Politics, Politics, Politics

Fleeing Christian refugees face hatred in Europe, says charity
THOUSANDS of Christian refugees fleeing the Middle East are being targeted by radical Muslims when they reach Europe.
By Marco Giannangeli
PUBLISHED: 00:01, Sun, Feb 21, 2016


Christian refugees fleeing the Middle East are being targeted by radical Muslims in Europe
Charity Open Doors says there has been a spate of incidents in northern France involving Iranian Christian converts being persecuted by Iraqi Muslims.

One Iranian convert has been murdered.

“Many Christians amongst the refugees are fleeing persecution and discrimination,” said Michel Varton, director of Open Doors France.


Churches have shown dedication to help the Christian refugees
Many Christians are fleeing persecution and discrimination

Michel Varton

“They are already traumatised by their terrible experience in the Middle East. Imagine their despair to realise that, once here in France, they are suffering the same discrimination and hate from fellow immigrants.

“The local churches have shown dedication to help the Christian refugees and those who are genuinely interested in the Christian faith. The authorities must allow them to have simple buildings where they can meet and worship God in security.

"It’s totally unacceptable that someone could lose their life for their faith once in France.”

Migrants go to extreme lengths to cross borders
Fri, October 7, 2016
Desperate migrants fleeing Syria and surrounding places have been trying to sneak across borders in incredible ways. These include hiding in suitcases and sleeping next to car bonnets


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David Cameron faces growing pressure to classify the slaughter of Christians as genocide
The reports come as David Cameron faces growing pressure to classify the slaughter of Christians by Islamic State as genocide.

Incidents of Christian persecution by fundamentalists include families being crucified after failing to convert to Islam.

Lord Alton of Liverpool said last night: “As people escape from genocide and persecution, they think they have reached safety in Europe only to find that it has followed them here.

“The persecution of Christians by ISIS is genocide. Iwill table an amendment in 10 days time in the House of Lords arguing that a Supreme Court judge should be empowered to hold a judicial review into this issue.”
Sub. For once I will agree with it is

my position against his statement is.... we are a country of immigrants always have been since the start... if you look back through history we did the same thing to the Irish for a while and then the japenese... and now the muslims...over time we have got over our hate to that nationality.... with the exception of blacks and we still have a racial problem here ..... you can't hold an entire nationality responsible for the actions of a few....... with all the numbers you posted .... what is the percentage of the ones that are.... Isis or whatever

hell if you break down the terrorists how many of them are actually muslim?... we have people in this country.. and others that are going over to join them and fight for... why?... some just because they are mad at something or some stupid reason or just want to fight for some cause...
there are a lot of muslims around the world doing good for the country they are in..... to include this country

also there must be something about the religion that draws people to it.... look at how many famous people have converted to the religion.... I think the current policy and checks have been doing fine so far.... we haven't had the problems Europe is having anyway..... our "spy" agencies have been doing the job it would seem.... although our current Pres seems to be doing more and more to hurt those agencies that are trying to protect us
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His *******-n-law has now been charged with trying to set up a secret link between the Russian Kremlin and the Trump senior admin

yes and refusing to talk about it.... the longer this goes on the more that comes out.... at first I just thought he was a loyal ******* in law doing Trumps bidding..... now starting to look like he is doing trumps bidding and is just as guilty as some of the others..... I doubt Trump will ever go to jail over any of this ..... BUT that doesn't mean the others won't ... to include Kushner!
although the right keeps dancing around the subject and avoiding doing anything for the usual money reasons.... look at some on this board who still defend the man..... eventually they will be ****** to do something... and the Kushner thing just might be what turns things

if you remember right Flynn once said ... for immunity he had a story to tell..... now I'm sure after Trumps people got to him... he is refusing to do anything.... sooner or later one of them will get nailed and talk.... ******* hits the fan then!
trump admires and is trying to model himself after some of the worlds dictators.... ain't going to work here!

