How to deal with people noticing QoS tattoo / HW jewelry.

I am yet to see any females in my area displaying their QOS jewelry/piercing etc. I am ALWAYS on the look out though LOL. Can’t wait to spot one!
Same here, I have yet to see a female in my area wearing a QOS jewelry or any hint of lifestyle jewelry or accessories while I’m out, even at lifestyle clubs in my area. I still have my eyes out though.
I would have thought a tattoo should be symbolic, white women with standards don't need to advertise they are available for submission and the sexual pleasure of Black males we do this with body language and flirting. So I think the best place for a permanent QoS is on the mons pubis, but nothing blatant just a tiny one. Then it's fun to watch his reaction when he tears off your thong. :devil:
Spot on...I have had two wives at my request had a tat done in the same place for the same reason.
Why would any woman who is concerned about needing to explain it put the sign or wear visible hotwife jewelry? Either you are wearing it to get the attention of the bulls or if not then wear it somewhere hidden. I have a QoS tattoo on top of my pussy but below my bikini line and if I want to be naughty when out by a Vegas pool I can pull my bikini bottom down a bit or I can wear my necklace and other visible jewelry. Embrace who you are and you will live a happier life :lips:
Right on!!!!!
All this type conversation is great on this website. I hope this isn’t really the way you think. Because, if it is, you’re sadly mistaken. You think you don’t get hired because the “white man” interviewing you is intimidated? Come on.
I would have to agree. Being a black man I was raised with the understanding of racism but my parents always taught me to live my life and not make excuses for any career opportunity that I may or may not get on race. Now maybe race might’ve played a role on some career opportunities that I might’ve not gotten or might’ve gotten. That I don’t know. But going through life constantly blaming or rationalizing every career opportunity or professional opportunity outcome base on race can get very toxic and depressing. Now I’ve had some great opportunities and I would like to think these success were base on my inherit potential and talent they saw in me. Now for other opportunities I didn’t get, well that’s life, I probably wasn’t a good fit for it anyways and it wasn’t in the cards for me none the less. Yes there are racist people out there and there are genuine people also and these racist people are on both sizes. I remember growing up, American blacks used to make fun of African students and all kinds of degrading names in school. Now some of those same people that were making these jokes I see on their Facebook page proclaiming their African pride and acknowledging their African lineage and this became even more prevalent after the release of black panther.
I've yet to notice a woman with a QOS tatoo or jewelry in public (and I live in the San Diego area--not a small town). In fact, most men rarely notice jewelry unless they're out on the town (and prowl) or at work (women you see or work with frequently). Going to start paying more attention as I've read on this site that ankle bracelets are an indicator. But open QOS jewelry, unfortunately, is rare to see.
I’d smile and say thank you
if he asked about it I would be honest and tell him

I’d smile and say thank you
if he asked about it I would be honest and tell him
Like your answer. I'm a white male and I noticed a interracial couple b.m.w.f once at.a grocery store. She was wearing a queen of spades t shirt. And yes I complimented and told her I liked her shirt. They both smiled. She said thank you sweetie.
I use to wear this anket all the time when I'd drive for Uber. On some rare occasions a guy would notice it when I was helping get the luggage in my trunk. I'd always be straight up and say that I find black men beautiful and that I was very attracted to them. Had a couple black guys notice and for one of them I ended up in the back seat with him bView attachment 3430100efore he got out at his hotel... showing him how much of a QoS I really was :lips: :sex:
Maybe you should have worn a necklace or t-shirt