@Jen Dvorak
What is it with white people wanting to say that word? Cunt, whore, bitch or cum dumpster are not even close to being equivalent. They are
derogatory but they are not
racially derived. There is a difference. Hell there aren’t many, if any, racially derived insults for whites. And “cracker” isn’t one.
History note: “cracker” was used to describe the individual carrying the whip, later it was turned into a joke about saltine crackers. The N-word was used to demean ppl of color and further it was used to label them as “ignorant, stupid, and unteachable”.
Do not confuse the two. Get fucked and keep that word out of your mouth. And for any black man that enjoys being called that just because he’s laying pipe in some white woman is beyond delusional, because at the end of the day you’re just a
closet fetish to her.