Does Donald Trump deserve a second term? Yes or No.

Does Donald Trump deserve a second term as president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 74.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
They dinna have to - the media was all over their stuff - when it comes to President Trump over 90% negative - NO no bias there !!!
They dinna have to - the media was all over their stuff - when it comes to President Trump over 90% negative - NO no bias there !!!

oh hell no....just the factual news...…..repeating his own words and deeds....can't keep his lies straight and can't even tell people the truth....forgets which lie he told yesterday....that's what happens to liars...they get all tangled up in them.....the only thing he has got right yet....impeachment is a word he doesn't like

go do your sock drawer....don't come back til they match
I noticed this thread too late, but I would not have voted for Trump. Or against Trump.

I don't like the way the democrats are becoming ever more left and extreme. I'm fond of third parties.

Also wish we could have a more proportionate system of representation like how the Israelis do it.
I noticed this thread too late, but I would not have voted for Trump. Or against Trump.

I don't like the way the democrats are becoming ever more left and extreme. I'm fond of third parties.

Also wish we could have a more proportionate system of representation like how the Israelis do it.
Problem with the Israeli system is that there is a massive number of political parties all with similar proportionate pull with the voting population. As I understand it, not being Israeli, is that it is impossible to win an election after one is conducted. The governing party "wins" after they get enough support from the other parties through a coalition.

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Being in America it is unfortunate you cannot see this documentary I am watching about fake news from Russia:


I cannot share the video but here is information that you or anyone else on this site can read that was featured in this documentary:

How Russian troll farms could impact Canada's federal election

Peter Akman
Peter Akman
, Investigative Correspondent, W5
Published Friday, September 20, 2019 1:00PM EDT
Last Updated Saturday, September 21, 2019 4:43PM EDT
ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - Out of place in a residential neighbourhood in St. Petersburg, Russia, is an eight-storey modern glass building with a massive parking lot wrapped around it. It’s not easy to get inside.
There’s a security gate and everyone who enters needs a security pass. My Russian producer tells me most of the people who come here work for the Internet Research Agency - better known around the world as a Russian troll farm.
In 2014, it was believed to be the only one – home to 200 or so workers who created fake websites, news and misinformation online, 24/7.
Internet Research Agency
W5's Peter Akman, right, filming outside of the offices of the Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg, Russia.
W5's Peter Akman interviews Vitaly Bespalov
W5 correspondent Peter Akman, left, interviews Vitaly Bespalov, right, who worked inside a Russian troll farm.
Now, it’s believed there are dozens of buildings filled with "writers" and "influencers," each with quotas and targets and each allegedly working with the full support of the Putin government.
Vitaly Bespalov worked at that original troll farm. He grew up in Western Siberia, and graduated with a degree in journalism. Eager to move to St. Petersburg, the 28 year old started applying to job postings online. One job in particular caught his eye.
“It was a common job advertisement for a position of a content manager. It neither specified the area of work, nor any details were given. The only difference was the salary that they proposed. It was twice as much as other similar positions.”
As soon as he started the job, it became clear that what he was expected to do was a long way from real journalism.
“I happened to work in three different departments. The first one dealt with those fake sites, the pseudo-Ukrainian ones. The second one was the social media marketing department, which dealt with making spam of fake news and sending them throughout the Russian social networks using fake accounts. The third department had a Russian site, a real site, not a fake one, which dealt with publishing lies about the West, about the Ukraine and about then U.S. President Barack Obama.”
Bespalov lasted just over three months and then began to speak out against the troll farms. That, however, didn’t slow them down. In fact they became bolder in their attacks on foreign targets. Millions of tweets and thousands of Facebook posts were created by these trolls and linked to the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Patrick Warren is a professor and researcher at Clemson University in South Carolina. He has been analyzing over three million tweets from fake Russian accounts.
“It was actually a very complex, multi-faceted propaganda effort out of this organization affiliated with the Russian government. They had an overarching strategy to divide, not just American, but including American population to make people think the world was worse than it really is. To make people think that the institutions that have sustained sort of liberal democracy don’t work so well after all.”
Now, he believes these same trolls have set their sights on Canada and the upcoming federal election.
Warren says the hashtag #TrudeauMustGo started trending on July 19 with 53,000 tweets. That’s about 2,000 tweets per hour which targeted the prime minister of Canada.
“I think that the whole, the overarching purpose is to undermine the reliability of liberal democracies around the world.”
In an attempt to stop foreign interference during the 2019 Canadian federal election, Canada’s top security agencies are monitoring the web 24/7. Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), works hand in hand with a largely secret organization, Communication Security Establishment (CSE), which gathers information and decides when to act upon it. Elections Canada is also watching to make sure Canada’s 26-million eligible voters have the right information to cast their ballot.
Stephane Perrault is the Chief Electoral Officer for Elections Canada.
“First of all, we have a voter information campaign for this election. We have a social media monitoring capacity, so we have tools and a fairly significant team that monitors social media in a range of languages, some 20 languages, to identify misinformation about the voting process. That allows us to intervene and correct any misinformation”
Former Russian troll Vitaly Bespalov thinks the Russians have already come up with new ways to meddle with our political views. After being implicated for interfering in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, they have to be more creative as Canadians get ready to go to the polls.
"So now I think they are going to invent some other schemes of influencing the audience. It will be done in a different way. No need to look for trolls on Facebook, they will find a new way."
Watch “Dirty Tricks” on Saturday’s season premiere of CTV’s W5 at 7 p.m.


Perhaps the details that you negatively espouse about Donald Trump ?? is fiction created by Russian guys like Vitaly Bespalov as featured above?
it is impossible to win an election after one is conducted. The governing party "wins" after they get enough support from the other parties through a coalition.

