Politics, Politics, Politics

did you see where Germany announced they would have to make some changes now that they feel they can no longer count on the US for support?
France not happy with our new dictator either!
he also made an ass out of himself at this latest summit
it's said Russia wants to break up our group of allies... and Trump seems to be doing just that!...divide and conquer!
His faithful really do not care one iota about any of this. They really, really, truly do not care. Period. The things that he's doing and saying? The way that he is behaving? It's exactly why these folks voted for him. So, regardless of what anyone who feels otherwise might say or post, they're completely happy with this buffoon who best represents their own world view. This is the scary part. He may not be just a one-term president. He could very well be a forever president. He still has so many at his heels and the more he upsets those abroad (and the "lamestream" media), the more public land he gives "back" to the people (well, those with mega $$$, such as himself), the more these folks are pleased with him. Any detractors are simply not patriotic, red-blooded Americans in the minds of these folk.
As a matter of fact, if lists of "subversives" (think back to McCarthyism and the House U-american Commitee) are made and those deemed incorrect thinkers (those who are not "Foxed") are rounded up and placed in detention centers, or worse, these folks will be supportive of this 100%. It's what many of them would actually like to see happen, actually. Don't be fooled. I'll never forget back to right after 9/11 a woman stating in all seriousness that it was perfectly fine to sacrifice liberty for the sake of freedom. Who do you think this woman voted for this last election?
So, imho, it's a pretty hopeless situation in the land of the free.
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Republicans no longer believe in Americans
The Salt Lake Tribune Mon, May 29 5:00 AM CDT
Over the years, the Republican Party has evolved into an organization that loves America but hates Americans. Each bill it introduces in Congress reduces or eliminates benefits for the poor and middle class, while enriching the 1 percent that really don't need help. Republicans may pay lip service about how wonderful their political party is while they betray our American values. It is time for the Republican Party to start believing in America and all Americans. I would also like to thank Gloria Kern for her May 20 letter on "post turtles." We have way too many post turtles in Washington. ...
well,well,well.... no Obama to blame this time

The Upcoming Votes Republicans Are Really Dreading

There’s nothing that united Republicans more tightly during the Obama years than their shared criticism of all the debt that racked up under the president’s watch. They raised political hell every time Democrats needed to raise the debt ceiling, and in 2011 they brought the country to the brink of default by insisting on spending and reforms in exchange for their votes.
This year, however, it’s all on them.

Trump administration officials told lawmakers this week that the Treasury Department would need authority to issue more debt earlier than expected this year, urging Congress to act before its traditional summer recess begins in August. Republican leaders initially believed they would have until the fall before the Treasury Department exhausted the “extraordinary measures” it undertakes to buy more time, but Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, testified that tax receipts have come in slower that expected.

In a separate appearance, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told lawmakers that he preferred they pass a “clean” increase in the debt limit—that is, without conditions or extraneous provisions. That request was both entirely expected and somewhat galling, coming from the administration of a party who for years had opposed that position when it was advocated by a Democratic president.

Mnuchin’s push drew a swift rebuttal from the House Freedom Caucus, which adopted an official position in opposition to a “clean” debt-limit hike calling for Congress to pair the new authority with spending reforms. The pushback set up an all-too-familiar quandary for Republican leaders: Negotiate with conservatives on a bill that might turn off moderates and fail in the Senate, or abandon the party’s right flank and turn to Democrats for help.

We’re going to be talking with our members and with the administration on how we resolve the debt ceiling,” Speaker Paul Ryan told reporters on Thursday. “The debt ceiling issue will get resolved.” He acknowledged that the administration’s demand for an earlier vote had ****** them to move up their timetable for acting on the debt ceiling, but he didn’t flinch at Mnuchin’s request for a clean bill. “Every treasury secretary says this and every treasury secretary needs to say this,” Ryan said.

