Politics, Politics, Politics

spoken like a true "trumpie"
As a guy who fought these "people" first hand in war and seen what selfish acts they are cable of,
killing children with out regret as one example.

I have to say you look like a retard at best or guilty of treason at worst.

You do realize that what you just said constitutes support of terrorists killing children and that is unforgivable to any mentally stable person.
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Many refugees are Muslim radicals with violent intent. That's why they flee the laws of Libya, Syria etc it is because the police in those countries are closing in on them. Many are dysfunctional or criminal i.e. Future rapefugees. That's why they flee their countries.

Only a total, permanent ban from these countries will keep Europe/us safe .
These people hate us.

There are bad people and if a good person is around that, he is exposed to bad influence. A good person is often naive about a "bad" persons intentions, ideas and thoughts simply because a good person never has that. A good person will, if not by experience or by being educated, believe that everyone else functions in the same way. Bad influence is real. A bad person will suck the attention and energy from a good person. If the good person eventually realize that he/she needs to shield himself/ herself from the bad person, the latter will become incredible mad, because the bad person knows he is ******* and cant help it, he knows the good person deserves better but enjoys hurting the good, but at the same time only a good person can make that bad person feel better. Characteristics of a bad person is greed, selfishness, sadistic, .. etc.
It is almost masochistic the way the west wants to ignore what is going on and think the solution is just keep bringing them in. I have a friend who was stationed in england during the Tottenham disaster. The details of that are heartbreaking. Too many leaders in the west would rather risk lives than hurt feelings. Liberals have a huge problem with the world all. Criticize Islamic terrorists and call for tougher measures, their response is not "all" Muslims are terrorists. Well no *******, but how are we supposed to tell the difference. They do that with illeagle immigrants from south of the border as well. Not every one is a gang member obviously but if we don't know, make them go through the process.
If leaders are going to refuse to address and prosecute threats. If they are going to allow known terrorists to live in their countries and be monitored. Charge the leaders with treason and lock them up.
I have to say you look like a retard at best or guilty of treason at worst.

well retard we have been over this before
like I said before the only army you have served in appears to be the Russian one
you just stick with your fellow commie lover... and support the country you fought for Russia
hopefully when trump gets up for treason people like you can follow him home to Russia

you have to be a complete jerk and have shown it more than once on here

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You do realize that what you just said constitutes support of terrorists killing children and that is unforgivable to any mentally stable person.

in your twisted head anything is possible
you post mostly fake news... pictures of children being killed....and twisted posts that most don't even understand why you post them.... you lack taste to say at the least

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As a guy who fought these "people" first hand in war

I would have to wonder just which side you fought for
it would appear the only people you fought were americans......you do realize who founded this country and what it is made up of?
probably not sorry I shouldn't have given you credit for trying to think!

look at who founded and owns a lot of the major tech companies in this country.... we have some who are even politicians... on and on.....if you are afraid of immigrants you might try moving to a hole somewhere!

or at least get your head out of your ass!
it's people like you and that traitor you support that promotes hate and anger.... and stirs discontent

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You do realize that what you just said constitutes support of terrorists killing children and that is unforgivable to any mentally stable person.

I'm sure in your mind and your fellow trump supporters..although they appear to be to ashamed to admit they voted for the guy...you all see it that way


like I said when the charges start flowing in on your man... I hope you are still proud of him.... hell even p u t I n is supporting him a lot more lately.... another man you served under

and no I'm not talking about you northsb... for a trumpie at least you appear intelligent
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Appears TwoBi has found a new brainwashing website ...
Maybe some vids on oligarchs would be a bit more appropriate since that's the path our country is rapidly taking.
Many refugees are Muslim radicals with violent intent. That's why they flee the laws of Libya, Syria etc it is because the police in those countries are closing in on them. Many are dysfunctional or criminal i.e. Future rapefugees. That's why they flee their countries.


If you took the time to check things instead of just spouting bullshit fake news......
none.... NONE of the problems here have come from anyone who is NOT a citizen!
hell one was even an officer currently serving in the military!

you need to quit contacting the kremlin for your info
... flat tax
....I wouldn't have a major problem with a flat tax system if it was applied properly ... by eliminating ALL deductions, including mortgage deductions, we didn't tax the wages earned below an established poverty wage level, and we agreed to aggressively penalize the cheaters who earn & hide their money in other countries but live the American lifestyle here.
....But, you won't get that kind of "fair system" because this is not about being FAIR ... its about avoiding taxes, period. You'll never get the wealthiest income earners to agree to elimination of their current, many options of getting around the taxation of their money. The wealthiest income earners benefit by using current resources a lot more than the poor (transportation, real property, luxuries, municipality services, technologies, military, etc) a lot more than the poorest income earners. So, if you go to a flat tax system, but make no adjustments to "taxable incomes" by leaving the tax waivers on the books for the rich, you've not accomplished a fair tax system. You've simply arranged for more "trickle down" and poverty, and robbed the country of much needed revenue.
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....I wouldn't have a major problem with a flat tax system if it was applied properly ... by eliminating ALL deductions, including mortgage deductions, we didn't tax the wages earned below an established poverty wage level, and we agreed to aggressively penalize the cheaters who earn & hide their money in other countries but live the American lifestyle here.
....But, you won't get that kind of "fair system" because this is not about being FAIR ... its about avoiding taxes, period. You'll never get the wealthiest income earners to agree to elimination of their current, many options of getting around the taxation of their money. The wealthiest income earners benefit by using current resources a lot more than the poor (transportation, real property, luxuries, municipality services, technologies, military, etc) a lot more than the poorest income earners. So, if you go to a flat tax system, but make no adjustments to "taxable incomes" by leaving the tax waivers on the books for the rich, you've not accomplished a fair tax system. You've simply arranged for more "trickle down" and poverty, and robbed the country of much needed revenue.
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I'll agree to that - but if you had watched the video - that is exactly what they stated.
Appears TwoBi has found a new brainwashing website

I have watched a couple of them...... the jist of them are basically good.... but like the working one..... the majority of the country can't afford most basic needs even if they are working!
like the one that said you would need to make $25 dollars an hour to make up for what you could get on welfare!

to me that says it all right there.... pay a wage they can get by on and I think most would work... but like the vid said ... there is no incentive to work.... you can't get by on what most employers pay
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If you took the time to check things instead of just spouting bullshit fake news......
none.... NONE of the problems here have come from anyone who is NOT a citizen!
hell one was even an officer currently serving in the military!

you need to quit contacting the kremlin for your info

Bullshit as usual.

ALL of the 9-11 hijackers were NOT US citizens.


Tashfeen Malik of the San Bernardino shooting was NOT a US citizen.


Tamerlan Tsarnaev of the Boston Marathon bombing was NOT a US citizen.


Abdul Razak Ali Artanof the Ohio State Univ attack was NOT a US citizen....he was one of the Somali refugees Obummer let into the US


Quite ironic that you used that meme in your post. Happy I was able to debunk your unsubstantiated claim.


Bullshit as usual.

welllllllll.... ok
but we have had a bunch that were not from "muslims"...okc for one and there were others... the fl club shooting

Tashfeen Malik of the San Bernardino shooting was NOT a US citizen.

you might want to read what you post.... where did it say he was born.... damn pretty sure it said Chicago

they came here as ******* and were raised here
so your "debunking" is not quite what you say it is either