Politics in 2022

Why would they make up news

Allfor it is his game. He attacks the person, the source or dismisses the statement 'as opinion' without countering. He can't win on the fact or with a logical argument.

He thinks Yahoo Answers legitimate counter source. Come on. Yahoo Answers is a forum not a legit source. Remember this is the guy quoting progressive now and MSN as factual and not bias. Heck he posts tons of articles he doesn't even read.
Allfor it is his game. He attacks the person, the source or dismisses the statement 'as opinion' without countering. He can't win on the fact or with a logical argument.

He thinks Yahoo Answers legitimate counter source. Come on. Yahoo Answers is a forum not a legit source. Remember this is the guy quoting progressive now and MSN as factual and not bias. Heck he posts tons of articles he doesn't even read.
i know sarcasm is tuff to portray in type

Trump Twists Facts on Biden and Ukraine

President Donald Trump once again twisted the facts to claim that Joe Biden, as vice president, threatened to withhold “billions of dollars to Ukraine” unless it removed the prosecutor general who “was prosecuting” Biden’s *******, Hunter.

In May, Ukraine’s top prosecutor at the time said the younger Biden — a former board member for a gas company in Ukraine — was not investigated.

“Hunter Biden did not violate any Ukrainian laws — at least as of now, we do not see any wrongdoing,” Yuriy Lutsenko, Ukraine’s then-prosecutor general, told Bloomberg News. Lutsenko, who resigned in August, said a corruption investigation into leaders of Ukrainian gas companies concerned a potential money-laundering transaction that had occurred before Hunter Biden joined the board.

We wrote about Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine four months ago, when the president made a similar claim in May on Fox News. In that interview, Trump said that “the [Ukraine] prosecutor was after his *******,” referring to Biden’s *******, Hunter.

Why would they make up news

didn't say they did...…..they just put a little "twist" on things...like several of them do....hell look at the one blkdlaur cites all the time......has been caught several times making statements just to stir the pot and get a little fame and ….money!....same with the one Stiff quotes all the time....I think he might be even worse......it would be like me getting my facts from Rush Limbaugh

why is it the right has to have all these talk show hosts.....to stir hate and discontent....fo money......see any of them for the left.....no....no money in it!

I will stick with ABC...NBC....CBS......and whomever pops up on Bing search
Trump Twists Facts on Biden and Ukraine

President Donald Trump once again twisted the facts to claim that Joe Biden, as vice president, threatened to withhold “billions of dollars to Ukraine” unless it removed the prosecutor general who “was prosecuting” Biden’s *******, Hunter.

In May, Ukraine’s top prosecutor at the time said the younger Biden — a former board member for a gas company in Ukraine — was not investigated.

“Hunter Biden did not violate any Ukrainian laws — at least as of now, we do not see any wrongdoing,” Yuriy Lutsenko, Ukraine’s then-prosecutor general, told Bloomberg News. Lutsenko, who resigned in August, said a corruption investigation into leaders of Ukrainian gas companies concerned a potential money-laundering transaction that had occurred before Hunter Biden joined the board.

We wrote about Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine four months ago, when the president made a similar claim in May on Fox News. In that interview, Trump said that “the [Ukraine] prosecutor was after his *******,” referring to Biden’s *******, Hunter.

Fake News. Someone in the Democrat Media is trying to cover for Joe. Joe Biden Himself said he did. In a video so only lefits ideologue would try to act like he didn't. Full vidoe was on Youtube this morning
didn't say they did...…..they just put a little "twist" on things...like several of them do....hell look at the one blkdlaur cites all the time......has been caught several times making statements just to stir the pot and get a little fame and ….money!....same with the one Stiff quotes all the time....I think he might be even worse......it would be like me getting my facts from Rush Limbaugh

why is it the right has to have all these talk show hosts.....to stir hate and discontent....fo money......see any of them for the left.....no....no money in it!

I will stick with ABC...NBC....CBS......and whomever pops up on Bing search
didn't say they did...…..they just put a little "twist" on things...like several of them do....hell look at the one blkdlaur cites all the time......has been caught several times making statements just to stir the pot and get a little fame and ….money!....same with the one Stiff quotes all the time....I think he might be even worse......it would be like me getting my facts from Rush Limbaugh

why is it the right has to have all these talk show hosts.....to stir hate and discontent....fo money......see any of them for the left.....no....no money in it!

I will stick with ABC...NBC....CBS......and whomever pops up on Bing search

The left has two full channels of talk shows. CNN and MSNBC. Oh you might want to hold that ABC, NBC< and CBS are as leftwing bias as any
They’ll be plenty of evidence if they follow the money - when Obama was President he allowed it - they figured Hillary would get elected and continue the corruption - Donald Trump is the spoiler - boy do Dems look DIRTY!!!!!!! Prolly why they’re after him the way they are. The IG report and Durham hopefully will start to put things right.
They’ll be plenty of evidence if they follow the money - when Obama was President he allowed it - they figured Hillary would get elected and continue the corruption - Donald Trump is the spoiler - boy do Dems look DIRTY!!!!!!! Prolly why they’re after him the way they are. The IG report and Durham hopefully will start to put things right.

that's what they are following and trump doing all he can to block it....but it may not matter anymore....they have him 7 ways from sunday….with Ukraine bad enough....once the truth gets out from the mueller report...….maybe not enou to hang him.....but sure will sway more to the impeachment side....maybe even a few of you
They are conspiring to fabricate stuff behind closed doors if they don't emerge with something bullet proof I'd charge all involved with treason

wrong again....damn you guys get more wrong than right………..just like the right storming the hearing saying they wanted a voice.....all just bullshit…….there ARE republicans in on that hearing and can ask or say what they want...….so it is NOT some closed door hearing where the right doesn't know what is going on......they have a lot of those...look at how many they had on Bengahzi before they called Hillary in for the 11hour talk...…...some willing to talk just not on national TV........….just another "fabrication" from the right

keep digging....a lot of the right is trying anything to discredit him in some way.....just not working.....trumps worst night mare is taking place....Biden getting a lot of free press....and climbing in the polls......with all the fake ******* trump and the right does....just pushes the independent voters to the left....only ones to vote for trump......that 30% he has had since elected.....although I think there will be a lot more voter turn out this time.....trump not liked!

People really don’t like Donald Trump. | The New Republic

People really don’t like Donald Trump. For Trump, that means that 70 percent of the country has an unfavorable opinion of him—the highest mark since he began running for president a year ago. Only 29 percent of Americans have favorable opinions of him; meanwhile, 89 percent of Hispanics and 94 percent of blacks dislike Trump.

Americans love the economy — but most still don't like Trump

Jan 11, 2018 · A Quinnipiac poll says 66 percent of American voters view the economy as "excellent" or "good." But only 36 percent say they approve of President Trump's performance. A larger percentage of …
We will see them held responsible if they for there fraudulent charges it is a pathetic attempt to make up for 2016 and avoid 2020 if you can't win cheat
funny you say that....isn't that what trump was caught doing...…..using any means possible to win....also why he is not making any attempts to block Russian interference in the elections...…..and he was caught asking around about Warren now.....no morale's nor standards....it's the republican way....cheat at all costs.....that's why the right does not want to impeach....they know they won't get another repub in for a long time
funny you say that....isn't that what trump was caught doing...…..using any means possible to win....also why he is not making any attempts to block Russian interference in the elections...…..and he was caught asking around about Warren now.....no morale's nor standards....it's the republican way....cheat at all costs.....that's why the right does not want to impeach....they know they won't get another repub in for a long time

it should have been investigated when it happened and after this sham is over it will be