Does Donald Trump deserve a second term? Yes or No.

Does Donald Trump deserve a second term as president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 74.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I don't see that he deserved a first term. Donald Trump was the totally unworthy beneficiary of an equally loathed opponent who for many epitomized corrupt, Washington insiderism, and the reactionary military/intelligence community. How many eligible voters refused to vote in '16? If memory serves correctly, it was 54%.
Well, we can all be thankful that we have a bartender in the House of Representatives that understands the dire crisis we are facing. Our Top Secret Bartender Development Agency has produced AOC, who knows how to tear down and rebuild every structure in the country in the next ten years and run railroad trains across the oceans using people who don't want to work. We can only hope that our weaponized bartender training is a few good years ahead of the Russian's.

Fortunately for Democrats, AOC's plan "The Nude Green Eel" has captured American's concern for ocean-going railroad trains and kept their minds off mundane details, such as their jobs and expenses and taxes.

And hey fellow Millennials, just think of Bernie as a well-meaning, but creepy old Sugar Daddy who wants to pay your school loans on your Film History and Social Philosophy degrees. All he wants in return is your lifetime labor in his Socialist Paradise.

Beto wants to change the country, but he can't change a tire, Lizzie Warren is 100% native from the Werthafukarewe tribe and there's 6000 video hours of ******* Grandpa Joe rubbing his toe-jam on little girl's faces -- in full view of national news cameras.

As for the Wicked Witch of the Potomac, it's easy to keep Nancy out of the fray. Just give her a shipping crate of baby dolls and let her tear their arms and legs off with forceps -- keeps her cackling and occupied for hours.
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I guess the poll is over, but when everyone's platform is "Not Trump" and you see all the things he has exposed! He may not be that eloquent of a social media butterfly, but he's doing his job despite all the haters! YES!
I had the poll running for a week as an experimental fake election just to see whether or not if he would win and at that time I posted it on the political threads as people would generally be strongly motivated there to vote for him or not. Or others looking through the threads might stumble on it as well. I was just curious if Donald Trump was truly as unpopular as how the news paints him to be?
Trump Supporters Appear To Be Misinformed, Not Uninformed

Jan 07, 2016 · Trump’s backers tend to be whiter, slightly older and less educated than the average Republican voter. But perhaps more importantly, his supporters have shown signs of being misinformed.

Behind Trump's victory: Divisions by race, gender and ...

Nov 09, 2016 · Donald Trump scored an impressive Electoral College victory Nov. 8 after a campaign that revealed deep divisions – by race, gender and education – that were as wide and in some cases wider than in previous elections, according to an analysis of national exit poll data. Trump

People really don’t like Donald Trump. | The New Republic


People really don’t like Donald Trump. For Trump, that means that 70 percent of the country has an unfavorable opinion of him—the highest mark since he began running for president a year ago. Only 29 percent of Americans have favorable opinions of him; meanwhile, 89 percent of Hispanics and 94 percent of blacks dislike Trump.

Americans love the economy — but most still don't like Trump

Jan 11, 2018 · A Quinnipiac poll says 66 percent of American voters view the economy as "excellent" or "good." But only 36 percent say they approve of President Trump's performance. A larger percentage of …

Americans really hate Trump - The Washington Post

Oct 14, 2016 · It’s the opposite for Trump, as 63 percent think he lacks the temperament and 56 percent say he isn’t qualified. For 49 percent, he is “not at all” qualified.

Donald Trump is the weak man’s vision of a strong man.”
Well that’s a new one !!!!

You guys are trying to end free speech - except of course your own drivel

Subvert the 2nd Amendment

End the electoral college

Now ya wanna abolish the presidency

Do you guys even realize how unAmerican you sound ????? : |
Well that’s a new one !!!!

You guys are trying to end free speech - except of course your own drivel

Subvert the 2nd Amendment

End the electoral college

Now ya wanna abolish the presidency

Do you guys even realize how unAmerican you sound ????? : |

no...…..and I'm sure you have no idea how to tell us...using complete sentences
When I was growing up and most of my life - Americans supported their president

Didn’t try to tear them down and subvert them - like you and your ilk constantly do :{
Do you guys even realize how unAmerican you sound

To you, I'm sure it sounds incomprehensibly 'unAmerican.' But then, how does one define 'unAmerican?' And if ideas run counter to standard thought, or sometimes non-thought -- so what!

The system exists for people, not people for the system. What is for people, retain; what is not, discard. Abolish the office on that ground, and amend the Constitution to bring it into conformity with that principle.
To you, I'm sure it sounds incomprehensibly 'unAmerican.' But then, how does one define 'unAmerican?' And if ideas run counter to standard thought, or sometimes non-thought -- so what!

The system exists for people, not people for the system. What is for people, retain; what is not, discard. Abolish the office on that ground, and amend the Constitution to bring it into conformity with that principle.

I trust the framers of our Constitution had more sense in their feet than you do in your entire body.

Liberals are dying to destroy that which has served us in good stead.

The Constitution - is - the basis for America - it’s a shame the left can’t see that.
I trust the framers of our Constitution had more sense in their feet than you do in your entire body.

Liberals are dying to destroy that which has served us in good stead.

The Constitution - is - the basis for America - it’s a shame the left can’t see that.

'I trust the framers of our Constitution had more sense...'

Oh, I'm sure they did!

'Liberals are dying to destroy that which has served us in good stead...the left can't see that.'

But I'm neither liberal nor left. There's more. And it gets worse.

The thing with 'liberals,' the 'left' and [so-called] 'socialism' and 'Marxian' ideology, blkdlaur? Go on with that nonsense long enough and the day comes when you encounter someone who really is those things. If you already shot your literary wad at what I call the 'pseudo-left,' what's left when you encounter the real thing?

By the way -- are you sure that chucking the Oval Office is entirely misguided? Did you think of any upsides at all? While Democrats would never again get anyone as bad as Trump, you would never get anyone as bad as Obama. A huge volume of political nonsense would become irrelevant overnight. Attention would swing to the powers behind the throne [you know what I mean]. This means that media would have reason to restart investigative journalism. And with renewed attention on them, some public office snivel serpents might have to switch to work mid-career [GASP]!

You should lighten up with this stuff, blkdlaur. Have some fun with it. I am!