AND I think Comey has a few things to say.... that might open some eyes...even though the right liked the guy... they will turn on him for a while ...STILL not wanting to open any wrong doors!

this next month will be very entertaing for sure..... and Russia just sitting there laughing at us and the mess they have created.... wasn't that their goal?
the French were at least smart enough to see it coming and stopped it at the polls..... but we have to many gullible and greedy people here... money and politics over country!
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Fleeing Christian refugees face hatred in Europe, says charity
THOUSANDS of Christian refugees fleeing the Middle East are being targeted by radical Muslims when they reach Europe.
By Marco Giannangeli
PUBLISHED: 00:01, Sun, Feb 21, 2016


Christian refugees fleeing the Middle East are being targeted by radical Muslims in Europe
Charity Open Doors says there has been a spate of incidents in northern France involving Iranian Christian converts being persecuted by Iraqi Muslims.

One Iranian convert has been murdered.

“Many Christians amongst the refugees are fleeing persecution and discrimination,” said Michel Varton, director of Open Doors France.


Churches have shown dedication to help the Christian refugees
Many Christians are fleeing persecution and discrimination

Michel Varton

“They are already traumatised by their terrible experience in the Middle East. Imagine their despair to realise that, once here in France, they are suffering the same discrimination and hate from fellow immigrants.

“The local churches have shown dedication to help the Christian refugees and those who are genuinely interested in the Christian faith. The authorities must allow them to have simple buildings where they can meet and worship God in security.

"It’s totally unacceptable that someone could lose their life for their faith once in France.”

Migrants go to extreme lengths to cross borders
Fri, October 7, 2016
Desperate migrants fleeing Syria and surrounding places have been trying to sneak across borders in incredible ways. These include hiding in suitcases and sleeping next to car bonnets


1 of 40


David Cameron faces growing pressure to classify the slaughter of Christians as genocide
The reports come as David Cameron faces growing pressure to classify the slaughter of Christians by Islamic State as genocide.

Incidents of Christian persecution by fundamentalists include families being crucified after failing to convert to Islam.

Lord Alton of Liverpool said last night: “As people escape from genocide and persecution, they think they have reached safety in Europe only to find that it has followed them here.

“The persecution of Christians by ISIS is genocide. Iwill table an amendment in 10 days time in the House of Lords arguing that a Supreme Court judge should be empowered to hold a judicial review into this issue.”

The E.U. , NATO "leaders", John McCain, Lindsay Graham, most of the Democrats, All RINO's, most of the media support ISIS by indirect media propaganda or funding against the Russian's who are actively fighting them.

80% of the "refugees" are not even form Syria and 80% of all the "refugees" are men between 18-35.
All the fools on here who have not been over there(middle east) and talk bullshit about muh poor refugees don't have a fucking clue on the actual number of real and fake ones.

I look forward to Western Europe burning to the ground into civil war, since they are stupid enough to vote for the morons and shills casing the problem by funding terrorist in the middle and then dumping more of terrorist right into Europe to justify martial law.

One of the main reason Trump won was his promise to work with the Russia's on destroying ISIS.
But we have full retards in congress, the press, and left over bush and Obama shills in the CIA, who think it's more important to start WWIII.
So our President not only has to fight ISIS but also all the traitors in our own government who think it's cool to burn down the Middle East for the sake of an oil pipe line threw Syria.

Yah fuck you too you oligarchic a-holes, seen enough of my friends die for bullshit, no more.

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This notion of "this nation is based on immigrants" is really getting old and it is an unfounded claim. Sure it was migrants - so what (they also came here legally - I might add). That does not mean we need to stay that way. This nation also has a lot of ******* use and murders -- so by that idiotic logic - we should continue to allow ******* use and murders. This nation was also based on Christianity, but you don't hear the left using that phrase to defend the christian. In fact seek to remove "in God we Trust". The left uses History only when it suits them.

