Politics, Politics, Politics

ok.... just curious you got so uptight about it.... I like Hand Solo.... since there are so few of us libs on here.... but I guess it is something between the 2 of you

aww what the hell we all lose it once in a while... can't control human nature and moods... everyone has them

well except me.... it is the wonderfulness of myself that brings radiance and sunshine onto this board.....
if you buy that I have a bridge for sale also
Yes, let your fears be the ******* which drives you in your daily lives. The terrorists certainly won't be the winners, then. Right?

Winning...making America Great Again...

I don't live in fear - merely pointing out that it is not all cream and unicorns like the left would want us to believe. It is amazing how the left refuses to see the harm being done and denounces it so quickly. It is the Left that lives in fear.
Guns ******* - lets ban them
Back Packs can carry bombs - lets ban them
Thugs where hoodies - lets ban them
Soda makes you fat - lets limit the size
Cars can run down people - lets erect barriers at tax payers expense

I could continue - there is a pattern there if you care to look for. Your fear causes you to attack the symptom while ignoring the real problem. There is nothing wrong with vetting immigrants, why are so many against preventing those that would do us harm from coming in?
I would ask that America take us over so we could get rid of Justin Trudeau, but the British Royal Mafia family would disagree...

Stiff. LOL Sorry but now you're posting unfounded bullshit.. Canada like Gambia can just use its own Government assembly to vote to leave, and leave on notice. So why you would want the US to take you over when America under Lord Marmalade would make your country as broken as the US is right now....And it has NOTHING to do with the royal UK family...They have NO say in who remains or goes as proven by Gambia leaving, Pakistan to name two.
Yes, let your fears be the ******* which drives you in your daily lives. The terrorists certainly won't be the winners, then. Right?

Winning...making America Great Again...

yes it would appear the right certainly has enough of those..... lets ban all muslims....afraid one might be a terroist..... lets limit and restrict the vote... they might vote against you.... lets give the wealthy more money... they need it to invest overseas... the middle class has enough to eat what more do they need....... lets cut education funds... ne sense wasting money on the poor they don't need it the rich has their private schools.... mom earth..... hell only good for one thing drilling and mining.... who cares about tomorrow....the right has their Fears... and their "don't give a fucks".... I could go on with a lot more fears and don't give a fucks the right seems to have

while i'm at it.... why is the right is the one that claims to follow the constitution on everything... and yet so many of their laws are deemed unconstitutional?.... maybe they are just designed to cover themselves out of fear the left might want so equal rights

the right would have you believe that everything that is wrong with America is their doing..... and yet who has had the most control over government in the last..... long fucking time....what is wrong is the right!

but they keep nibbling at gerrymandering.... voter registration and everything they can to keep their thumb on the controls
but I suppose... depending on which side of the fence you are on... you could say the left is destroying the country with their complaining
hell let's look at the gun thing.... before Obama was pres and just running all you heard was he is going to take your guns.... that's all the right screamed about.... and 8 years in office and not once did he introduce any legislation to take your guns....just another example of more fear mongering from the right
If you want to see how well a Democrat government works - just ask Africa. They have had Democrat control for what 60 years now? Ask those impoverished people how that is working out for them.
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Funny how every time someone posts something Factual, substantiated and logical, some internet Troll buries it 3 pages deep by posting ******* loads of half truth, out of context, or misleading memes.

It's also funny the left embraces Sharia Law but tells us Russians are sent by the devil and they are off limits to open communications. LOL Oh the Irony...
Stiff. LOL Sorry but now you're posting unfounded bullshit.. Canada like Gambia can just use its own Government assembly to vote to leave, and leave on notice. So why you would want the US to take you over when America under Lord Marmalade would make your country as broken as the US is right now....And it has NOTHING to do with the royal UK family...They have NO say in who remains or goes as proven by Gambia leaving, Pakistan to name two.
Hi @DaphneD. You have some nerve challenging me about things that you are clearly ignorant about. When you have the unmitigated gall to post something that ridiculous at the very least you should post some evidence as I do whenever there is some fact that is not widely known to backup your bullshit. So here's your education. Following is the hierarchy of the Canadian government. Please make note who is on top the "Governor General":
( http://www.canadahistoryproject.ca/can-govt-today/can-govt-today-02-chart.html )

