Finding out your wife was cheating with a bbc

My wife cheated with black guys on multiple occasions several years apart . I found out on my own suspicion and finding info in her phone. We ended up staying together both times. Yes it has driven me to be more into bbc and cuckold lifestyles even though we still have great sex together
You have a knockout of a wife…obviously 🙄 And sorry if this is over-solicitous but it’s tough to not notice and be curious about you two! I thought you wrote somewhere that you’d also had past affairs. It’s great that you worked things out. I wonder if you guys do cuckold/hotwife stuff now, or perhaps have designs in that direction?
I don't know why white men consider it "cheating"

Married, and single white women, and their *******'s have a god given right, to get as much black dick, as their heart so desires.

Sexual reparations, is not cheating, it's fulfilling her expectations, and her *******'s following in their mom's foot steps.

Embrace your wife, and your ******* opening their thighs for black men of any age, and know that they're fulfilling their natural right, duty.


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My wife cheated on me multiple times with multiple black guys that I know of, probably many more that I am not aware of. Caught her due to not covering her tracks on Facebook and text messages. It hurt me when I found out and we separated. Eventually we worked it out and now I’ve accepted her needs and desires to have sex with black men
My wife cheated on me multiple times with multiple black guys that I know of, probably many more that I am not aware of. Caught her due to not covering her tracks on Facebook and text messages. It hurt me when I found out and we separated. Eventually we worked it out and now I’ve accepted her needs and desires to have sex with black men
Did you have any suspicions? Or just stumble upon it?
My wife cheated on me multiple times with multiple black guys that I know of, probably many more that I am not aware of. Caught her due to not covering her tracks on Facebook and text messages. It hurt me when I found out and we separated. Eventually we worked it out and now I’ve accepted her needs and desires to have sex with black men
Did you have any suspicions or did you just stumble upon it?
I found out later after we had gotten Into the LS that she had been doing it behind my back. She was doing it when we were dating/ engaged and continued through the first few years of our marriage. Looking back It now makes sense to me that it was her idea to get into swinging. Then over the course of a couple years how we got away from swapping with other white couples to just her dating black.
My wife always sends me a picture when she cheats.
I dont mind.


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