Does money make you cum


Real Person
typically reading most of the post here I hear the most off the wall reasons about how no woman cant resist bbc and other outlandish fantasies. These comments are usually made by men for cucks and not by actual women

On the other hand I see woman selling content with wishlist and even ones who are offended by me and calling me poor or claim to have some form of wealth that's beyond myself . Even seen a few who are "size queens " who will rate your dick for a fee
Men are saying it's about the dick but women are singing a different tune.
So my question is do money make you cum ? Is the idea of a men with money more of a turn on then a big dick ?

Alot of women will deny and say the confidence of a man is sexy and money is a tool ,which is true but I don't see alot of women here saying they are looking for a confident men .

Most men say they like a "nartual woman" but are buy content from women with implants and bbl's.

So is money actually the key to a exciting fetish lifestyle?

F.y.i ..I like my bills folded not rolled

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For those who choose to say I have none ..keep that same energy😅
Debt is wealth also ..debt shows responsibility and mangerment of money .

Whats the point of having money of you can't pay your bills and what you owe . It's people out here who are millionaire not because they actually have a million dollar but for the fact that they have access to a mill in cedit.

Debt absolutely is not personal wealth! At least not to the one who is indebted to somebody else. Debt is a burden that needs to be carried. Yes, how well you carry that burden is evidence of responsibility, but it isn't evidence of your own personal wealth. It's more evidence of the indebted contributing to the wealth of another, the one who is owed the money. In fact, the more debt one has on the books the less one's net worth is. That's just the some of the very basics of managing money and building your wealth my friend. You don't do that by being in a lot of debt. In fact, excessive debt is evidence of fiscal irresponsibility!
Agreed! Being a Scorpio I get mine, no matter who is in my life, but here's my downfall. Men have said my financial independence makes me sexy, but it's also intimidating they don't want a female who may do it better then them. So it's really not the same, financially independent men yes can be more attractive and have husband material written all over them, but 9× out of 10 if the women is financially independent she's a plethora of things wrong yet none of them being wifey material. I never want to be left empty handed because I relied on another human being.
So people just simply live in the past .it's nothing wrong with a women who makes more money then her man .and that doesn't have anything to do with the male role in a relationship.

It's men out here who cant even cook and prepare a meal for themselves and others without help from a woman .
That's still co dependency.

Imagine that a grown man who don't how to buy food at a grocery store without a woman
Now that's just as wild

You shouldn't hold others flaw over yourself .even ppl with money .hold something on the side for themselves. It's the people who don't who have a issue with that .😉
Debt absolutely is not personal wealth! At least not to the one who is indebted to somebody else. Debt is a burden that needs to be carried. Yes, how well you carry that burden is evidence of responsibility, but it isn't evidence of your own personal wealth. It's more evidence of the indebted contributing to the wealth of another, the one who is owed the money. In fact, the more debt one has on the books the less one's net worth is. That's just the some of the very basics of managing money and building your wealth my friend. You don't do that by being in a lot of debt. In fact, excessive debt is evidence of fiscal irresponsibility!
That's the same mentality I had in my early 20's when I thought I didn't need a bank account or credit..

I think what you saying would make sense if cash was worth more then face value.

Like if a brought a house with cash let's say for 250k then that money is gone .I'm broke there for I can't afford the maintain on the house and can't raise the value of that home .if you need to buy a roof for 15k then I would have to sell the house .

If I took a loan and paid it off (on time) take only alot of the money I have from the 250k .
Then my debit would have created more wealth over time e.i. my net worth

The fact that your debt has nothing to do your net worth is only basic upon what you spend your money on .

The idea that debt isn't a reflection of personal wealth is crazy to me when you have rich people in the world who are muti millionaires who spend billions on architecture and still be millionaires and furture billionaires

Or the idea that a guy who owns a million dollars business a million dollar home and only has a ford truck paid off is really poor because he has debt .
Are those things not a reflection of personal wealth?
Man/women is the conductor to perpetuate the evil, not the root. The root is the base, the reason for the cause.
I don’t think money is the root of all evil , actually it’s man the root n cause for all evil… like they try to say guns are evil, no the person behind the gun doing heinous crimes are evil…

Just saying cock can be the root of all evil too .
I mean I have see some girls do the crazy over some good pee pee 😂😂

That's shaking be demon trying to steal them souls 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
That's the same mentality I had in my early 20's when I thought I didn't need a bank account or credit..

I think what you saying would make sense if cash was worth more then face value.

Like if a brought a house with cash let's say for 250k then that money is gone .I'm broke there for I can't afford the maintain on the house and can't raise the value of that home .if you need to buy a roof for 15k then I would have to sell the house .

