Politics, Politics, Politics

used to piss me off.... heston and john wayne my 2 heros as a kid..... only to find out later they are right wingers!
note: I am a big gun supporter... even us lib's like our guns!
Maybe Ronald Reagan was a disappointment to you too? Also I guess the hatred against guns is the downfall of the old tv Westerns that used to be regular on tv too?
Maybe Ronald Reagan was a disappointment to you too? Also I guess the hatred against guns is the downfall of the old tv Westerns that used to be regular on tv too?

Reagan definitely not at the top of my list unless you want to count people who have fucked this country the most... then he would be at the top!
if you look at that thread I posted I have a BUNCH on him!... and didn't post all of them

I don't think that guns is what did away with westerns..... just lack of scripts... it got to the point you kind of knew the outcome... no matter the show/star.... the spaghetti westerns kind of revived them for a while.... but all were replaced by cop shows and sitcoms
Reagan definitely not at the top of my list unless you want to count people who have fucked this country the most... then he would be at the top!
if you look at that thread I posted I have a BUNCH on him!... and didn't post all of them

I don't think that guns is what did away with westerns..... just lack of scripts... it got to the point you kind of knew the outcome... no matter the show/star.... the spaghetti westerns kind of revived them for a while.... but all were replaced by cop shows and sitcoms
Before Reagan was a president he was an actor. With him becoming a Republican I thought that might have been a disappointment for you too if he was a c-h-i-l-d hood hero to you just like Eastwood and Heston?
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Before Reagan was a president he was an actor. With him becoming a Republican I thought that might have been a disappointment for you too if he was a c-h-i-l-d hood hero to you just like Eastwood and Heston?
I think we have another P-u-t-i-n type error on the site? See what happens when you write "c-h-i-l-d" without the hyphens?
A necessary trait for Trump as lesser men would break from the pressure with all of the people that would want to ******* Trump.



A necessary trait for Trump as lesser men would break from the pressure with all of the people that would want to ******* Trump.

from what I read yesterday... trump is close to breaking now.... the staff at night can hear him screaming at the television!
I don't think he is of sound mind anymore.... he really thought when he got the job all would be forgotten and he would be the savior..... not happening on any of those accounts.... he can't get out of the money mode and making himself/friends richer..... and hasn't hit yet... but it will be at the expense of the workers.... he has yet to fulfill any campaign promise.... except those to his rich buddies
Before Reagan was a president he was an actor. With him becoming a Republican I thought that might have been a disappointment for you too if he was a c-h-i-l-d hood hero to you just like Eastwood and Heston?

yes he was an actor .... just like the one in the white house now.... and like the old bedtime for bonzo and trumps reality show... never cared for any of them!.... I never saw a Reagan movie I liked.... even without taking into consideration his becoming pres!
If Trump were to fulfill some of his promises and do something with health care...ratings would go up... impeachment talk fade.... but as long as he is not popular even the right is leery of supporting him!

right now he is in a catch22.... can't get anything done because of all the collusion hearings and etc.... and without getting something done FOR THE PEOPLE... they will stay on course... which doesn't help him at all

supposed to be the great negotiator and he hasn't negotiated *******!
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mom Earth really? I know who my mom was and she was not Gaia. But if you can directly trace your family lineage from your legal birth records to Gaia all the power to you. And you disappoint me @subhub174014 because as you have seen with all my prior posts I back them all with facts. I would have posted sooner but I have been busy lately.

Perhaps you foresaw the ongoing losses with the Democrats in the recent wave of Republicans defeating Democrats for Congress as reported by CNN? Which indirectly justifies Trump's presidency, because if there was such a horrible outcry of people echoing your thoughts about Trump, why would Americans vote Republican to support someone like Trump? One has to wonder? Perhaps they see the truth?
( http://www.cnn.com/2017/06/21/politics/democrats-georgia-elections-analysis/index.html )

If that's the case you can always jump back on the Trump band wagon in the future, but given our prior debates I'd doubt it. But this time the focus of my response is not strictly on Trump ( for a change ) but it's on Planned Parenthood.

