Does Donald Trump deserve a second term? Yes or No.

Does Donald Trump deserve a second term as president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 74.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
What if Trump turns out to be an actual dictator? What will you do then? Suddenly practicality becomes necessity.

I think he would like that...sure likes to chum up with them and I think he is jealous...….but with his popularity never breaking 405......pretty sure enough hell be raised for that not to happen......don't think even the right would go that far
I think he would like that...sure likes to chum up with them and I think he is jealous...….but with his popularity never breaking 405......pretty sure enough hell be raised for that not to happen......don't think even the right would go that far
If he is a wannabe dictator, guns will stop him. If not? They at least give us a chance.
I think he would like that...sure likes to chum up with them and I think he is jealous...….but with his popularity never breaking 405......pretty sure enough hell be raised for that not to happen......don't think even the right would go that far
They all want to
The reason is because you can. You have every right to protect yourself and your family.

not denying that but do you really need an AR to do that
guess you missed the republican senator from Ohio just announced his support for the Bann....ORourke did it in front of a national audience....this guy a little quiet about it....but with more killings comes more support...I think it is coming
not denying that but do you really need an AR to do that
guess you missed the republican senator from Ohio just announced his support for the Bann....ORourke did it in front of a national audience....this guy a little quiet about it....but with more killings comes more support...I think it is coming
I am aware. Because they really aren't much different. It's the illusion of choice.
I have an ar15, ak47, shotgun, and a walther *******.
our freedoms are killing us right now and about to lose some just for self protection....used to go a lot of nascar races......can't take a cooler in any more....all kinds of security for our own's everywhere....always looking for unattended bag at the airport....changes are coming....they have to
our freedoms are killing us right now and about to lose some just for self protection....used to go a lot of nascar races......can't take a cooler in any more....all kinds of security for our own's everywhere....always looking for unattended bag at the airport....changes are coming....they have to
We are slowly turning into a surveillance state amigo. 911 brought the Patriot Act
We are slowly turning into a surveillance state amigo. 911 brought the Patriot Act

more freedoms we had to give up for our own protection....hell we have no idea if we are being watched or monitored keeping track of you....your phone can track you...

thought you had to go?
One thing I see as getting old is him blowing his own horn. As that grows older it might turn some people off. I realize that his rallies are off the charts in attendance but that could fade some, I think he may be able to draw them long enough to get him reelected. As far as him not being popular, depends on who we talk to. I know ( go back to sleep).
They're banned as of 1986. Unless you have a special license, it's a no go. It was a compromise made at that time. However, it isn't stopping anyone from using fully automatic guns nor obtaining them. The fact is, our 2nd amendment is an insurance policy against a tyrannical governmen. Imagine if Trump became a dictator. Does it not make sense to use the best weapons you can to stop him?

ARs are kinda the musket of today - if keeping a government in check is at issue then having comparable weapons evens the playing field. My weapon of choice would be a Springfield Armory M1A which is vastly superior ballistically and has much more accuracy at long range.
One thing I see as getting old is him blowing his own horn. As that grows older it might turn some people off. I realize that his rallies are off the charts in attendance but that could fade some, I think he may be able to draw them long enough to get him reelected. As far as him not being popular, depends on who we talk to. I know ( go back to sleep).

I know what ya mean about blowing his own horn getting old - however - if he doesn’t blow his own horn no one else will - the media SURELY won’t!!!!
One thing I see as getting old is him blowing his own horn. As that grows older it might turn some people off. I realize that his rallies are off the charts in attendance but that could fade some, I think he may be able to draw them long enough to get him reelected. As far as him not being popular, depends on who we talk to. I know ( go back to sleep).

he does blow his own horn....a lot.....and his lies have turned off more than I think he for his rallies...he has been caught putting ads on craigs list for attendees...more than once.....I think he likes the rallies...all those people just listening to him....brag about himself.....he definitely will not win the popular vote....Russia helped him last time he admits it the next he doesn't.....another thing that helped him last time...voter apathy.....lowest turn out for a presidential election in history....that won't happen again.....his popularity has never hit40%...hard to get re-elected with those numbers....sure he has some die hards on here....but this is not the majority of the country....yeah go back to sleep
I know what ya mean about blowing his own horn getting old - however - if he doesn’t blow his own horn no one else will - the media SURELY won’t!!!!

look at what all Obama did....and Clinton did.....did they ever hold a conference and brag about it.....and both had a lot to toot about....go arrange your sock drawer