Mueller looking at NRA now

All convictions for things not releated to the campaign or president.....conjectures and assumptions....
All you're doing is noting that Mueller hasn't charged the President yet ... heck, the President won't allow himself to be questioned under oath by Mueller. Think about it, do you think Mueller would jeopardize his investigation on Trump & Russia BEFORE he'd removed his "lying support"? Wouldn't make sense because all they would do is continue lying and covering up for him. The Republican House has protected Trump the past 2 years, but that party is OVER ... Democrat House is going to recall some witnesses that the Republicans let skate ... and supeana Trump's tax records very soon ... keep in mind, the Democrats haven't held the House a month yet ... and they're NOT going to be dragging their feet like the Republicans.
All convictions for things not releated to the campaign or president.....conjectures and me one piece of evidence one crime there is actual real evidence he cant you can only assume amd your doing a great job making the old saying about assuming come true. If there is any evidence he committed any crime ill be behind full punishment but i will not support convincing anyone with out any evidence and to those who are you are the true threat to this country
What a load of rubbish. Trump is an idiot but you live in your fantasy world . He’s under more investigations of any president. More convictions than any president! You morons are worried about Hillary’s emails! Save your deep state bull crap for your idiot friends . Put your prohibited chemical pipe down , come out from under your bed ( Chen trails are not real) and join the educated.
Lol . You are literally in love with a bastard that is a liar , cheat and just too stupid to realise ! I love how stupid you are! A wall that you ain’t going to get!!! Bhhhhhhhaaaaaa

Nope - not in love with Trump - my intelligence is not within your realm of comprehension - for you do not know me - your stupidity however is quite clear as is your venom for making such idiotic statements based on obviously only liberal emotion.
Ha ha
Stone, papadopolus, Flynn, plus another 33 criminal indictments -......but but my lover Trump must be innocent because he said so. Bhhhhaaaa.. usually there is a saying is where there is smoke there is fire. The new saying where there is fire, there is fire. Trump supporters... little pissants cry Hillary’s emails

NONE of the things Mueller has convicted people on have anything to do with Russian collusion or the 2016 election. Just because you desperately want it to be true doesn’t make it so.
:frantic: WAH - WAH - WAH :frantic:

Seriously log off! You are embarrassing yourself
Pick up a book! Turn on your Fox News and you will see them also kicking the ******* out of that prick of a President . They estimated the wall at 70 billion. He’s a village idiot that attracts other low intellectuals and understands a lot about a nothing! Seriously the dumbest piece of crap! But you love that because the stupid ******* he says make sense to only his Dumb ass followers - “like why is it snowing if the earth is warming “. Why doesn’t he and you understand about climate change?!
:frantic: WAH - WAH - WAH :frantic:
Trump Drones ....
............................ "President Trump, tell us what to think, what to do, what to say, how to react ... we're brain dead, sir!"
Nope - not in love with Trump - my intelligence is not within your realm of comprehension - for you do not know me - your stupidity however is quite clear as is your venom for making such idiotic statements based on obviously only liberal emotion.

did you just call her stupid?

thought that was what you said.....never resort to name calling it makes you look stupid!

and speaking of venom...….isn't that what you spew out against the left everytime you post....sure seems like it
you have been into that trump kool aid again...….but like I mentioned earlier fit into one of three category's!
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I just don’t know how decent people can support this bag of crap that is the President!
I mean let’s just take the wall...
Any person with a brain would ask the question.... what is it for and will the cost be worth the investment.
Fox News estimate the wall at 70B I believe.
1st question
Why do you want the wall?
To stop ******* and killers entering the country and stop illegals benefiting from the tax system.
Does the ******* only come through foot traffic? Nope
What is killing your people ? - sugar and guns deaths?
Could we actually spend the 5B on healthcare programs regarding sugar consumption and national gun registry !

The American Migrants Association estimates undocumented migrants contribute 8B to the economy - they pay taxes too into the service and goods sector. ( shock horror)
So why do you really want a wall? Cause you are listening to an imbecile that doesn’t know his ass from his nose!
Just because he says crap that you can understand because of you have a 6th grade education doesn’t mean the rest of us should have our ears assaulted every day with the stupid ******* he comes up with!
I’m passed tolerant !
I want Mueller to drag him in feet cuffs across the White House lawn!
This man is a ******* stain on humanity and the rest of the ideas that Built America and the rest of the free world !
I just don’t know how decent people can support this bag of crap that is the President!
I mean let’s just take the wall...
Any person with a brain would ask the question.... what is it for and will the cost be worth the investment.
Fox News estimate the wall at 70B I believe.
1st question
Why do you want the wall?
To stop ******* and killers entering the country and stop illegals benefiting from the tax system.
Does the ******* only come through foot traffic? Nope
What is killing your people ? - sugar and guns deaths?
Could we actually spend the 5B on healthcare programs regarding sugar consumption and national gun registry !

