Politics, Politics, Politics

I'll never understand how a guy who body shames women the way that our POSUS does still is able to claim so many women's (or that of men who truly respect and love women) unflagging, unwavering devotion the way that he is able to.

These women support him and i'm fairly certain that he might have unsavory things to say regarding their physical appearance. They make excuses for the sorry F***. How many women go throught the ups and down trials of raising a physical or mentally handicapped baby and have to deal with the horrendous heart-ache of the day-to-day heartlessness faced by these children whom they love so deeply. And our guy stand upon the stage for millions to see him blatantly ridiculing a handicapped persons disabilities. And he gets elected? I'm sorry, but to me that alone is nothing less than the worst twilight zone episode ever.

The entire world knows this. The racism in our country is absolutely appalling. It's like the bigots empowered with Orange Mussolini in office! Absolutely nuts. I knew it was pretty bad, but while Obama was in office i got to realize how much worse it really is. And now i'm seeing that's it's even much worse than i had thought with the previous guy in office.
I wonder if any that condemns Trump can defend the image of Kathy Griffin beheading president Trump?

Funny How Trump Was Cool With Ted Nugent Joking About Killing The President

President Donald Trump, along with many others, was understandably disgusted this week by a photo of Kathy Griffin in which she is seen holding a prop resembling a bloodied and beheaded version of the president’s head.
Early Wednesday morning, Trump called the photo “sick” and said Griffin “should be ashamed of herself.”
It’s an entirely justifiable reaction to a photo that has gotten Griffin fired from her gig as co-host of CNN’s New Year’s Eve programming.

But it’s also worth noting that Trump had a much different reaction when someone who later supported his run for president also joked about killing the commander in chief.

In the lead-up to the 2012 presidential election, musician Ted Nugent made comments at a National Rifle Association meeting in St. Louis that, like Griffin’s photo, led to an investigation by the Secret Service.

“We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their [the Obama administration’s] heads off in November,” Nugent said at the time.

He added, “If Barack Obama becomes the next president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.”

Trump addressed Nugent’s comments directly. But rather than saying the musician should be “ashamed” of himself, as he said of Griffin, Trump declared that Nugent demonstrated “the anger people have towards” then–President Obama, even if his “figure of speech” was a bit “unfortunate.”

Donald J. Trump
✔ @realDonaldTrump
Ted Nugent was obviously using a figure of speech, unfortunate as it was. It just shows the anger people have towards @BarackObama.

Nugent would go on to become one of Trump’s loudest supporters once he officially launched his presidential campaign, saying at one point that “Donald Trump is as close to Ted Nugent as you’re going to get in politics.”
He would go on to say other things too, like a joke about assassinating Harry Reid, and that Obama and Hillary Clinton “should be tried for treason & hung.”

Nevertheless, Trump invited Nugent to the White House last month, where he posed for a photo with a man who has repeatedly called for the deaths of high-level government officials.

On Wednesday, Politico reporter Matthew Nussbaum asked White House press secretary Sean Spicer how Griffin’s photo compared to Nugent’s past comments.

“Obviously [Griffin’s] conduct has been widely condemned, and it’s not a partisan thing to say joking about violence toward the president is unacceptable,” Nussbaum began.

But on that note, I wanted to ask about Ted Nugent, who joked multiple times about assassinating President Barack Obama, who said Hillary Clinton should be hanged. He was invited to the White House for dinner by President Trump. Do you believe that was appropriate? And if Trump is offended by this incident, why was he not bothered by all of Mr. Nugent’s comments?”

Spicer all but balked at the question.

“I’d have to look back and see what those statements were and what the reaction was at the time,” Spicer said.
Nussbaum gave an example: when Nugent said that Obama should “suck on [his] machine gun.” Spicer had no answer and moved on to the next question.
Why does the Left always justify a wrong with a another wrong? Lets forget the Fact that Nugents comments were figurative (apples) and Griffins image was quite literal (oranges). If Nugent held up a bloodied head of Obama - that would be something to compare with - but he didn't. I wouldn't agree with anyone doing it to Obama anymore than I do with Trump. I don't like either one - but I do still respect the position. What Trump & Ted is doing is really no different that people on these forums. Like minded people group together, its human nature.