So how far back in history do we have to go for the cut off and we can say a nation was not founded on immigrants'?? according to science EVERY nation has been founded on immigrants, as all humans come form the same area.

The left always stands on it's high ground of "this nation was based on immigrants" but then gets pissed if Russia starts to take over. If you want to allow just anyone in - then shut the fuck up and allow just anyone in! remember - by YOUR OWN WORDS that this nation was based on immigrants so why not allow Russia or china to flood in and take over. ??

Lets not forget the fact that what happened in history with the Japanese and the Irish is very VERY different situation than with the Muslims. The left don't care to understand the facts however, they rather take things out of context and twist it to their own agenda simply to create an argument.

Study the Quran if you like but the ONLY path to heaven is through violence. Yes it talks of peace and kindness but that only refers to times of peace and more importantly - towards other Muslims.

Long but worth the watch - I think you will be surprised by the results.

Even other Muslims recognize the dangers - it's mind boggling how the left can be so blind and stand on just one defense of "this nation was founded on immigrants" as a viable reason to allow just anyone to stream into this country, it's not the 1800's anymore.

There is something else that this nation was based on - LAWS. If these immigrants want to live here, they need to apply and follow our laws. They need to get citizenship, pledge loyalty to this country, or go home. Don't forget - Mexico and most of south America was also founded on immigrants - why do you think they speak Spanish.

But of course the left will just close their eyes to the facts and dismiss this as "fake news". The vast majority of Muslims and Mexican immigrants are not here seeking a better life, they are here to take advantage of and dis-mantel ours. Once your freedoms and rights are all gone and Americans are ****** to accommodate, and pay for, all others. PM me and I'll explain how it all happened.

To make things clear - I welcome any LEGAL immigrant. And those here legally also want something done about it.

Make no mistake, the ONLY reason the left fights for illegals is for the vote, they could care less what happens, cause and effect, 50 years from now. Call me what ever you want but to simply allow anyone in - blindly, based on an argument of "this nation was founded by immigrants" is simply irresponsible and ignorant.
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So true...many men try so hard to be compliant and fit in with what's considered societal norms. Listen to correct music, watch correct news, cheer for correct sports, wear correct clothes, drive correct truck, etc.

Some men don't try to fit the mold and say fuck your norms. Some men are black sheep and could give two fucks what your opinion of them is.

But in your world order, only the former are "real" men. So who's the "Sheeple"?
I know there are several here that dislike Trump to various degrees, but at least Trump would greatly disagree with awarding known terrorists with a citizenship? Unfortunately in my country, Canada, my wet behind the ears and oddly popular Prime Minister wishes that known terrorists MAINTAIN their Canadian citizenship?????:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
( http://www.torontosun.com/2017/03/03/trudeau-rewards-a-terrorist-with-citizenship )

Things might be rough in America, but politically things are not any better up here. :furious::eek::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
Tell that to your fellow Canadians. I'm guessing that the truly patriotic ones would gladly remove YOUR citizenship. When i was younger and more arrogant, i once asked a young lady from Vancouver about just such a scenario. She quickly gave me the finger.
Though I am not an American, I greatly admire your amazing nation and indirectly I was tipping off any homeland security agents, CIA, or others that might be eavesdropping on our conversation. Perhaps if they like my intentions perhaps they might return the favor to me by tracking you down and make your life more interesting?
damn... bit extreme isn't it?
what happened to your thing about nice discussions?
although I guess it maybe got out of hand some
That was a comment back to someone who removed their post. When I commented about how my current prime minister wanted to ensure that terrorists maintain their Canadian citizenship and I was and I still am greatly irritated by that. @Hand Solo said something to the effect that there should be those that should remove my Canadian citizenship which I cherish, therefore I responded with that post, and @Hand Solo appears to have removed his post. Also I didn't incite violence or did I swear, but I just suggested extreme ramifications and he appeared to get the message. If someone suggested that you @subhub174014 should be thrown out of America, I don't think you'd be happy about it would you?