You can chastise me all you want on Trump, but I still think he was a better choice than Hillary, who incidentally won the Margaret Sanger award ( named after the racist eugenicist herself ):

( http://www.weeklystandard.com/sec.-...e-of-eugenicist-margaret-sanger/article/28444 )
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/trump-wins.79333/page-92#post-1353218 )

That in of itself confirms all I thought of Hillary and more. Plus it makes me think of her as badly as you think of Trump. The last American federal election for you was anyone but Trump but for me it was anyone but Hillary for all the crimes people are quickly forgetting she perpetrated. Despite the flaws and alleged criminal activities of Trump that has yet to be proven to such a degree that he is impeached and formally removed from office. If that becomes openly known outside of staunch Democrats such as yourself that Trump is a "a baby molester/pervert/liar/crook/stealing give to the rich at the expense of the poor/doing a lot of damage to mom earth/commie lover" proven in a court of law where he is thrown to jail for such crimes after the fact, I'll stop supporting Trump and eat crow. But until such a time isn't it interesting how other Republicans Congresspeople were elected on his coat tails as I alluded to earlier? It seems as if the American people are seeing the truth and supporting their POTUS?

Being objective ( showing the other side of my argument ( unlike you are with Trump as you have yet to show a meme with a positive side to Trump from your sources @subhub174014 ) ( in case you forgot remember: ( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/politics-politics-politics.35353/page-479#post-1421750 ) ) ), perhaps with that other exposé I shared there are technical legal grounds where Planned Parenthood could sue the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) in the manner they recorded the video from the wikipedia article:


But you neglected the fact from that article it states:

"In response to Planned Parenthood, CMP stated that 'we look forward to showing the public more clear evidence that Planned Parenthood routinely profits from the sale of baby parts and changes the abortion procedures it uses on pregnant women in order to do so'.[11]".

So unless they settle out of court ( and they probably will to conceal the damning evidence further soiling the reputation of Planned Parenthood reaching the public at large ), and if I am in err it would be nice to see what comes from that case that you graciously shared with me.

But even if Planned Parenthood were to cover up their scandalous activities with this trial there are other ways I can prove they profit from fetuses.

Would not that be illegal? Ben Carson being a neurosurgeon was quoted saying what occurred in the Planned Parenthood video, "clear violation of federal law." However what is said further in that article beneath is that:

"The 'sale' of organs, both adult and *******, for transplantation is indeed illegal, but donation of tissue — both from aborted fetuses and from adults — is not. And payment for 'reasonable' costs is also allowed under the law. The video itself highlights a portion of title 42 of the U.S. code, which reads: 'It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human organ for valuable consideration for use in human transplantation if the transfer affects interstate commerce.' The law does include ******* tissue in its definitions. It says that the term 'valuable consideration' doesn’t include 'reasonable payments' for removal, transportation, preservation and other associated costs."


So, what constitutes a "reasonable cost"? That value is arbitrary and from the initial video that will be tried in that Texas court I originally shared ( ) perhaps a lamborghinis sports car is a "reasonable cost" or other means of remuneration? Or through the following reference too:
( http://thefederalist.com/2017/04/26...hinis-exec-busted-trying-sell-baby-body-parts )

If what I just said is not enough as there are lots of facts to validate what I am saying if you want to check them out. All you need to do is to dig further as the truth is out there as it was on the X-files as there was a video exposé on ABC where also a mom regretted her abortion with Planned Parenthood:
( http://abc13.com/news/graphic-videos-bring-painful-memories-for-abortion-patients/905275/ ).

How a former employee of Planned Parenthood regretted working there such as: ( https://familycouncil.org/?p=12695 ).

How a former physician regret working at Planned Parenthood such as:
( http://www.lifenews.com/2011/05/02/abby-johnson-i-regret-selling-abortions-at-planned-parenthood/ ).

How Planned Parenthood skews their statistics (make sure you watch the video):
( http://dailysignal.com/2016/09/14/t...-parenthood-about-abortion-not-womens-health/ ).

And if you were to investigate further there are sites like this one that goes into graphic detail what happens at Planned Parenthood or other abortion clinics:
( http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils in America/Abortion is *******/planned_parenthood_is_evil.htm ).

Now as I think I can conclude that Planned Parenthood is not a just and righteous organization (Q.E.D.) based on the facts aforestated and there is a movement afoot to defund them that some of your politicians wisely recognize.