The American Migrants Association estimates undocumented migrants contribute 8B to the economy - they pay taxes too into the service and goods sector. ( shock horror)
So why do you really want a wall? Cause you are listening to an imbecile that doesn’t know his ass from his nose!
Just because he says crap that you can understand because of you have a 6th grade education doesn’t mean the rest of us should have our ears assaulted every day with the stupid ******* he comes up with!
I’m passed tolerant !
I want Mueller to drag him in feet cuffs across the White House lawn!
This man is a ******* stain on humanity and the rest of the ideas that Built America and the rest of the free world !

I'd say that about sums it up!
Seriously log off! You are embarrassing yourself
Pick up a book! Turn on your Fox News and you will see them also kicking the ******* out of that prick of a President . They estimated the wall at 70 billion. He’s a village idiot that attracts other low intellectuals and understands a lot about a nothing! Seriously the dumbest piece of crap! But you love that because the stupid ******* he says make sense to only his Dumb ass followers - “like why is it snowing if the earth is warming “. Why doesn’t he and you understand about climate change?!

Obviously only you have intellect - at least as far as your concerned - I will not log off - nor will I give any real credence to your emotional liberal rants :}
I just don’t know how decent people can support this bag of crap that is the President!
I mean let’s just take the wall...
Any person with a brain would ask the question.... what is it for and will the cost be worth the investment.
Fox News estimate the wall at 70B I believe.
1st question
Why do you want the wall?
To stop ******* and killers entering the country and stop illegals benefiting from the tax system.
Does the ******* only come through foot traffic? Nope
What is killing your people ? - sugar and guns deaths?
Could we actually spend the 5B on healthcare programs regarding sugar consumption and national gun registry !

The American Migrants Association estimates undocumented migrants contribute 8B to the economy - they pay taxes too into the service and goods sector. ( shock horror)
So why do you really want a wall? Cause you are listening to an imbecile that doesn’t know his ass from his nose!
Just because he says crap that you can understand because of you have a 6th grade education doesn’t mean the rest of us should have our ears assaulted every day with the stupid ******* he comes up with!
I’m passed tolerant !
I want Mueller to drag him in feet cuffs across the White House lawn!
This man is a ******* stain on humanity and the rest of the ideas that Built America and the rest of the free world !

You don’t sound like a woman from the way you rant - sound much more like a man and if you’re from Australia - what business is this of yours - I’d really like to know - are liberals universally bad losers ????
I’m not really sure - cause I’m not from Australia - but didn’t your government confiscate all the privately owned firearms?
No thanks - if that’s the case - if that’s the kind of government you want - glad you’re there and I’m here.
Obviously only you have intellect - at least as far as your concerned - I will not log off - nor will I give any real credence to your emotional liberal rants :}

didn't seem like emotional liberal rants to me.....I thought they were pretty well thought out and's just you have your head in..???? the sand?
I’m not really sure - cause I’m not from Australia - but didn’t your government confiscate all the privately owned firearms?
No thanks - if that’s the case - if that’s the kind of government you want - glad you’re there and I’m here.

The conservative Government did take all fire arms- guess how many mass shootings we had since 1996 mr moron?
You had 325 mass shootings last year alone ! More people die in America from guns but being an idiot you want a a wall.
So I have an opinion and there fore in your small pea brain sexist mind I have to be male . Seriously just don’t reproduce! Go lie down !
You don’t sound like a woman from the way you rant - sound much more like a man and if you’re from Australia - what business is this of yours - I’d really like to know - are liberals universally bad losers ????

Is that like these people waving the confederate flag and claiming their support for trump....and telling the rest of us we lost get over it
The conservative Government did take all fire arms- guess how many mass shootings we had since 1996 mr moron?
You had 325 mass shootings last year alone ! More people die in America from guns but being an idiot you want a a wall.
So I have an opinion and there fore in your small pea brain sexist mind I have to be male . Seriously just don’t reproduce! Go lie down !

even though trump shits all over the whole world and especially our allies...….you are not allowed an opinion against trump I guess...If I understand him right......but with these trumpies hard to really know where they are going
The conservative Government did take all fire arms- guess how many mass shootings we had since 1996 mr moron?
You had 325 mass shootings last year alone ! More people die in America from guns but being an idiot you want a a wall.
So I have an opinion and there fore in your small pea brain sexist mind I have to be male . Seriously just don’t reproduce! Go lie down !

We have something called the 2nd Amendment in this country - course liberals don’t give a rat’s arse about our Constitution
- that shite won’t fly over here unless and until the socialists take over - they rush to take the guns so the government can do whatever it wants - this is what the framers created the 2nd Amendment to protect us against.