The USA is a diverse country and it is getting more diverse all the time. There are only two constituencies that have more than 50% - white people, and women. But white people are losing their majority and only biological women are a majority, not hetro women. So in the first place there is no automatic majority anywhere. Any governing party should get support from other parties.

Multiparty coalitions are unwieldy and troublesome, but these are more likely to ensure that most people's needs get aired and heard.

I believe that in a multiparty system, there will be a party for blacks much like the Israeli Arabs' Joint List. Which is good. Blacks are actually much less radical than white democrats. I could vote for a mainly black led, black dominated party, and I can accept such a party in the governing coalition. But I won't ever accept an 'open borders' party in any coalition. Anyone who wants to decriminalize illegal migration automatically loses my vote.
Nice to know where all these people who hate Trump come from...

SHOCKING! San Fran Communist Teachers Drag 5-Year-Old Children with Hate Trump Signs to Rally, Coach Them on Hateful Chants (VIDEO)
Jim Hoft
by Jim Hoft September 22, 2019 377 Comments
Your taxpayer dollars at work–
Indoctrinating ******* with communist propaganda at age five!

Three public schools in San Francisco took ******* as young as 5 to march in a “Close The Camps” leftist protest. The teachers are indoctrinating children that Donald Trump is a racist that hates immigrants. The children are also being lectured in public school on the goodness of open borders.

This is pure insanity.

The children prepared their protest signs at school and their teachers coached them on their anti-Trump chants!


Pro-Trump activist “Fog City Midge” attended the rally and tried to interview the teachers and parents who were there to support the vile protest.

The teachers refused to speak to her and told her she was not welcome.

This is the communist left in action.

from: ( )

you are not sharing are flooding the site with the same posts on every thread.....AND... we are not pals!
Awww you hurt my feelings @subhub174014 ? ??. If the feeling is not mutual I consider you a pal though despite that we hardly agree on most topics.

Big difference...….I post current articles in todays news...….and links in response to a just put together articles in support of your god.....I don't like him...I think he is as corrupt as they come....I think he has broken several laws.....but I can discuss other issues in politics

I even created the trump racist thread so you would post your novels there and leave the other thread for the topic they were created for....but you still persist in trying to influence someone...not sure who as most here already have their opinions formed a long time ago!
Big difference...….I post current articles in todays news...….and links in response to a just put together articles in support of your god.....I don't like him...I think he is as corrupt as they come....I think he has broken several laws.....but I can discuss other issues in politics

I even created the trump racist thread so you would post your novels there and leave the other thread for the topic they were created for....but you still persist in trying to influence someone...not sure who as most here already have their opinions formed a long time ago!
Again Donald Trump ?? to me is not the Almighty God, but instead possibly like a modern day prophet in the Bible. Not as notable as King David or Samson, but quite possibly an important figure like Jehu from 2nd Kings who slew Jezebel ( a similarity to Hillary ) or like Cyrus where he did not believe in the God at all yet Jews to this day honor him for showing mercy to the Jews at that time noted in the book of Ezra. In any case men like Jehu, Cyrus, Samson and King David had weaknesses that are far less than holy yet they are honored in scripture to this day due to their notable acts.
Again Donald Trump ?? to me is not the Almighty God, but instead possibly like a modern day prophet in the Bible. Not as notable as King David or Samson, but quite possibly an important figure like Jehu from 2nd Kings who slew Jezebel ( a similarity to Hillary ) or like Cyrus where he did not believe in the God at all yet Jews to this day honor him for showing mercy to the Jews at that time noted in the book of Ezra. In any case men like Jehu, Cyrus, Samson and King David had weaknesses that are far less than holy yet they are honored in scripture to this day due to their notable acts.

your opinion where as several prominate black ministers have pegged him as a demigod or the antichrist....true several met with trump a month or so ago....even with those they were not 100% of them sold on trump...some opposed the meeting and yet their names were added to the list of supposedly visitors...……..all just for show for trump to use

Is President Trump the Antichrist? - Endtime Ministries ...
Apr 03, 2018 · The Bible prophesies that the antichrist will sign a covenant between Israel and the Palestinians, which begins the Final Seven Years to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the Battle of Armageddon. President Trump, his *******-in-law Jared Kushner and …

Black Pastor Calls Trump Meeting A 'Get-Played Moment' : NPR
Dec 01, 2015 · Black Pastor Calls Trump Meeting A 'Get-Played Moment' Trump had said he'd be endorsed by 100 black religious leaders at a Monday press conference. Instead, there was …

PART 2 of 5 - TRUMP IS THE ANTICHRIST! Christian ...
Jan 26, 2018 · Born-again Christians testify about the rise of Antichrist Trump! Link to PART 3 - // There are well over 150 videos on this cha...

Donald Trump Antichrist 666 Beast Little Horn Trump of ... Trump Antichrist 666.htm
· Jul 20, 2019

Is Donald Trump the ANTICHRIST in 2019? The Man of Sin ...
· Aug 14, 2019

Donald Trump Antichrist 666 Beast Little Horn Trump of ... Trump Antichrist 666.htm
Is Donald Trump the Anti-Christ? ― 666 Fifth Avenue Mark of the BEAST ... The number 666 is the major sign of the Antichrist. And, as revealed on this page, the number 666 turns up over and over again in regard to Donald Trump and his family, in truly startling and astounding ways.

Trump is Antichrist -
May 16, 2016 · Trump is an antichrist because he wants others to worship the same system that he worships. He wants you to think that you can worship both God and mammon. He doesn’t care to lead you directly away from Christ, because he doesn’t care about Christ.

Donald Trump thinks he is a demigod | The Gazette…
Demigod: “A mythological being with more power than a mortal but less than a god.”. Demagogue: “A leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power.”. Donald Trump thinks he is the first one.

you opinion doesn't fit that of others