Politics in 2022

pay him he will do whatever you want

you rethuglicans just hate to see a dem get in there…...afraid they will make you pay alittle more to support those without....and make you pay a fair share in wages.....and it just does away with all the trickle down....that doesn't trickle down......Dems make sure it does trickle down...….and that puts a kink in corporate greed just a little....they will have to find a way of hiding it overseas some more....rather than help america
I'm just like you guys....that's why I try to keep you up to speed...….I worry that trump AND pence will be impeached over all this and Nancy have to take over....and the stress on her of trying to repair all the fuck-ups of the trump admin might give her a heart attack or something....but maybe not....she has a lot more on the ball than trump...and doesn't throw those nasty tantrums....and she would put so many gov officials out of work.....god forbid
you rethuglicans just hate to see a dem get in there…...afraid they will make you pay alittle more to support those without....and make you pay a fair share in wages.....and it just does away with all the trickle down....that doesn't trickle down......Dems make sure it does trickle down...….and that puts a kink in corporate greed just a little....they will have to find a way of hiding it overseas some more....rather than help america
he in big money's pockets
I'm just like you guys....that's why I try to keep you up to speed...….I worry that trump AND pence will be impeached over all this and Nancy have to take over....and the stress on her of trying to repair all the fuck-ups of the trump admin might give her a heart attack or something....but maybe not....she has a lot more on the ball than trump...and doesn't throw those nasty tantrums....and she would put so many gov officials out of work.....god forbid




you rethuglicans just hate to see a dem get in there…...afraid they will make you pay alittle more to support those without....and make you pay a fair share in wages.....and it just does away with all the trickle down....that doesn't trickle down......Dems make sure it does trickle down...….and that puts a kink in corporate greed just a little....they will have to find a way of hiding it overseas some more....rather than help america

Based on the behavior of the Dems I would say they hate to see a Republican in there. To the point they will break the law and conspire to have a soft coup from the halls of the FBI & NSA/CIA to the 'secret' star chamber in the basement of the capital.
and trump isn't?....but then trump won't need the money....they better give it to some of those needy republicans running for re-election they might stand a chance

BTW...the Dems will probably go with Biden...….does the right have a nominee yet?...(convicts are not eligible)

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The amazing honesty of Joe Biden - Chicago Tribune
Sep 14, 2015 · Joe Biden's unique trait as a politician is — and always has been — his honesty. Sometimes that honesty gets him into varying degrees of trouble. Sometimes it makes it …
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