Mueller looking at NRA now

what does that have to do with that your racist side coming
Everything...its not racist its actual you know what math is? You have to look at percentage not total number....because when wmone group has vastly more people in it of course their numbers maybe higher but the proportion maybe lower. Quick cherry picking talking points and use your little sheep mind.
Everything...its not racist its actual you know what math is? You have to look at percentage not total number....because when wmone group has vastly more people in it of course their numbers maybe higher but the proportion maybe lower. Quick cherry picking talking points and use your little sheep mind.

Slow your roll. I spent 30 years as a law enforcement officer. I have been to more funerals for my brothers and sisters than I care to admit. I have seen many a body with GSW to blame. I bare the scars from my first gunfight and will for the rest of my life. Not one time did that firearm discharge its self. Speak of what you know not of what you think. I do value your opinion. That's really what we are all about but your rights end where mine begin.
Slow your roll. I spent 30 years as a law enforcement officer. I have been to more funerals for my brothers and sisters than I care to admit. I have seen many a body with GSW to blame. I bare the scars from my first gunfight and will for the rest of my life. Not one time did that firearm discharge its self. Speak of what you know not of what you think. I do value your opinion. That's really what we are all about but your rights end where mine begin.

I served 7 years in the military and some combat duty...was going to stay but got orders for a unit in germany that was a tank unit that played war games about 6 months out of the year....anyway I am not against guns......I do agree with the judges that banned the assault rifles in 6 states....but this thread is supposed to be about the NRA...and I have no time for them....just mind fucking their members!

they are a useful tool for the gun manuf to sell their product
Semper fi brother. And its good to talk without shouting. We can disagree without losing our respect for each other. I understand where you are coming from. I respect that too. Look on what forum we're talking on!
Semper fi brother. And its good to talk without shouting. We can disagree without losing our respect for each other. I understand where you are coming from. I respect that too. Look on what forum we're talking on!

good conversations are nice......but when you get into politics it gets a little touchy....and there are about 5 or 6 of us been going at it for a while yes a new conversation is nice
Not here to fight you brother. Not in the least. Not hear to change your mind either. The best fights I ever had are the ones that didn't happen.
Hey, here's a suggestion. If you don't like guns... Don't buy one. The NRA is the ACLU for the 2nd Amendment. Its about our rights not about guns.
.... Funny, because with the NRA, its all about the money ... and they don't care who gives it to them ... including Russia, when the NRA knew why the Russians were running their money through them to hide it. As crimes with guns in the US grows, you don't care that innocent families continue to get caught up in gun crime at an increasing level. You have no issue with the fact that the NRA was an accessory to a national crime of espionage because it was the Democrats who were targeted. I'd bet my testicles you'd be hollering if all this was targeted at the Republicans. The thing is, many Democrats would be yelling IF the Russians were targeting ANY party in the US. Republicans just chose to take it personal.
.... As far as gun rights go, its not any different than smoking, driving recklessly or *******, your RIGHTS stop when they infringe on other law abiding citizens rights. You don't want more in-depth background checks, you don't want restrictions placed on certain guns, and you think you should be able to carry your guns anywhere you wish ... you could give a crap about FAMILIES ... when you start shooting your guns in public places. So please ...
I was never one to say children should be seen but not heard, but honestly, I think its past your bed time. You're gonna be cranky when you have to get up for school.
That is true. Well that and almost 30 years of street time, more funerals then i care to share and oh... Getting shot in the first year of patrol. So honestly, if you don't want to see both sides of an issue and your only comment is a smartassed remark (really, couldn't you do better?) Please feel free to remain ignorant.
Is a trump supporter calling me ignorant? Because you’ve attended more funerals and still support guns guns and more guns.
You know is AUSTRALIA we had one shooting in the mid 90s. The conservatives seized all guns- we have had literally a handful of shootings from then to now! How about you? Still need that gun to go get an ice cream ?!

That is true. Well that and almost 30 years of street time, more funerals then i care to share and oh... Getting shot in the first year of patrol. So honestly, if you don't want to see both sides of an issue and your only comment is a smartassed remark (really, couldn't you do better?) Please feel free to remain ignorant.
Why don’t you spend some time moving past three word slogans to educate yourself. It’s the definition of oxymoron to have trump supporters call others idiots. I don’t blame you. I blame your education system
Lol and Roger stone arrested! Lol

oh trump is pissed...he has been using this wall as a diversion to keep mueller out of the news...but not now......and they have some pretty serious ******* on Stone...witness tampering for one.....Stone has always said he would not talk......well lets see......he may be counting on a pardon....but wouldn't bet on that...don't think the public would allow that!

and just many of those agents were working without make that arrest!
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