Does Donald Trump deserve a second term? Yes or No.

Does Donald Trump deserve a second term as president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 74.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
yes and no......send enough troops to do what we went over there for....although we should never have stuck our nose in to begin with.....and like all other countries we have "conquered" we should have built a base there to keep an eye on look at Iraq....partnering up with Iran....just what Bush Senior was smart enough not to let happen

damned internet crashed for some lost the rest of my comments
It's cool man
yes and no......send enough troops to do what we went over there for....although we should never have stuck our nose in to begin with.....and like all other countries we have "conquered" we should have built a base there to keep an eye on look at Iraq....partnering up with Iran....just what Bush Senior was smart enough not to let happen

damned internet crashed for some lost the rest of my comments
Bush and Obama created this disaster. Trump may contribute to it further. We are a war weary nation.
We shouldn't be over there in the first place. It was another example of nation building. We can't change these people.

Originally it was about Kuwait...oil......maybe we should have defended them...probably in our best interest to do that...….but one done got out and let things alone...….we certainly have supported others as bad if not worse than Saddam was.....look at what we are doing for the Saudis and turkey...are they any better?....don't think so...….but bush Jr. didn't like saddam threatening his we permanently tip the whole balance in the against us!

very stupid over an ego comment....and evn lied to out allies about all of it with his weapons of mass destruction
The right to bear arms is a risk vs reward conversation. Imagine if Republicans were trying to strip you of the right to defend yourself. Why allow such a thing? Trump has already banned bump stocks. It's a slow erosion of rights.
Originally it was about Kuwait...oil......maybe we should have defended them...probably in our best interest to do that...….but one done got out and let things alone...….we certainly have supported others as bad if not worse than Saddam was.....look at what we are doing for the Saudis and turkey...are they any better?....don't think so...….but bush Jr. didn't like saddam threatening his we permanently tip the whole balance in the against us!

very stupid over an ego comment....and evn lied to out allies about all of it with his weapons of mass destruction
He did lie. Nothing was found
Bush and Obama created this disaster. Trump may contribute to it further. We are a war weary nation.

bush Jr. did create it...….think Obama just kind of stumbled aroung looking for a way out and did still open on trump....but after all the lives lost over there we can not let iran take over Iraq!.....fuck them build a damned base over there to keep things in check!
bush Jr. did create it...….think Obama just kind of stumbled aroung looking for a way out and did still open on trump....but after all the lives lost over there we can not let iran take over Iraq!.....fuck them build a damned base over there to keep things in check!
He most certainly did. 911 was the day our freedom officially died
The right to bear arms is a risk vs reward conversation. Imagine if Republicans were trying to strip you of the right to defend yourself. Why allow such a thing? Trump has already banned bump stocks. It's a slow erosion of rights.

don't think anyone is disputing the right to bear arms.....O'Rourke just shot off his mouth with out thinking....but then that was his hometown got shot up so emotional....but definitely stirred the *******......I will agree with the judges that have already ruled in 3 states.....have whatever weapons you want to follow the second amendment....but there is nothing in the second amendment that says you need and assault weapon to do that
When defending yourself or your family, you want the best option available. It sounds cliche but it's true.

when someone in your defense is a semi *******...ok doesn't put out as many rounds...but who wants to shoot up their own home....outside the home...shotgun just as are not going to be attacked by large numbers of people taking over your land!
don't think anyone is disputing the right to bear arms.....O'Rourke just shot off his mouth with out thinking....but then that was his hometown got shot up so emotional....but definitely stirred the *******......I will agree with the judges that have already ruled in 3 states.....have whatever weapons you want to follow the second amendment....but there is nothing in the second amendment that says you need and assault weapon to do that
There's nothing that says we don't need this "assault weapon". It's not about a need but rather the freedom to do so. I want the best to defend myself and my family. It's a risk vs reward dilemma. I doubt everyone will agree on a resolution.
when someone in your defense is a semi *******...ok doesn't put out as many rounds...but who wants to shoot up their own home....outside the home...shotgun just as are not going to be attacked by large numbers of people taking over your land!
But what if we miss and there are several intruders?
They're banned as of 1986. Unless you have a special license, it's a no go. It was a compromise made at that time. However, it isn't stopping anyone from using fully automatic guns nor obtaining them. The fact is, our 2nd amendment is an insurance policy against a tyrannical governmen. Imagine if Trump became a dictator. Does it not make sense to use the best weapons you can to stop him?
There's nothing that says we don't need this "assault weapon". It's not about a need but rather the freedom to do so. I want the best to defend myself and my family. It's a risk vs reward dilemma. I doubt everyone will agree on a resolution. most it is more a matter of principle rather than need....I have a lot of guns and wouldn't mind having one....just never saw the practicality of having one...…..but with the majority of mass shooting some changes are needed...…..bad to say it.....but we are letting our freedoms destroy us....and changes are much and how many who knows....but changes of some kind has to happen....hell we have more restrictions on driving than we do on guns
They're banned as of 1986. Unless you have a special license, it's a no go.

yes on the full auto's I was referring to assault weapons...Ar's and Ak's ...ones with big clips...….hell when we duck hunt federal laws says only 3 rounds in the the safety of the duck...don't want you shooting and just putting pellets in the duck with no possibility of bring it down......and yet for the streets...hell you can have 100 round clips......where is the logic
yes on the full auto's I was referring to assault weapons...Ar's and Ak's ...ones with big clips...….hell when we duck hunt federal laws says only 3 rounds in the the safety of the duck...don't want you shooting and just putting pellets in the duck with no possibility of bring it down......and yet for the streets...hell you can have 100 round clips......where is the logic
It's about opposition to a tyrannical government. Federal law? What state are you in? most it is more a matter of principle rather than need....I have a lot of guns and wouldn't mind having one....just never saw the practicality of having one...…..but with the majority of mass shooting some changes are needed...…..bad to say it.....but we are letting our freedoms destroy us....and changes are much and how many who knows....but changes of some kind has to happen....hell we have more restrictions on driving than we do on guns
The reason is because you can. You have every right to protect yourself and your family. most it is more a matter of principle rather than need....I have a lot of guns and wouldn't mind having one....just never saw the practicality of having one...…..but with the majority of mass shooting some changes are needed...…..bad to say it.....but we are letting our freedoms destroy us....and changes are much and how many who knows....but changes of some kind has to happen....hell we have more restrictions on driving than we do on guns
We are all uncertain about the future. You just have to relax and not let it all get to you amigo. Have a beer, cigarette, joint, etc. It will be alright amigo, don't let them get to you ok? I have to sleep now lol take care.
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