ladies! A question about bulls

I am a personal trainer so a lean muscular physique is a real turn on. I love my husband, he is my soul mate but out of shape. Hubby with a 38" waist and not toned. My Bulls are not only well hung but we'll built also. Hubby can see the differences immediately. Washboard waist at 30" max, broad back and chest and huge arms. I don't need to point the differences out to hubby usually the Bull is vocal about it. That further puts hubby in his place. I do reaffirm it to hubby when Bull leaves and it is just the two of us with hubby 's castity cage on. I always hoped he would get in better shape and that was the initial reason but now that I am hooked on bbc I like the difference of a strong black alpha and a chubby white beta husband.
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