Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden are a crying little fucking kid that needs bitch slapped...…..not the first time you have went to the mods with your version of a complaint......tried to trick me into a play of words on trump before.....and I know you have complained before...…..if you can't have it your way....destroy it.....that about sum it up...… someone can find a cartoon of a girl flashing offensive is pretty hard to understand....but if you are looking for excuses to do doesn't take much...…

censorship is one way of killing anything......and with you bringing them in......they and you decide what stays and what goes...…..notice here lately that several active threads have disappeared?...….one just posted on yesterday about trump destroying America....gone now....and yet angelic's threads ….which have had little or no posts are still here

well stiff....just like with your lord and at all costs...….you just killed this with your version of censorship....and no it wasn't just the removal of a stupid cartoon...….it's the removal of threads also....once someone starts their version of censorship where does it end

as far as I'm concerned if there is no freedom of sense having any speech!
stiff..... now if you hurry you get my above comment removed also …...…...because I'm sure you find it offensive.....after all where does censorship end? have taken it upon yourself to decide some.....others have taken it upon themselves to decide the rest
There is freedom of speech but there is a code as well too. No kiddy porn, racism, calling for the ******* of anyone too. It is hard to form such a Constitution like this on the fly but undoubtedly you will discover something else that would be worthy on that list. For over 3 years now you said just about anything about Trump where you even had gifs of him burning, tackled, his face melting away, called him a devil, asserted he is a racist, calling him stupid, refering to him as Hitler, and countless other negative things. That is a difference of opinion we can and did debate. And I respect your diligence for finding countless articles trying to prove your point. But like a offence attorney his/her job might be the hardest where they must prove they argument is airtight in all circumstances, whereas myself trying to be the defence attorney for Trump in a number of scenarios poked holes in some of your arguments that provide a certain degree of doubt which exonerates him in my opinion. Again it is not up to me but the American electorate that should arrive at that conclusion and I believe they will.

Attack Trump all you like he is POTUS, a public figure, undoubtedly there are further negative attributes you have not discovered yet? He might kick his dog and his cat (but then you could get ******* after Trump if that is true?), he cheats in chess, or whatever else you discover about him that his about Trump the man. You crossed the line to me yesterday when you posted that kiddy porn. Similarly you would have done the same if you attacked his underaged *******. If you have any ******* I'd imagine your disgust and lunge at anyone who attacked them like the Terminator as well.

There is a common sense of decency that is evaporating. Too bad all people do not adhere to them, but this is a porn site after all and there was never any kind of test one took that makes certain you pass that basic common denominator. I could suggest the Bible but that would infringe people of different heritages coming from other religions or those who had a negative exposure to religion or Christianity itself and have issues with it and wars were fought centuries ago over it too. I am trying not to duplicate those mistakes either. The privilege of living in one of the most, if not the most, multi ethnic places on the planet taught me that where dozens of peoples of different ethnicities live in the same city and there are no ethnic wars here except for the proliferation of gangs here.

So all I can suggest is that when you post try to think about the other guy. If you were the party you are attacking or if you posted gifs that were potentially crossing borders of ******* like you did @subhub174014 would you be offending anyone? Be thankful #METOO did not catch you instead of myself otherwise you might be sharing a cell between Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein if he is ever incarcerated as well. Again at least you are free to criticize. Also I pleaded you were not banned so you have your freedom to hate me or to criticize me, think of that too.

Moreover if what I did was so wrong why did the moderator and @FunnyBunny agree with me? Think of that too where they could have arrived at a conclusion that that was an innocent pedophilic gif? If there is ever such a thing??? I have no magical powers of influence: I laid out an argument and they both happened to agree with me. I was not sure if you had a rotten day the day before yesterday or if your were sipping on an overproofed batch of Egg Nog before the new year but I never thought you would cross the line like you did yesterday @subhub174014 ?

GO TRUMP 2020! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
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Be thankful #METOO did not catch you instead of myself otherwise you might be sharing a cell between Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein if he is ever incarcerated as well.
For once Subhub and Mac are right. You need to get a grip. No one would ever be going to prison over the avatar sub used. It was a cartoon character for christ's sake. How do you know it wasn't the 23 year old Lisa Simpson as depicted in the episode Lisa's Wedding? There have been several other episodes with Lisa depicted as an adult of various ages. Sub's avatar was a rule 16 violation since the site doesn't allow exposed genitalia (cartoon or real) in avatars. So it was reasonable for the site to remove it for not following the rules. But legally, you're being ridiculously over the top dramatic with your statements.

It is unusual that some moderator or admin has apparently been removing multiple posts and whole threads with no public statement as far as I am aware of. Deleting posts and threads with no explanation leads to speculation and frustration from members, not knowing who did what, why, and how to avoid making the same mistakes. I find it counter productive to the forum's growth.
If there was ANY doubt at all about the media being biased - there is NONE now.

CNN talking about the Quds ******* General like he was a freaking saint and criticizing the President for ending that rat bastard responsible for hundreds of American deaths.

The media are disgusting - unpatriotic - gobshites!!!!!!
Not even the most ardent anti Obama types ever raged at him like the liberals today. Mac is angry because everything he believed would happen didn’t come true.

Like I said before, you can hate Trump but you can still admit he didn’t do anything wrong. Mac has severe TDS. It’s gone from humorous to ridiculous.
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Saying that CNN SUX is just too mild a statement - reporting that President Trump was grandstanding by assassinating the revered Soleimani - now all the Dems whining they weren’t consulted - like they could be trusted to keep their leaking mouths shut - the liberal media and Dems should be ashamed of themselves - it’s painfully apparent - neither has any shame or even any sense of it though.
Used to be Americans supported their President when he took out an enemy that was killing them - WTF happened????
I have no Idea?? Trump did what was needed to do.
What, an unprovoked AND unauthorized attack on another country's political/military figure? I don't think you brain dead drones understand the full possible ramifications & repercussions here. It wasn't the actual "killing" of the Soleimani, it was the way Trump went about it. ONCE AGAIN Republicans are giving Trump the "free ride" to do as he wishes without taking into account the protocol process.
So, next time maybe Trump decides to bomb a Venezuela target, or a N Korean target, and once again he goes around Congress to do it. If this is Trump's intended MO from now on, why not just tell Congress they can go HOME while he's the Dictator President?
The really sad thing about this is that Trump will be here in the US (probably on a golf course) when a new Middle East War breaks out, and he's sending thousands of our soldiers to fight and die in another war that HE started just to take the heat of HIS UNLAWFUL PRESIDENCY. This war, compliments of Trump, who ran on a campaign of brinking our soldiers HOME, NOT starting another unprovoked war. And guess who will be supplying arms to the Iranians ... China AND Russia, who are practicing war maneuvers together even as we speak.
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