Politics, Politics, Politics

I don't think that will happen there OR here!
Europe's problem is they let it go to long....and they had quite a network!..... not a Bush fan BUT the patriot act kind of kept a lid on that.... even though people have pulled some of the teeth of it.... they are still pretty much on top of things....true you can't read someone's mind but...

and it may come to... we have to give up some of our freedoms to remain safe
that's part of the problem with our democracy... we have to much to really be safe...... but so far they have done an excellent job and judges have given them what they need to do the job... I think the only thing we pulled from them was the 'wire tap" or blank monitoring.... but a good judge with reasonable proof will still allow it
Bubba Billy Clinton whose approval was even lower than Trump's at this point in his term.

see post #9464

Clinton's job approval rating ranged from 36% in mid-1993 to 64% in late 1993 and early 1994.[1] In his second term, his rating consistently ranged from the high-50s to the high-60s.[1][2] After his impeachment proceedings in 1998 and 1999, Clinton's rating reached its highest point at 73% approval.[3] He finished with a Gallup poll approval rating of 65%,[4] higher than that of every other departing president measured since Harry Truman.[5]

As he was leaving office, a CNN/USA TODAY/Gallup poll revealed 45% said they'd miss him. While 55% thought he "would have something worthwhile to contribute and should remain active in public life", 68% thought he'd be remembered for his "involvement in personal scandal", and 58% answered "No" to the question "Do you generally think Bill Clinton is honest and trustworthy?". 47% of the respondents identified themselves as being Clinton supporters. 47% said he would be remembered as either "outstanding" or "above average" as a president while 22% said he would be remembered as "below average" or "poor".[6]

anyone want to take a guess who that 22% would be....reaganites!?
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guess everyone is not as stupid as he thought!

8th-grader who skipped Paul Ryan photo op: We’re not brainwashed

One of the students who skipped a photo with House Speaker Paul Ryan last month penned an op-ed defending her peers’ decision.

Approximately 50 eighth-graders from South Orange Middle School in New Jersey opted out of a photo with Ryan last month during a class trip to Washington, D.C. The story drew national headlines, with some criticizing the students as “losers,” “brats” and “disrespectful.” Others said the teenagers were too young to have formed political opinions of their own and were clearly brainwashed by their teachers or parents against Ryan.

“Does anybody believe a 13-year-old kid understands the intricacies of what Speaker Ryan does, day in and day out?” wrote Jay Caruso on Red State, a right-wing blog. “Most 13- and 14-year-olds have neither read widely enough nor lived long enough to have fully formed, independent political views; they are more likely to parrot whatever they’ve learned from trusted adults,” wrote Melissa Langsam Braunstein on the Federalist, another conservative publication.

Jordan McCray-Robinson, an eighth-grader who chose not to take a photo with the speaker of the House, wrote at length Monday defending herself and her classmates.

“I am here to tell the nation that although we’re only in the 8th grade, we have our own thoughts and opinions,” wrote McCray-Robinson. “My teachers did not influence my decision not to take a picture with Mr. Ryan. I decided I didn’t want to take a picture with someone who doesn’t have my best interests in mind. Mr. Ryan and the administration want to cut health care for 23 million people.”

In the piece, McCray-Robinson interviewed a teacher and multiple classmates about the trip, including some students who chose to be in the photo:

A lot of people mistakenly assumed that everyone in the picture supported Paul Ryan and the administration. Another student who wanted to stay anonymous said, “I was in the picture and I took a picture with him because he’s third in line to be the President and he’s a powerful man in our government even though I don’t support him. We were also under the impression that we would be able to ask him some questions. After the picture, he signed someone’s Declaration of Independence, then got in a car and left.”

A photo of Ryan with some of the students was posted to his official Instagram account with the caption “Got that #FridayFeeling.”
John J. Ramos Sr., superintendent of the South Orange-Maplewood School District, defended his students’ actions last week.

“While we should all respectfully and appropriately acknowledge those in authority, taking a conscientious position about a photo op is within our constitutional right,” said Ramos in a statement. “We are proud of all of our students, who exercised their rights and chose whether or not to participate for their own individual reasons.”

“I respect my elders and Mr. Ryan,” continued McCray-Robinson, “but I will not take a picture with someone who stands behind a president who wants to ban Muslims from the country because they worship differently. Why should Muslims or anyone else be banned from this country because of our president’s lack of understanding and compassion for people who aren’t white, male or Christian? I respect views and opinions that differ from mine and I expect the same when it comes to my opinion.”

Asked about the incident by the Washington Post, a spokesman for Ryan said the speaker “always appreciates the opportunity to welcome students to the Capitol.”
