% of White Women who have been blacked?

In the UK I’d say that it’s still a very small percentage, maybe 10% or so , when I started 20 years ago very few married women were interacting with black men, there are more now but I don’t think it’s still a big thing here .
In the UK I’d say that it’s still a very small percentage, maybe 10% or so , when I started 20 years ago very few married women were interacting with black men, there are more now but I don’t think it’s still a big thing here .
Not sure, but where you live might be important. I am also in my 60’s and back in the 1980’s here in London, nearly half of the girls I knew had dates black guys. But they were all single at the time. Whether they continued after marriage I couldn’t say. These days it does seem more common and accepted. From personal observation it seems to have grown thanks to the internet.
I didn’t even know any black men on a personal level until my 40’s , there were hardly any in the small town I grew up in so it was virtually impossible to meet any ,

Obviously London was very different, none of my female friends dated a black guy as unless you travelled into the bigger cities you had no chance of meeting any .
An intriguing question there is no doubt. Any answer here so far is a guess based on personal experiences, which I feel some are more reasonable than others. But to really get a more accurate figure there’d have to be a wide spread survey of the general public. Like everyone here I’d love to see the results of such a survey. Including a question about having thoughts about it but haven’t done it.
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Of what ethnicity? Black women? White women? Asian women? It’s going to differ. I think for white women and Asian women it is still much lower than one would think. This board is a badly skewed self selected sample group in that respect. I would guess 15% max across the country of white or Asian women. Conservatism and cultural divides still run deep. Latina women much higher and obviously almost 100% for black women.
Polls and studies are biased
Go out in public, stores, workplace, beaches talk to your friends majority of white women are with black men its everywhere View attachment 3981616
Sexy gif
But I’ll have to disagree with your opinion that the majority of white women are with black men. I would find it easier to believe the majority of black men have been with a white woman. The numbers in population are pretty far apart for your assumption to be imaginable.