If I took a loan and paid it off (on time) take only alot of the money I have from the 250k .
Then my debit would have created more wealth over time e.i. my net worth

The fact that your debt has nothing to do your net worth is only basic upon what you spend your money on .

The idea that debt isn't a reflection of personal wealth is crazy to me when you have rich people in the world who are muti millionaires who spend billions on architecture and still be millionaires and furture billionaires

Or the idea that a guy who owns a million dollars business a million dollar home and only has a ford truck paid off is really poor because he has debt .
Are those things not a reflection of personal wealth?

And this is why I'm glad I don't come to places like B2W for financial advice! And I would not advise anyone else to do so either. Look, the time to have debt if you've got to have any is exactly when you're young. The older you get the less debt you should be having. All's I know is I'm set. I own my home outright (most people go around talking about they own a home when they don't own squat because the bank owns it until paid off), I own my cars outright (one brand new and one older with super low mileage), I paid off my student loans decades ago, and I have ZERO debt for NOTHING else (except for credit cards that get paid off every month). Have all your ******* paid for, a strong and reliable monthly income, and money saved up if you can. Bros . . . make sure your bills are paid and your investments made BEFORE you get laid . . . and don't let ANYBODY tell you that staying in debt ought to be acceptable. It isn't! Take it from somebody who has been there and who knows better. The typical person in life should get rid of their debt as fast as they can. Then you can start living your best life ;)
And this is why I'm glad I don't come to places like B2W for financial advice! And I would not advise anyone else to do so either. Look, the time to have debt if you've got to have any is exactly when you're young. The older you get the less debt you should be having. All's I know is I'm set. I own my home outright (most people go around talking about they own a home when they don't own squat because the bank owns it until paid off), I own my cars outright (one brand new and one older with super low mileage), I paid off my student loans decades ago, and I have ZERO debt for NOTHING else (except for credit cards that get paid off every month). Have all your ******* paid for, a strong and reliable monthly income, and money saved up if you can. Bros . . . make sure your bills are paid and your investments made BEFORE you get laid . . . and don't let ANYBODY tell you that staying in debt ought to be acceptable. It isn't! Take it from somebody who has been there and who knows better. The typical person in life should get rid of their debt as fast as they can. Then you can start living your best life ;)
Like you having a different conversation then I am ..for one one mentioned staying in debt .two ..I'm glad that your personal achievement has landed you in a good place in life but I'm Afriad of what you are saying has nothing to do attracting the opposite sex yes stability is the importantfactor but lets be honest.

In fact it may come off boring for most women. Everything you said sounds like retirement not living your best life .

Everything you just said takes 10 to 35 years to paid off your advice is that men should wait that long to have sex and not enjoy their 20s ?
In fact it may come off boring for most women. Everything you said sounds like retirement not living your best life .

Everything you just said takes 10 to 35 years to paid off your advice is that men should wait that long to have sex and not enjoy their 20s ?

Ehh . . . now you're talking about stuff that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about . . . and not having to work and doing WTF I want when I want? Yep, that's pretty much living my best life ;)! But you do you . . . I'm sure it will keep your creditors happy . . . especially if you pay on time!
Ehh . . . now you're talking about stuff that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about . . . and not having to work and doing WTF I want when I want? Yep, that's pretty much living my best life ;)! But you do you . . . I'm sure it will keep your creditors happy . . . especially if you pay on time!
clearly something I said must had broke you wee wlittle heart .I don't see how because you just repeating what I said at this point

But hey clearly proving to us that you are living your best life and that you arehappy with yourself evolved me and your assumption of how much debt I have .

But of course it's b2w and it's always that one UV who kink is to claim they are doing some much in the real world lol

it make sense now that you didn't have anything to add to the original topic . Yo ass aint said one word about a actual women lmfao
But here I guess money can make you jack off by yourself also huh?🤦🏿
Anyways😒 funny thing happen when I was omw to work today .

TLC no scrubs came on the radio
I was a Hugh TLC fan back in the day but let's be honest this is a song written and performed by women .it was a hit and top billboard song and I think they won a gammy from it .

Not saying TLC was gold diggers but how we appreciate this song but have a hard time appreciating women who live by that idealogy?
Do women think being looked at as a gold digger a bad thing and being a "sugar baby" ok?

And why do men who want to have sugar mommas looked at as lazy guys instead of players?
clearly something I said must had broke you wee wlittle heart .I don't see how because you just repeating what I said at this point

But hey clearly proving to us that you are living your best life and that you arehappy with yourself evolved me and your assumption of how much debt I have .