I guess next good buddy @subhub174014 you will challenge me about the fact that on cloudless sunny days on planet Earth the sky is blue?
This too:

Washington Times:

A research group in New Jersey has taken a fresh look at postelection polling data and concluded that the number of noncitizens voting illegally in U.S. elections is likely far greater than previous estimates.

As many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have voted in the 2008 election, which put Barack Obama in the White House.

The research organization Just Facts, a widely cited, independent think tank led by self-described conservatives and libertarians, revealed its number-crunching in a report on national immigration.

Just Facts President James D. Agresti and his team looked at data from an extensive Harvard/YouGov study that every two years questions a sample size of tens of thousands of voters. Some acknowledge they are noncitizens and are thus ineligible to vote.

Just Facts’ conclusions confront both sides in the illegal voting debate: those who say it happens a lot and those who say the problem nonexistent.

In one camp, there are groundbreaking studies by professors at Old Dominion University in Virginia who attempted to compile scientifically derived illegal voting numbers using the Harvard data, called the Cooperative Congressional Election Study.

On the other side are the professors who conducted the study and contended that “zero” noncitizens of about 18 million adults in the U.S. voted. The liberal mainstream media adopted this position and proclaimed the Old Dominion work was “debunked.”

The ODU professors, who stand by their work in the face of attacks from the left, concluded that in 2008 as few as 38,000 and as many as 2.8 million noncitizens voted.

Mr. Agresti’s analysis of the same polling data settled on much higher numbers. He estimated that as many as 7.9 million noncitizens were illegally registered that year and 594,000 to 5.7 million voted.

These numbers are more in line with the unverified estimates given by President Trump, who said the number of ballots cast by noncitizens was the reason he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton.

Last month, the president signed an executive order setting up a commission to try to find on-the-ground truth in illegal voting.Headed by Vice President Mike Pence, the panel also will look at outdated voter lists across the nation with names of dead people and multiple registrants.

For 2012, Just Facts said, 3.2 million to 5.6 million noncitizens were registered to vote and 1.2 million to 3.6 million of them voted.

Mr. Agresti lays out his reasoning in a series of complicated calculations, which he compares to U.S. Census Bureau figures for noncitizen residents. Polls show noncitizens vote overwhelmingly Democratic.

“The details are technical, but the figure I calculated is based on a more conservative margin of sampling error and a methodology that I consider to be more accurate,” Mr. Agresti told The Washington Times.

He believes the Harvard/YouGov researchers based their “zero” claim on two flawed assumptions. First, they assumed that people who said they voted and identified a candidate did not vote unless their names showed up in a database.

“This is illogical, because such databases are unlikely to verify voters who use fraudulent identities, and millions of noncitizens use them,” Mr. Agresti said.

This investigation will be finished up and then people will start getting arrested who were involved.
They actually have people on tape signing up illegal aliens, dead people, ect. ect.

The cards are being put out one at a time and when it's done, I would not want to be the ones involved in these crimes.

Trump is not a nice guy when it comes to getting work done, he is the guy who gets ******* done either fast or slow depending on which method works for him.
He is the guy you want on your side if possible.

Nice guys finish last, fact.
I know we tried Ron Paul out, but the people would not listen to him.

I know that is hard for some cucks to understand this.
But most of the Alpha men on here get it, on a gut level.
Most women get this on a gut level also.
Even if they don't support him.
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from what I read yesterday... trump is close to breaking now.... the staff at night can hear him screaming at the television!
I don't think he is of sound mind anymore.... he really thought when he got the job all would be forgotten and he would be the savior..... not happening on any of those accounts.... he can't get out of the money mode and making himself/friends richer..... and hasn't hit yet... but it will be at the expense of the workers.... he has yet to fulfill any campaign promise.... except those to his rich buddies
C'mon despite being POTUS and a billionaire he puts on his pants just like us. If you were to be in Trump's shoes for a day, better yet a week, I don't think you'd take kindly hearing the sorts of things you say about him multiplied by a factor of at least a few million critics, comedians, CNN, or even watch Saturday Night Live in peace without getting ad hominem attacks about you?