Politics in 2022

fuck...didn't know that was actual vid or wouldn't have posted it...thought it was just a link..................you want to talk politics ...fine we can do that....you want to make stupid and rash statements you get a cut and paste....you want to post dirt...I can find more than you can
fuck...didn't know that was actual vid or wouldn't have posted it...thought it was just a link..................you want to talk politics ...fine we can do that....you want to make stupid and rash statements you get a cut and paste....you want to post dirt...I can find more than you can

Yup - you’re the King of DIRT - undisputed

that does need a lot of work......we have ******* out there getting out of college and owing more than some do for a house...a lot not going because of the cost....India coming here and taking those good high paying tech jobs because our ******* don't have an education.....not saying her plan is the answer...know nothing about it...but I do know the whole system needs some work...it is getting like health care...only a select few....and that just hurts the country
that does need a lot of work......we have ******* out there getting out of college and owing more than some do for a house...a lot not going because of the cost....India coming here and taking those good high paying tech jobs because our ******* don't have an education.....not saying her plan is the answer...know nothing about it...but I do know the whole system needs some work...it is getting like health care...only a select few....and that just hurts the country
did you see how much she takes from harvard for teaching one class and the book is 300 bucks text books is such a racket they change page order call it new edition give teachers free copy to require new
did you see how much she takes from harvard for teaching one class and the book is 300 bucks text books is such a racket they change page order call it new edition give teachers free copy to require new

well look what our AG makes don't remember where he teaches but it must pay well and then there is his being trumps lawyer....no wonder he can book a few of trumps rooms for $30,000.00 a night

you don't like her and that's fine....not thrilled with her myself....but she does hit on some issues that need to be addressed and I will give her that.....biden has to start talking about some of those issues or going to find himself out...he finally started in on health care....what worries me is most people think Biden is the one to beat trump.....but just like with us getting stuck time after time with the same assholes...….I will vote for so and so......the others can take care of supporting biden….with congress it is always not our man it's everyone else' so we get the same ones over and over....these people start supporting warren and etc and Joe is out....got a problem...although trump keeps falling and falling here lately....the economy goes to pot..trump is out....warren keeps making all the goody goody speeches we could have a problem
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she get 400,000 one class a semester and wonders why does college cost so much

won't argue with either of those statements....if indeed she is making that

Elizabeth Warren got nearly $430,000 teaching at Harvard ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren was paid $429,981 as a Harvard law professor from 2010 to 2011 and got nearly $134,000 in consulting fees on legal cases in …

now this is.....funny

Two Overpaid Professors Address College Affordability | NRSC
Oct 07, 2016 · October 7, 2016 | NRSC Digital Two Overpaid Professors Address College Affordability. In what sounds like a punchline to a joke, Senator Russ Feingold is set to hold events today with Elizabeth Warren to discuss how they can make college more affordable.

Most librarians are Democrats. Most farmers are Republicans. Pediatricians lean left, urologists right.

Democratic vs. Republican occupations

look at most farming and ranching states...….all pretty much republican....republicans do nothing for them....but still hardcore republicans!....look at the one on the news the other night...mad at trump...a lot...asked if he would vote for trump again...NO....asked if he would vote dem...NO
Trump 2020!

if that is your only input......and on 4 threads now.....doesn't say much about your intellect now does it

Are Donald Trump’s supporters idiots? | The New Republic


Are Donald Trump’s supporters idiots? ... Trump’s supporters are better educated and wealthier than the American average. Rather than characterizing them as losers who are easily fooled, Trump
if that is your only input......and on 4 threads now.....doesn't say much about your intellect now does it

Are Donald Trump’s supporters idiots? | The New Republic


Are Donald Trump’s supporters idiots? ... Trump’s supporters are better educated and wealthier than the American average. Rather than characterizing them as losers who are easily fooled, Trump
Democrats trotted the one person out there that Trump could've beaten and they call Trump supporters idiots? They say there's a gender wage gap and in the next sentence they say there's no such thing as gender? You call his supporters easily fooled, Hillary had mostly conservative views before becoming a politician, all she had to do was "change her mind" and you all bought it. Remember when democrats said he was going to destroy the country? Remember all the riots under the previous administration? Not happening is it? Maybe, just maybe it's not the apocalypse they thought. I guess you could just as easily ask, are anti Trump people idiots?