Other Republicans suggested the Trump administration was borrowing a negotiating tactic from Obama by dialing up the urgency; Congress rarely acts without a deadline, and telling lawmakers the markets will crash in early September is probably the best way to get them to vote in July before heading home for a month. In the last couple of years, GOP majorities have mostly given up on debt ceiling fights; instead of trying to woo conservatives, Republican leaders have swallowed hard and asked Democrats to bail them out. That might be the likeliest outcome this year, and so far, Democrats have given no indication—yet—they’ll try to extract policy concessions in exchange for their votes. Watching Republican endure a round of embarrassing headlines has been reward enough.

For a time prior to the brinksmanship of the Obama years, congressional majorities approved debt-ceiling increases alongside their annual budget resolutions. That might be an appealing option for Republicans, who could meet the Freedom Caucus’s demand for spending reforms in the budget and demonstrate their continuing desire to erase longterm deficits.

The problem is that the budget isn’t proving any easier to pass.

As a non-binding statement of priorities, the budget had once been a point of pride for House Republicans, who rallied behind the entitlement reforms and tax cuts in the blueprints Ryan wrote as chairman of the Budget Committee. But this year, GOP lawmakers have spent more time picking apart President Trump’s proposal than debating their own. The party is divided about how deeply to cut domestic spending and worried about endorsing policies that could offer more political fodder for an energized Democratic opposition.

The budget process is already about two months behind schedule, and as with health care, there is growing skepticism among senior Republicans that they can pass anything in the more conservative House that could gain the support of the far narrower GOP majority in the Senate. “I’m always leery of the Senate, because their record on this is frankly not nearly as good as the House,” said Representative Tom Cole of Oklahoma, a senior member of both the budget and appropriations committees. “But I think there’s cause for concern on the House side, too.”

“We’re still a ways away,” Cole told me.

Another obstacle for House Republicans is the underlying mistrust between the members who write the budget proposals setting strict caps for departments, and the appropriators who then draft spending bills that must adhere to those spending levels. In recent years, those appropriations bills have often failed to pass out of the House, frustrating committee members who feel their colleagues have given them unrealistic spending targets only to abandon them on tough votes later on. “That’s starting to wear on some people,” Representative Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania, co-chairman of the moderate Tuesday Group and a member of the Appropriations Committee.

Republicans got away without passing a budget last year, relying on a two-year agreement they struck with the Obama administration a year earlier. But that’s not an option this year if the party wants to enact tax reform, its top priority after repealing and replacing Obamacare. Passing a budget resolution is necessary to start the reconciliation process that Republicans are relying on to cut taxes without running into a Democratic filibuster in the Senate. As a last resort, the GOP might even skip all the details about entitlement reform and budget cuts, slap a top-line spending level and instructions for tax reform on a few pieces of paper, and call it a budget. “Much of the rest of it is aspirational and messaging,” Dent said. “But this is what is real.”

A stripped-down budget would serve the GOP’s immediate needs, but it risks adding to the list of complaints that conservatives have lodged against the party leadership—and which might grow longer still if Republicans cave on the debt ceiling. With their promises on health care and tax reform each in doubt, it would mark yet another opportunity gone by for a party that hasn’t proven itself to voters, one that began the year with grand ambitions but finds itself merely treading water instead.

this is our leader representing us to the world?
the whole world is laughing at this blooming fucking idiot right now..... to include Russia..... they wanted to split up our allies
and now they have Trump doing it for them!

As Trump's Aides Touted His Alliance-Building, European Leaders Mocked And Disparaged Him

'Atlanticist' Merkel rams home frustration with Trump after summits

Trump fires back at Merkel, says Germany is 'very bad' for the US

Italy backs Merkel call for stronger Europe in age of Trump

Former NATO envoy: ‘This seems to be the end of an era’

Spicer tussles with reporters after Trump’s foreign trip

Trump ‘Knows Republicans Are Stupid,’ Jared Kushner Allegedly Said to Former Editor

TRUMP: Senate Republicans should use the 'nuclear option' to pass healthcare and tax cuts

and this just shows what he thinks of health care and the taxes for the middle class
So true...many men try so hard to be compliant and fit in with what's considered societal norms. Listen to correct music, watch correct news, cheer for correct sports, wear correct clothes, drive correct truck, etc.

Some men don't try to fit the mold and say fuck your norms. Some men are black sheep and could give two fucks what your opinion of them is.

