" as a whole I look at, not single sidedness such as yourself. Democrats don't care about the will of the people anymore than the Republicans do - why is that so hard for you to see? After just the last 8 years - do we have any better gun law? no we don't. Is poverty any less? no it's not. Racial divide any less? in fact it's greater. Affordable healthcare - I laugh! I can go on and on - the Republican party and conservatives are not the smoking gun. It's the government as a whole that is the problem here - their goal is to control, period.

Just look at state governments - most states are now adopting laws and regulations (big government) that make it a crime to live off-grid. You must be dependent on them, and political party has nothing to do with it.

Constantly pointing the finger is what is keeping the people separated and fighting - exactly what the government wants and neither side gives a ******* about the deficit.

Still, we're talking about this administration, which has pretty much laid its cards on the table of intentions AGAINST the WILL Of The People.

Funny you should point that out - I guess it was OK for the Democrats to pass the ACA when it only had about 45% of the WILL Of The People. You see Mac, we can sit here and point fingers and bicker back and forth all you want.