If she simply stated she wanted to cut his head off - it wouldn't have been any more a deal than Ted was. The Imagery brought it to a whole new level (not to mention tons of publicity for a dying comedian which, most likely, was the real motivation) Just as the Left has always cried - "you have freedom of speech but you can be accountable for what you say" Well, suck up and bust Kathy, the left should be held accountable just as much as the right should.
If Nugent held up a bloodied head of Obama

If she simply stated she wanted to cut his head off

If your aunt had balls she would be your uncle

double standards....... under this administration you do something against America... you get invited to the white house... and right thinks it is fine....it the left does something... it is deplorable and there should be action!
nugent has dinner with the pres... griffin gets canned..... that's the way the right is!

let's not forget during his campaign... one of his many 'taunts" was for people who believe in the second amendment should do something with Hillary..... just one of many.... and yet not one person from the right stepped up and said that was wrong

just last week at one of his pep rallies and was being harassed by a heckler.... his comment... in the old days we would have smashed that guys face in.... if you push that kind of rhetoric you have to expect it in return!

no matter what it is or what was said/done..... there is always going to be someone that takes it one step further!
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Again - picking words out of context, there are double standards from both sides, so whats your point? I'm not defending Trumps or Teds actions. Again - two wrongs don't make it write. It was wrong for Ted to say those things and it was wrong for Kathy, but don't use his wrong to justify her wrong.
I'm not justifying either one..... but it does basically sum up politics in general... it just keeps going on and on and each side seems to out do the other
every election you hear stick with the issues

oh well.... nothing you and I can do to change it.... nothing will change.... EVEN when you vote!

but for trump or anyone else to make an issue of it... when he is just as bad....
what's the saying that applies here.... people in glass houses

as a country we should have and could have stopped it a long time ago and didn't... we would rather let it slide so "our man" won

I didn't think what she did was right.... but just seems to be politics anymore so didn't give it a second thought!
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Why does the Left always justify a wrong with a another wrong?
The LEFT, is it? What do you call 35 years of "Trickle Down Economics" ... fool? Where do you think the first $10 trillion of national debt came from? Past Democrat presidents?
And NOW the Republicans apply Trickle Down to their frik'n budget ... Trump reveals his Infra-structure bill Saturday ...
pic_political-cartoon-RobPeterToPayPaul.jpg..........GIF_GrouchoMarx.gif "Corporate TRICKLE DOWN ... wow, how original!"
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The LEFT, is it? What do you call 35 years of "Trickle Down Economics" ... fool? Where do you think the first $10 trillion of national debt came from? Past Democrat presidents?
And NOW the Republicans apply Trickle Down to their frik'n budget ... Trump reveals his Infra-structure bill Saturday ...
View attachment 1302697..........View attachment 1302699 "Corporate TRICKLE DOWN ... wow, how original!"

Again, Apples to Oranges - what does Trickle down Economics have anything to do with the subject of my post? Try to keep up with the conversation, I know comprehension isn't your strong suit. Suggesting death to the president has nothing to do with economics, and even less to do with your opinion of Trickle-Down.

So what is your economic plan Sir Robin, more take from the rich and give to the poor? Another plan that hasn't worked any better.
Again, Apples to Oranges - what does Trickle down Economics have anything to do with the subject of my post?
iiiI WAS keeping up ... I even copied your post so you wouldn't try to avoid denying what I was posting too ... I figured you'd respond in such a way, and also figured your "bubble head" twin would agree. Coincidently ... just as much as an Apple and Orange are different, so are they ALIKE ... both are fruits, just as a tax cut for the wealthy continues to be passed along as a tax increase for the poor ... matters NOT what you call it, it still takes money out of the pockets of the poorest to offset the additional money given to the wealthiest who DON'T need it.

...Here's WHAT you said AGAIN ... and I quote you ... "Why does the Left always justify a wrong with a another wrong?" unquote.
...I was and still AM pointing out the justification, for the past 35 years of Republicans cutting taxes for the wealthy to create jobs (bad idea) and making the poor pay for them. They know its a LIE and always has been, but obviously one's opinion on this is based upon which end you're on. We wouldn't be having this very argument, or possibly this thread of discussion IF Republicans hadn't suddenly decided years ago to build its base off the wealthy and BUY its way into office. And it is FOR SURE we wouldn't have the Nat'l Debt skyrocketing out of control IF the Republicans hadn't cut taxes so many times and starting to do AGAIN with the fourth Republican president.

...Its apparent conservatives don't believe the Spoke quote from the 2nd StarTrek movie ... "The needs of the MANY outweigh the needs of the FEW". They still perceive the wealthiest as kind "givers & doers" when many are not much better than the rat we have in office now ... vultures living off the weak and buying themselves more tax breaks with their political pull.
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So what is your economic plan Sir Robin, more take from the rich and give to the poor?
...The real creation of jobs comes when companies are encouraged to invest in R&D to avoid paying taxes, TwoBi ... not giving them free gifts of "tax cuts" with hopes that they will trickle down their appreciation by creating low paying jobs for the poor. At least it wouldn't hurt to try that again (worked for Clinton) since 35 years of Supply-Side hasn't produced a damn thing but debt .... and what should be expect when we keep cutting funding to public education. We dumb down the populous then cut OFF their so-called welfare saying "they'll sink or swim" ... BS. Hasn't worked thus far, AIN'T gonna work NOW.
...It wouldn't hurt if we'd cut off the welfare to the Oil Companies. But not OUR PRESIDENT ... he wants to invest MORE in oil and then denies its spinoff polutions.