Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Did you read anything I wrote? We fucked their country. Should they not have a hardon for us? I know having dealt with southerners, every time I hear that stupid country twang coming out of a white person's mouth I can hardly contain my desire to lynch a bitch.
Oh the Democrats are so Happy that our beloved President Trump is in office protecting everyone. I wonder if people who are concerned about American intervention anywhere in the middle east realize that they are all part of a family that have been fighting and killing each other without American involvement for thousands of years. I don't know how Americans can be responsible since we have only existed for a few hundred years.
I do agree that America has involved themselves in illegitimate wars way too many times since the Korean Conflict. I am not an expert on politically motivated American involvement in battles that belong to other countries, but unless we are willing to bring all military personal home and defend our own country from within our borders, because of past administrations and a much more technically advanced world today, we are caught in the middle. President Trump is darned if he fights back of darned if he don't.
That doesn't mean anything. The Obama administration routinely conducted drone strikes in nations that we were not at war with. He violated nations sovereignty on the regular. A lot of people lose focus of that truth when it doesn't benefit their side. Obamas foreign policy was one shrouded in mystery. Not only did he continue the drone program started under the Bush years, but expanded it exponentially. He was no saint.
Hell Obama intentionally killed a US citizen using a drone court charges filed, no day in court, no trial at all. 14th amendment be damned....Obama's idea of our constitutionally guaranteed due process of law was an earth shattering KaBOOM!

Even the leftist wackos at criticized Obama's legal overreach....well at least they did as he was handing the drone launch controls over to Trump.*******-drones-nsa-surveillance-trump
Did you read anything I wrote? We fucked their country. Should they not have a hardon for us? I know having dealt with southerners, every time I hear that stupid country twang coming out of a white person's mouth I can hardly contain my desire to lynch a bitch.
Saddam had already fucked up their country.
Soleimani was a sumbitch - personally designed the IEDs that could penetrate our armor and caused 1000s of amputees and over 600 Americans KIA - the only people whining about his demise seem to be the Dems. Both Bush and Obama had the opportunity to end this prick and chose not to.
The intel that was acted on was that Soleimani was responsible for the attack on our embassy - was behind the American contractor that was killed and was in the process of coordinating more attacks against our interests. I’m glad they splattered that sumbitch and shoulda done it sooner.
And? After him come a dozen more with the same intentions. The soldiers shouldn't have been there to begin with! Now we are sending eight thousand more. For what? To do exactly what? Continue the same crusade that we've been losing the last twenty years? What interest are we protecting there? The interest of perpetual warfare? And dont you dare call yourself a Conservative just because you don't agree with the Democrats because a conservative you are not!

Gee you seem to have all the answers so why don’t you answer.

Never said I was a conservative - I’m an Independent.

I think the big issue here is that Iran is not allowed to get nuclear weapons.
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About the recent ******* of the Iranian General Qassem Soleimani that is stirring up lots of trouble in the news recently, I cannot say personally about how loved or hated Soleimani was outside of what President Trump 🇺🇸 stated by killing him you would be preventing his assault of other Americans:

But as I once said Toronto is the mecca of peoples of just about every community on the planet. If anyone care to see their opinion on Soleimani here is it below which is news America might not be focused upon, and by how massively that community was celebrating I do not suspect these Iranian expats / refugees here would be enraged with President Trump 🇺🇸. Instead if each of them could thank him appropriately they would be collectively casting votes for him later this year in 2020 for his re-election:

Examples from the article above stated:

"'We are in a great world now after Soleimani's elimination,' said Hamid Gharajeh, a spokesman for the Iran Democratic Association of Canada. 'I feel wonderful because we really think this is long overdue.'"

And "Behza Matin said he danced when he first heard the news of the general's death."

And they also confirmed what Trump stated because "It also accused Soleimani of approving orchestrated violent protests at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. "


🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
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So now Iraq is considering kicking our soldiers out of the country. Well Drumph, that's one way of extricating us from the Middle-East. Now, if you will just bring our, soldiers back from Saudi Arabia. Fucktard.