Pregnancy risk is fun and thrilling, but actually going through with it is for the insane.
A night of fantasy-fulfilment followed by permanent life and body altering changes that conceivably take decades of time and hundreds of thousands of dollars.
It's legitimately more feasible for a single woman without a husband/boyfriend to indulge in the kink to its terminus than it would be for a couple.
At least when a single woman rolls up with a mixed kid and no man everyone just goes "lmao, actions have consequences".
If a white couple had a black kid it would be evening news/a circus spectacle for everyone they knew/their entire extended social circle.
it doesn't always have to be that way.
i've been in a number of previous relationships where the k!ds were quite black, but me & the mom were not.
its all in how you handle that. much has to do with the strength of love. i mean, if you truly love your wife, then you'll support in whatever decisions (&consequences thereof) she makes. i knew my alyssa was deeply, strongly turned on by black men. she'd never have crossed the line if i'd not pushed her her clear permission, & full acceptance. with that very proven & self-evident, she let her instincts & innermost desires fulfill her. she's never been happier.
yeah, there are small, ignorant, & fearful minds out there. ignorance leads to fear, & fear leads to hate. so there are ways to cut that process off.
but in those cases where its not viable, you move on. before buying a home, we will rent for a while to see how those around us respond. we can always replace our neighbors & neighborhood, but we cannot replace our family. these b@bies she has, they are OUR...OUR k!ds, & they deserve to be both loved, accepted, & understood. they are a blessing to us, & everyone who chooses to become a meaningful part of our lives.
my beLoved is once again VERY pregnant with twins! so now we're looking for another house...this time larger & out on wooded acreage with a mountain view. we're already making arrangements for the k!ds live-in nanny/teacher &homeschooling. the older !ds have been anti-indoctrinated strongly enough to hold their own moral ground in the public schools & excel! mostly we'll do this for broader socialization & connections in things like athletics & academic clubs. the olders have often travelled with either of they've seen more of the world than most adults.
still, back to the point here. breeding is our strongest instinctive drive. stronger than pair-bonding (love) or survival. its loudest voice in the female, once a secure environment for raising the offspring, is to secure the strongest genes for competitive survival...and diversity is definitely a key factor! the whole monogamy thing is entirely unnatural & conflicts between 2 of the most basic needs against the most important & strongest one. that is never truly healthy. not for the mind, the heart, or the body. stress never is!
you look at the offspring of so-called 'illicit' procreation as a 'burden.' i look at its outcome as a BLESSING. not one of her ch!ldren do i not LOVE with the whole of my heart. not one of them would i change or trade. not one i'd fail to give my life for!
oh, & yes, i've spread my brown seed too. alyssa's even helped in that...especially in that she is very much bisexual. i make sure tho, that those ch!ldren are going into stable & loving homes. they also know that if something ever happens, they can always come & join our family as well. our current nanny/teacher is one such case. she has a "mom-in-law she lives in downstairs. she's already said she will stay with us as we move on to our next home.
so there you are...sometimes these "consequences" are actually BLESSINGS, if you choose to EMBRACE them as such.
btw-one of those mixed k!ds from a previous relationship now has his own family & is looking to move close to where we also are.
his sister too, with her k!ds. they & my wife have become close as well.
blessings to all & be well.