But of course it's b2w and it's always that one UV who kink is to claim they are doing some much in the real world lol

it make sense now that you didn't have anything to add to the original topic . Yo ass aint said one word about a actual women lmfao
But here I guess money can make you jack off by yourself also huh?🤦🏿

Now who wouldn't seem so attractive to women huh 😏? What you said that anybody with any financial sense knows to be outrageously incorrect is that "debt is wealth". That's what you said. I decided to address that, especially since it was in response to something I wrote. Because I know from direct experience that it isn't true. Anybody who knows anything about money knows that's not true. Ask everyday people in deep debt how "wealthy" they feel. I can think of one person up to his eyebrows in debt who everybody knows who would tell you he's wealthy (but we all know it's BS). And I've said plenty about actual women (this isn't my first go around on this site). But, I like to do less talking and more action. Less talking about it and more being about it. How about that? I'll let you go ahead and get back to your dumb topic question. But say some more outrageously stupid *******, and I just might have to check that again!
Now who wouldn't seem so attractive to women
You ...I just told you that
huh 😏? What you said that anybody with any financial sense knows to be outrageously incorrect is that "debt is wealth".
Ok your opinion.
That's what you said. I decided to address that, especially since it was in response to something I wrote. Because I know from direct experience that it isn't true.
Also your opinion
Anybody who knows anything about money knows that's not true.
So you just here to repeat how untrue I am over and over again
Ask everyday people in deep debt how "wealthy" they feel. I can think of one person up to his eyebrows in debt who everybody knows who would tell you he's wealthy (but we all know it's BS).
Who cares
And I've said plenty about actual women (this isn't my first go around on this site). But, I like to do less talking and more action. Less talking about it and more being about it.
Bruh you doing alot of talking now .wtf
How about that? I'll let you go ahead and get back to your dumb topic question.
That you want to be apart of soo badly that why you still talking
But say some more outrageously stupid *******, and I just might have to check that again!
Lmfao check me...with what ? Proof I said before bro are a blank profile who looking to have merit and to remain anonymous at the same time aint check nothing just offended 🤣🤣🤣
Animated GIF

I can't believe a man who calls himself the booty bandit and a picture say "ass is the new pussy" want to talk to me about priorities

Well I guess we why you was able to wait until your house was paid off before fucking with women huh?

Dude was quick to say " oh pussy can wait" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
You're a dumb fuck who doesn't know squat about me . . . nor how to build wealth . . . whip out those loan applications and carry on 😅

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You're a dumb fuck who doesn't know squat about me . . . nor how to build wealth . . . whip out those loan applications and carry on 😅

But yet you clearly know me lol huh ..bro you the booty warrior from the boondocks and I'm about to climb in some pusc real quick lol have fun scrolling and living the best life or whatever the fuck you call it
Money is the root of all evil, and the world of perversion is a sin, so there's that.
A rich man is nice, but it doesn't make me cream my panties. If anything if pampered by a man with whatever my heart desired, he better have a big 🍆 so I can give him my gratitude. If he had money and no 🍆 I couldn't do it.
I know I've said confidence in a man is extremely sexy. But he still needs a big 🍆 I just can't compromise when it comes to my pleasure. I get "fuckgry" if I'm not completely satisfied sexually, so ya money ain't it. It's a nice bonus but eh.
A lot to unpack here. You start with principles (Bible) and end in a very shallow appraisal of what’s really important. Neither money or a big dick will satisfy most women over time. And many unhappy divorcees will testify to that!

Even having both, is no panacea. This LS is about the fun a couple can enjoy while ethically opening up their marriage within the context of the real love of their primary relationship.

We don’t fuck for money or the biggest dick. We fuck for pleasure and the biggest dick seldom delivers that unless the user is highly skilled.
- Money is the root of all evil, and the world of perversion is a sin, so there's that.

-...Greed is one of the 7 deadly sins. Money is the root, that causes money to be evil. Therefore money is the root of all evil. It doesn't necessarily mean having lots of money either. You can be broke as a joke and be a thief, root cause money. You can't pay your bills, you start doing shaddy things to get that money, root cause. It's about perspective, and what you want out of life. If you're easy for the things money brings and that makes you cum? Root cause baby, MONEY. I just want to be happy, if my guy has bank, and I have bank he has a big 🍆 and I got a wet 😻 he doesn't need to know how to use it because I do and that's all that matters.

It feels like you grew up in the Middle Ages.😏 I heard a version that greed is the engine of progress! Greed itself is not bad if it is regulated. Much worse is excessive spending.
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Dude, this whole website is about a fantasy. Make of that what you will. Some people take everything and anything we say here way too seriously. Besides, at the end of the day money in a real world setting is a lot more useful than a behemoth dick, lmao.