Politics, Politics, Politics

iI WAS keeping up ... I even copied your post so you wouldn't try to avoid denying what I was posting too ... I figured you'd respond in such a way, and also figured your "bubble head" twin would agree. Coincidently ... just as much as an Apple and Orange are different, so are they ALIKE ... both are fruits and a tax cut for the wealthy continues to be passed along as a tax increase for the poor ... matters NOT what you call it, it still takes money out of the pockets of the poorest to offset the additional money given to the wealthiest who DON'T need it.

No - you weren't keeping up. The subject matter of the post had nothing to do with economics. Where do you get that it did?

Here's WHAT you said AGAIN ... and I quote you ... "Why does the Left always justify a wrong with a another wrong?" unquote.

The reference - if you care to pay attention - was that using Ted Nuggents wrong to justify Giffins wrong is in itself - wrong. Again, nothing to do with economics.

You are taking comments out of context and trying to pick a fight. No where did I mention trickle down - nor did I say it was a good thing. I don't necessarily agree with it, but taxing the rich isn't going to solve it either.

I was and still AM pointing out the justification, for the past 35 years of Republicans cutting taxes for the wealthy to create jobs (bad idea) and making the poor pay for them.

I didn't realize the Republicans were in charge for 35 years.... at least one of us have been miss-informed I think. I could have sworn we had a democrat president in there some where, you would think they would have changed it. humm. I haven't seen the poor pay for much of anything , by the way, seems to me it is the middle class that gets left holding the bag. The ACA is a good example, the middle class are the ones paying the highest premiums. The rich are self insured so my premiums cover those making less than 35K.

In 2005, when ******* hit the fan, I told my wife one thing was for sure. The middle class have a choice to make, they either get rich, or become poor. Unless the people do something about the corruption in politics the middle class will dwindle away, Republican or Democrat - it isn't going to matter. We need some real change in the government and change in our way of thinking or this country will become nothing more than another 3rd world country that happens to have nukes.
The real creation of jobs comes when companies are encouraged to invest in R&D to avoid paying taxes,

Really? jobs are created when companies invest in R&D to avoid paying taxes.?? And here I thought jobs were created when people were given the chance to open a business and higher new employees. Please tell me you worded that incorrectly.

Jobs are also created when a business grows. Most, like mine, can't do that without certain tax breaks or less "Red Tape", So I will simply stay at the minimum employment. It just doesn't make economic seance to grow at this point.
Here's WHAT you said AGAIN ... and I quote you ... "Why does the Left always justify a wrong with a another wrong?" unquote.

And if you want to reference this as an "in general" statement - then Yes, simply look back on these 400+ pages and every time someone brings up a wrong that Obama did (Who was president at that time), you or someone else was right there to point out a wrong that Bush did. Tit for tat - over 400 pages of it. So yes, the Left constantly uses one wrong to justify another.
Really? jobs are created when companies invest in R&D to avoid paying taxes.?? And here I thought jobs were created when people were given the chance to open a business and higher new employees. Please tell me you worded that incorrectly.

Jobs are also created when a business grows. Most, like mine, can't do that without certain tax breaks or less "Red Tape", So I will simply stay at the minimum employment. It just doesn't make economic seance to grow at this point.
For once, Mac is right. Jobs are created by companies investing in R&D to get the tax credit. And Mac is thereby giving thanks to the greatest president in US history....the man who pushed through and signed into law the R&D tax credit....Ronald Reagan!!!! It was Reagan who signed the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, which first created the R&D tax credit.
On behalf of Reagan supporters nationwide, let me say: welcome to the club Mac! :bounce:


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His faithful really do not care one iota about any of this. They really, really, truly do not care. Period. The things that he's doing and saying? The way that he is behaving? It's exactly why these folks voted for him. So, regardless of what anyone who feels otherwise might say or post, they're completely happy with this buffoon who best represents their own world view. This is the scary part. He may not be just a one-term president. He could very well be a forever president. He still has so many at his heels and the more he upsets those abroad (and the "lamestream" media), the more public land he gives "back" to the people (well, those with mega $$$, such as himself), the more these folks are pleased with him. Any detractors are simply not patriotic, red-blooded Americans in the minds of these folk.
As a matter of fact, if lists of "subversives" (think back to McCarthyism and the House U-american Commitee) are made and those deemed incorrect thinkers (those who are not "Foxed") are rounded up and placed in detention centers, or worse, these folks will be supportive of this 100%. It's what many of them would actually like to see happen, actually. Don't be fooled. I'll never forget back to right after 9/11 a woman stating in all seriousness that it was perfectly fine to sacrifice liberty for the sake of freedom. Who do you think this woman voted for this last election?
So, imho, it's a pretty hopeless situation in the land of the free.
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This is the antifa modus operandi:

  1. Throw crap at normie conservatives and cross over Democrats from a safe distance.
  2. Get their ass kicked.
  3. Call the cops because they’re “getting assaulted” by Patriots.
  4. Cops arrest them for carrying illegal weapons.
  5. “Fuck da polis!!!!!!”
Unidentified suspects on roof of Chapman Square bathroom. Bag of bricks located, possibly taken from building. pic.twitter.com/WtMeIxUXW6
that's a major problem with the country right now.... Trump promotes violence..... while fucking the country and his followers to blind to see it
Actually the leftist or I should say the extremist left/commies/terrorist/ect. do almost all the violence.
Trump supporters and even people further to the right really become violent unless attacked, aka bricks and bottles thrown at them.
See chart:
BTW: the unknown are the leftist wearing masks and ran before they could arrest them.

You guys need to clean up your political movement or these out landers are going to destroy any chance you got at winning national elections. At least in the U.S.
This is the antifa modus operandi:

  1. Throw crap at normie conservatives and cross over Democrats from a safe distance.
  2. Get their ass kicked.
  3. Call the cops because they’re “getting assaulted” by Patriots.
  4. Cops arrest them for carrying illegal weapons.
  5. “Fuck da polis!!!!!!”
Unidentified suspects on roof of Chapman Square bathroom. Bag of bricks located, possibly taken from building. pic.twitter.com/WtMeIxUXW6
No - you weren't keeping up. The subject matter of the post had nothing to do with economics. Where do you get that it did?

The reference - if you care to pay attention - was that using Ted Nuggents wrong to justify Giffins wrong is in itself - wrong. Again, nothing to do with economics.

You are taking comments out of context and trying to pick a fight. No where did I mention trickle down - nor did I say it was a good thing. I don't necessarily agree with it, but taxing the rich isn't going to solve it either.

I didn't realize the Republicans were in charge for 35 years.... at least one of us have been miss-informed I think. I could have sworn we had a democrat president in there some where, you would think they would have changed it. humm. I haven't seen the poor pay for much of anything , by the way, seems to me it is the middle class that gets left holding the bag. The ACA is a good example, the middle class are the ones paying the highest premiums. The rich are self insured so my premiums cover those making less than 35K.

In 2005, when ******* hit the fan, I told my wife one thing was for sure. The middle class have a choice to make, they either get rich, or become poor. Unless the people do something about the corruption in politics the middle class will dwindle away, Republican or Democrat - it isn't going to matter. We need some real change in the government and change in our way of thinking or this country will become nothing more than another 3rd world country that happens to have nukes.
I swear with you 'trumpies' one will lie and the other swear to it... no matter what... if it ain't politics it's discussion.... go figure... must just like to argue
but time will tell if you get all you want!
i'm betting against it!
BTW: the unknown are the leftist wearing masks and ran before they could arrest them.

You guys need to clean up your political movement or these out landers are going to destroy any chance you got at winning national elections. At least in the U.S.

your chart shows just how crazy you are!... and those that believe you?.... must be....???
killed by sunni extremeists.....secular anarchists?

give me a fucking break...... your phoney fake news you spread and the brainless people who follow.... if you look at the chart you can see it does not apply here to any rioting.... you trumpies.... stir more ******* and keep it going!
and it's apparent that some don't even read just click like..... that is how the right is....blind leading the blind!
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are you friggn nuts!?.that guy fucked this country in so manyways I don't even know where to start... but a good place to start would be the lies with social security
Don't come arguing with me. Go talk to your buddy MacNfries. He's the one that posted in support of Reagan's corporate tax cut for R&D....although I suspect he was ignorant of the history of that corporate tax cut when he did so.