He / she is the Queen's representative. And the British Royals have other such representatives in other Commonwealth countries. One may separate from the UK but they always maintain some form of control with these nations with these representatives besides a following for the game of cricket. The Governor General can technically fire the Prime Minister but they generally have a ceremonial role. In Canada there is no precedent of a Governor General firing a Prime Minister, however in Australia there was a constitutional issue where their Prime Minister was dismissed in 1975.
( http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/the-delicate-role-of-the-governor-general-1.701974 )

So you are infinitely wrong on what you said. But if you wish to prove me wrong, and prove all my posts are wrong go for it. I invite you to begin and join up with @bigblackbull76, who is oddly quiet about how wrong my algebra is, and how I provided a fake proof of how 2=1. Because I said it's fake, of course with me being a bullshitter I am wrong, so you are welcome to join up with my 2=1 challenge and prove that the number two is equal to the number one. And then take that to academia, the news, and become the 21st Century Einstein if you can defend your algebra and the flaw I did not mention that you are most welcome to discover and mention first.
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/thread...ump-gets-impeached.92341/page-23#post-1401468 )
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Funny how every time someone posts something Factual, substantiated and logical, some internet Troll buries it 3 pages deep by posting ******* loads of half truth, out of context, or misleading memes.

It's also funny the left embraces Sharia Law but tells us Russians are sent by the devil and they are off limits to open communications. LOL Oh the Irony...
Amen, I'm developing more haters or those that want to debate me than Trump has haters lately!
ok.... just curious you got so uptight about it.... I like Hand Solo.... since there are so few of us libs on here.... but I guess it is something between the 2 of you

aww what the hell we all lose it once in a while... can't control human nature and moods... everyone has them

well except me.... it is the wonderfulness of myself that brings radiance and sunshine onto this board.....
if you buy that I have a bridge for sale also
Like you there are some things that can touch a nerve or if I feel something is insanely incorrect just like what @DaphneD said ( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/politics-politics-politics.35353/page-468#post-1404121 ) and I refuted with ( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/politics-politics-politics.35353/page-469#post-1404339 )

You and me might have started on the wrong foot, but compared to these other guys and gal, you are definitely the centrist @subhub174014 !
Oh...the left embraces Sharia Law. Oh, OK. Does that mean that Sharia Law is open to equal rights for LGBT folks, or liberal minded environmental protections and *******, as well as human, rights and liberties. So Sharia Law feels that the government should have no place in determining a woman's reproductive rights or access to healthcare regarding these rights. And Sharia Law believes that the church and government should remain separated? Sharia Law is opposed to censorship, then, as well? And opposed to the death penalty and the chance that innocent men have fried because of it? Really? Well, darn, all this time i really had no idea what Sharia Law was all about.

Thank you for the enlightenment.

And, by the way, we're all aware that the ex-KGB fellow is an absolute angel.

Boy, have we been misled. Sheesh. Thanks again. Us libs and our half-truths and our whacky spin and falling for what the other 99.9% of the planet thinks.

LOL...the irony...

Oh...and it's so nice to have a guy in office who knows how to treat other nations like the lesser, subordinate nations that they most certainly are, white knuckles and all.
Oh...the left embraces Sharia Law. Oh, OK. Does that mean that Sharia Law is open to equal rights for LGBT folks, or liberal minded environmental protections and *******, as well as human, rights and liberties. So Sharia Law feels that the government should have no place in determining a woman's reproductive rights or access to healthcare regarding these rights. And Sharia Law believes that the church and government should remain separated? Sharia Law is opposed to censorship, then, as well? And opposed to the death penalty and the chance that innocent men have fried because of it? Really? Well, darn, all this time i really had no idea what Sharia Law was all about.

