Mueller looking at NRA now

Unlike you - I believe in economy of verbiage and not utilizing diarrhea of the mouth and meme to make my point :D
not saying much from a trumpie...your refusal to see things for what they are says it all
defend the lying crooked Russian perverted racist mom fucker to the end!

even over your own country.....traitors don't have a care in the world..only see what they want to see
and with a name like that is it some kind of Russian joke or slang for fool?
You see my vision is based in reality and facts yours is in fantacy and rumor and lies. If there is every any single piece of proof he commited a crime he should be held accountable but there is ZERO evidence besides theories and pissednoff people like you who throw fits because someone took your blankie.

Name one single piece of actual evidence that he is a traitor? You cant because after two years of investigation there is none.
You see my vision is based in reality and facts yours is in fantacy and rumor and lies. If there is every any single piece of proof he commited a crime he should be held accountable but there is ZERO evidence besides theories and pissednoff people like you who throw fits because someone took your blankie.

Name one single piece of actual evidence that he is a traitor? You cant because after two years of investigation there is none.

you can't really be that dumb...35 convictions already....every member of his cabinet..some very close to him and have been for years...all involved in the Russia...he admits to still trying to cut a deal with Russia while running for pres....his sons admitting money is not a problem for them...get what they want from Russia....and a lot more to follow....just when the big one comes trump will have no way out...and you still think the asshole is innocent...that really is the height of are almost as blind as blkdlaur...but hey...someone has to kiss his ass....the American people are done...his approval rating today 37%...he is even losing trumpies right now...I posted a chart a minute ago that would fit you
Who perpetually calls names - insults - disparages one’s intelligence and makes ridiculous claims based on strictly what they would like to believe is true - no need for even a clue - clearly SubHub - tis you !!!!
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Who perpetually calls names - insults - disparages one’s intelligence and makes ridiculous claims based on strictly what they would like to believe is true - no need for even a clue - clearly SubHub - tis you !!!!

what?...and I thought you was going to say trump
yeah...guess I do disparage one's intelligence....but then when it is obvious as to what they are saying...I have to....ridiculous the paper or listened to any news other than Fox news here lately....I know your man says it is all fake news......anything he doesn't want you to know or her is fake news....besides I don't insult people...I describe them!

Who perpetually calls names - insults - disparages one’s intelligence and makes ridiculous claims based on strictly what they would like to believe is true - no need for even a clue - clearly SubHub - tis you !!!!

besides I have never insulted you...called you stupid more than once...but then hell most of your posts are just one liners against the you really have not shown enough to insult your intelligence for you to say I have insulted would need to provide a witness showing you have some


besides if you want a second are ugly to!

if I can be of any further assistance just let me know
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You liberals can only insult - call names and disparage people - your intelligence game is very weak as that is what TRUE simpletons do.
You liberals can only insult - call names and disparage people - your intelligence game is very weak as that is what TRUE simpletons do.
Lol . You are literally in love with a bastard that is a liar , cheat and just too stupid to realise ! I love how stupid you are! A wall that you ain’t going to get!!! Bhhhhhhhaaaaaa
you can't really be that dumb...35 convictions already....every member of his cabinet..some very close to him and have been for years...all involved in the Russia...he admits to still trying to cut a deal with Russia while running for pres....his sons admitting money is not a problem for them...get what they want from Russia....and a lot more to follow....just when the big one comes trump will have no way out...and you still think the asshole is innocent...that really is the height of are almost as blind as blkdlaur...but hey...someone has to kiss his ass....the American people are done...his approval rating today 37%...he is even losing trumpies right now...I posted a chart a minute ago that would fit you
All convictions for things not releated to the campaign or president.....conjectures and me one piece of evidence one crime there is actual real evidence he cant you can only assume amd your doing a great job making the old saying about assuming come true. If there is any evidence he committed any crime ill be behind full punishment but i will not support convincing anyone with out any evidence and to those who are you are the true threat to this country
Ha ha
Stone, papadopolus, Flynn, plus another 33 criminal indictments -......but but my lover Trump must be innocent because he said so. Bhhhhaaaa.. usually there is a saying is where there is smoke there is fire. The new saying where there is fire, there is fire. Trump supporters... little pissants cry Hillary’s emails