But in your world order, only the former are "real" men. So who's the "Sheeple"?
I wonder if any that condemns Trump can defend the image of Kathy Griffin beheading president Trump?

Is that fair?

If it was an image of my pals @subhub174014, @MacNfries, or @bigblackbull76, or anyone else you would be rightfully minded to call the cops or get private investigators to unearth who is behind such a heinous act that tried to threaten you so openly? (Not that I am threatening anyone it was just an hypothetical example.) Unfortunately Trump has to endure this somehow?
( http://www.tmz.com/2017/05/30/kathy-griffin-apology-video-donald-trump-beheading-photo/ )
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Unfortunately Trump has to endure this somehow?

not my cup of tea BUT
Obama put up with a lot while in office.... after all who can forget his speech to the joint session of congress and republican shouting out he was lying! if you look at the republican polls right now.... the republicans favor p u t in over Obama..... and all Obama did was bring this country out of a recession and a few other things
and that is just one of the nicer things they have said and done

I will admit that respect for the office has gone.... but the right also set that precedent!

and until he puts the Russian thing to rest.... and he is not doing it by lying and covering up... most don't feel he is a legitament pres
no respect for anyone who lies... deceives....and destroys the country
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I wonder if any that condemns Trump can defend the image of Kathy Griffin beheading president Trump?

Is that fair?

If it was an image of my pals @subhub174014, @MacNfries, or @bigblackbull76, or anyone else you would be rightfully minded to call the cops or get private investigators to unearth who is behind such a heinous act that tried to threaten you so openly? (Not that I am threatening anyone it was just an hypothetical example.) Unfortunately Trump has to endure this somehow?
( http://www.tmz.com/2017/05/30/kathy-griffin-apology-video-donald-trump-beheading-photo/ )

Have you not learned? Hatred from the left is ALWAYS justified, there is just no such thing. While hatred from the right is simply fear mongering.
with no back channels now... he has no other way of letting the mom country (Russia) know what's going on

Trump's use of private cellphone raises security concerns

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has been handing out his cellphone number to world leaders and urging them to call him directly, an unusual invitation that breaks diplomatic protocol and is raising concerns about the security and secrecy of the U.S. commander in chief's communications.

Trump has urged leaders of Canada and Mexico to reach him on his cellphone, according to former and current U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the practice. Of the two, only Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has taken advantage of the offer so far, the officials said.

Trump also exchanged numbers with French President Emmanuel Macron when the two spoke immediately following Macron's victory earlier this month, according to a French official, who would not comment on whether Macron intended to use the line.

All the officials demanded anonymity because they were not authorized to reveal the conversations. Neither the White House nor Trudeau's office responded to requests for comment.

The notion of world leaders calling each other up via cellphone may seem unremarkable in the modern, mobile world. But in the diplomatic arena, where leader-to-leader calls are highly orchestrated affairs, it is another notable breach of protocol for a president who has expressed distrust of official channels. The formalities and discipline of diplomacy have been a rough fit for Trump — who, before taking office, was long easily accessible by cellphone and viewed himself as freewheeling, impulsive dealmaker.

Presidents generally place calls on one of several secure phone lines, including those in the White House Situation Room, the Oval Office or the presidential limousine. Even if Trump uses his government-issued cellphone, his calls are vulnerable to eavesdropping, particularly from foreign governments, national security experts say.
I had to make note of it as no one else here would.

well that is not entirely true.....
if you recall look at all that was said about Obama's African roots.... the right pushed that ******* all the time..... look at Hillary during the election... said she was running a baby porno ring in the basement of a pizza house in NYC... someone came in with a gun to "take care" of it.... come to find out the place doesn't even have a basement

for the right doing such things is just common place... but if done by the left.... they want to cry foul.... always been that way!
they not only condone that *******... some of them even believe it
anything done to or said about a Dem is just normal and doesn't even cross their mind until it comes back on them

typical dish it out and can't take it
it goes way back to a lot of pres elections..... AFTER the election the truth comes out... but not before... Hillary being a good example... Kerry... Dukakis.... on and on

besides you knew it was a fake..... it didn't stop his twitter feeds!
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