Thank you for the enlightenment.

And, by the way, we're all aware that the ex-KGB fellow is an absolute angel.

Boy, have we been misled. Sheesh. Thanks again. Us libs and our half-truths and our whacky spin and falling for what the other 99.9% of the planet thinks.

LOL...the irony...

Oh...and it's so nice to have a guy in office who knows how to treat other nations like the lesser, subordinate nations that they most certainly are, white knuckles and all.

You see, I can take things out of context also. You single out one video from my entire post and attack that aspect, not to mention still dancing around the question - and the real problem.

I'll ask again, what is wrong with vetting immigrants? What is wrong with making immigrants follow the laws of the United States? what is wrong with asking those that live here and suck off our benefits to be loyal law abiding citizens?
I'll ask again, what is wrong with vetting immigrants? What is wrong with making immigrants follow the laws of the United States?
....Not a thing ... absolutely we should fully vet any foreigners coming into this country. Just like we should full vet anyone wishing to obtain a "carry permit" for pistols ... yet the gun lobbyists and many conservatives here think it unfair to do more thorough background checks or require special permits, while in the same breath they cut funding & benefits for mental illness and loudly and falsely cry that the government is wanting to take their guns.
....Problem, however, with illegals is that we know HOW to stop illegals from entering the country, but it affects/impacts the constituents and voters we rely on to stay in office. So we simply blame the opposite party.
And as far as "sucking off the benefits, no one does it better than the super rich ... the poor receive just enough to survive (Tarp, etc), the super rich influence legislation and then suck off the country by the $millions & $billions of dollars ... but THAT'S ok because they promise to create jobs, jobs, jobs ... right?
Amen, I'm developing more haters or those that want to debate me than Trump has haters lately!
....Oh give us a break and quit being so vain, STIFF ... no one HERE hates you, but if playing the victim makes you feel good, then by all means play it. Just don't rephrase comments that have been said to fit your argument, ok? I'm certainly at peace with you, unless you desire me to be an adversary.
....I think a lot of Trumpies are just ill because they are starting to see exactly what they voted for and the fact he's reneged on practically everything he used during his campaigns to dupe the fools that did vote for him.
You and me might have started on the wrong foot, but compared to these other guys and gal, you are definitely the centrist @subhub174014 !

I don't know about that... but there are definitely a couple right wing whacko's on here a lot... that are very thin skinned and only see it one way... but then that's how the right is
if you don't agree with them the name calling starts... and then the crying when you give it back..... crazy fuckers!
best to just let them spout their ******* and forget.... no discussion there!

I think I can... discuss with about anyone...except when the names start.... then I try to go one further.... but then isn't that how most ******* starts?
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....Oh give us a break and quit being so vain, STIFF ... no one HERE hates you, but if playing the victim makes you feel good, then by all means play it. Just don't rephrase comments that have been said to fit your argument, ok? I'm certainly at peace with you, unless you desire me to be an adversary.
....I think a lot of Trumpies are just ill because they are starting to see exactly what they voted for and the fact he's reneged on practically everything he used during his campaigns to dupe the fools that did vote for him.
If you note @MacNfries I did also say
Amen, I'm developing more haters or those that want to debate me than Trump has haters lately!

I don't wish to be anyone's enemy I'm just defending ideas that I think are true to me. I know other people have their own opinion about things and with a very touchy subject of politics no one is going to proselytize the other when both sides are so polarized to their side. I'm afraid only history will decide whether or not an issue or a leader is right or wrong. I'm afraid in the meantime we can only reflect on the news. I'm at peace with you too and I'll also say you are an intelligent guy but we differ on something things ( and that's good because if everyone thought the same it'd be a dull world ( all I'd ask is to remain civil and prove things as you say them as I have tried to do so ) ) and I'm not looking at picking fights here. Also things might not look good for Trump, but seeing you are a man of faith if you were going to time travel back in time when David fought Goliath, it looked bad for David too yet he won. Similarly, it looks bad for Trump now and he might get out this season of strife too.
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