Does Donald Trump deserve a second term? Yes or No.

Does Donald Trump deserve a second term as president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 74.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
That is a fact that cannot be denied, People that are intelligent, well educated and financially successful that I have come across, even here in the Democratically dominated state of Maine , are Republicans and stand firm in the benefits of Capitalism, and the moral values of conservatism. Is this just my opinion ? Not at all ! My second wife's whole family on both her *******'s side and her mom's were quite wealthy, they all went to college, studied and trained for positions working in certain professions, and at retirement they were all set for the rest of their lives. They never liked the democratic party, I remember how much they despised Bill and Hillary Clinton but loved Ronald Reagan.
That is a fact that cannot be denied, People that are intelligent, well educated and financially successful that I have come across, even here in the Democratically dominated state of Maine , are Republicans and stand firm in the benefits of Capitalism, and the moral values of conservatism. Is this just my opinion ? Not at all ! My second wife's whole family on both her *******'s side and her mom's were quite wealthy, they all went to college, studied and trained for positions working in certain professions, and at retirement they were all set for the rest of their lives. They never liked the democratic party, I remember how much they despised Bill and Hillary Clinton but loved Ronald Reagan.

republicans are republicans...what's your point?
although anymore republicans and conservatives are growing seen during the Bohner era....quite a bit......republicans have become the party of spending and huge deficits...although really always have been just did a good job of lying to the public about it......conservatives....don't like the spending and the big deficits...but do like all the tax breaks and perks of being republicans
Trump isn't my top choice for US president by a long way. But his rivals have earned plenty of negative feelings from me too.

Pocahontas (Elizabeth Warren)'s 1/1024 Native American ******* struck a nerve with me. As someone classified as white-Asian, I have never had any benefits in the Academic world. I get the worst of most identity politicking. The fact that someone got a great job and kept that job for decades thanks to 'diversity victimhood', is something I cannot accept.

At this age I have no illusions about being Harvard-worthy. But Warren was occupying a place that doubtless many true Native Americans, with real experiences of life on the margins and in the reservations, would have loved to hold. And somewhere down the line, I was deprived of a place that some other 'native' person who never earned her place took.

(A 1/32, blonde and blue eyed 'native American' got tenure in one of the places I've worked at. This person would never have been mistaken for a native American under any lighting condition or dress style.)

I'm not voting blue. If that makes me stupid, uneducated, racist and misogynist, I guess I'll just have to live with such monikers.
Trump isn't my top choice for US president by a long way. But his rivals have earned plenty of negative feelings from me too.

Pocahontas (Elizabeth Warren)'s 1/1024 Native American ******* struck a nerve with me. As someone classified as white-Asian, I have never had any benefits in the Academic world. I get the worst of most identity politicking. The fact that someone got a great job and kept that job for decades thanks to 'diversity victimhood', is something I cannot accept.

At this age I have no illusions about being Harvard-worthy. But Warren was occupying a place that doubtless many true Native Americans, with real experiences of life on the margins and in the reservations, would have loved to hold. And somewhere down the line, I was deprived of a place that some other 'native' person who never earned her place took.

(A 1/32, blonde and blue eyed 'native American' got tenure in one of the places I've worked at. This person would never have been mistaken for a native American under any lighting condition or dress style.)

I'm not voting blue. If that makes me stupid, uneducated, racist and misogynist, I guess I'll just have to live with such monikers.

the term Pocahontas already speaks volumes of your choice of who you follow
Trump’s Corruption Is Now More Brazen Than Ever | The Nation
Aug 28, 2019 · Trump’s Corruption Is Now More Brazen Than Ever ... On Tuesday we learned that Attorney General Bill Barr is spending $30,000 on his annual Christmas bash at the Trump Hotel in Washington, DC.

Trump Exposed Corruption Of The US Political System ...
Aug 08, 2015 · Trump Exposed Corruption Of The US Political System. By Mike Whitney, ... MIKE WHITNEY lives in Washington state. ... anyone who has to “learn” something from trump is probably pretty ignorant and they’ll just look at this as trump spouting more BS to make himself look important. Although he has seemed to appeal to a ...
Majority of Americans Don't Want Trump to Run for Re ...
Majority of Americans Don't Want Trump to Run for Re-Election, Including Nearly 20 Percent of Republicans, Poll Finds | U.S.

Only 33% Of Americans Want Trump Re-Elected Says ... - enVolve
Nov 13, 2017 · According to BS poll only 33% of Americans think Trump deserves re-election: More from CNN: Only 40% think President Trump is doing a good job keeping candidate Trump’s promises, down from 48% in April, and an equal 40% now say he can bring the kind of change the country needs, down from 49% shortly after his election.
The only reason you can post all the propaganda you post is because the media is totally leftwing biased and hate our President as much as you - hopefully when the flood of truth finally arrives - it will eventually come out.
The only reason you can post all the propaganda you post is because the media is totally leftwing biased and hate our President as much as you - hopefully when the flood of truth finally arrives - it will eventually come out.

isn't it odd...….that trump becomes president.....and all of a sudden all of news is now left wing biased and fake news...did they all just out of nowhere decide trump was bad...….or was there something that may have pointed them in that direction?...a little logic would apply here....but then......

People really don’t like Donald Trump. | The New Republic

People really don’t like Donald Trump. For Trump, that means that 70 percent of the country has an unfavorable opinion of him—the highest mark since he began running for president a year ago. Only 29 percent of Americans have favorable opinions of him; meanwhile, 89 percent of Hispanics and 94 percent of blacks dislike Trump.

Opinion | Is It Time to Call Trump Mentally Ill? - The New ...

Feb 17, 2017 · So the nation doesn’t need a shrink to help it to decide whether President Trump is fit to serve, mentally or otherwise. Presidents should be judged on the merits of their actions, statements and, I suppose, their tweets. No experts are needed for that — just common sense.

Are Trump Supporters Really As Stupid As We Think ...

May 04, 2017 · There has been a long standing belief that those that support Trump are the percentage of the country that is ignorant, naïve of politics, gullible and flat out stupid. This opinion was not developed by sheer chance, but has been based on both the behavior and the comments made by his supporters.
The Dems are mentally ill - trying endlessly to drum up something / anything to undo the 2016 election.

he is doing it all on his own...just seems to think he is above the law....done a pretty good job of dodging the bullet through corruption and etc so far...…..but will only work for a while....even he knows it....with all his lawsuits sooner or later they all come to the surface....his days are growing short no matter how well he tries to make them longer
How come you seldom hear the leftist side of reality, discuss the violent and retarded of a group of losers Antifa. Oh because they haven't killed enough people yet. Leftists give your ignorant black clothed, mask wearing, uneducated punks some advice, VOTE !
he is doing it all on his own...just seems to think he is above the law....done a pretty good job of dodging the bullet through corruption and etc so far...…..but will only work for a while....even he knows it....with all his lawsuits sooner or later they all come to the surface....his days are growing short no matter how well he tries to make them longer

Seems to me the Dems ARE above the law.

Hopefully when ALL the truth comes out - that will change.
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