Does Donald Trump deserve a second term? Yes or No.

Does Donald Trump deserve a second term as president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 74.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
A cult is a religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.
I believe the Dems are a cult supported by the media :|

They always accuse their opposition of EXACTLY what they’re up to ;}

I would ask you to explain this but it's pretty clear you're talking out of your ass.

I'm not the one supporting Mitch McConnell and defending Trump, lmfao.

Anyway, to my forward thinkers on this forum:

A cult is a religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.

Don't be this daft. Right-wing politics are basically a religion. You think the southern strategy accidentally catered to white evangelism?

Why do you think politics shouldn't be brought up at work? It's on the same plain and people define themselves by attaching it to them.
Don't be this daft. Right-wing politics are basically a religion. You think the southern strategy accidentally catered to white evangelism?

Why do you think politics shouldn't be brought up at work? It's on the same plain and people define themselves by attaching it to them.
Your debating the dictionary, not me.
Your debating the dictionary, not me.

Example: You're a coward for the way frame your arguments in bad faith.

Also, checkmate.

"The theory of political religion concerns governmental ideologies whose cultural and political backing is so strong that they are said to attain power equivalent to those of a state religion, with which they often exhibit significant similarities in both theory and practice."
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You are judging a grandfather who you do not know. I could care less about proper grammar. I do not play board games so you cannot checkmate me. How do I argue in bad faith? Explain why you think I am a coward, maybe I am. As far as President Trump goes, he is crude in many ways, but I don't see him as a cult leader.
Why do some Trump supporters seem so brainwashed?

All of a sudden people looked around and wanted to be sure of their world again. And there was Donald Trump who would promise anything to any body and make the poor bastard believe it. He has been making promises for fifty years and making money doing it.

The essence of a successful con is that the mark has to believe

How cult leaders brainwash followers for total control ...
Jun 20, 2017 · People donating money, volunteering or working 24/7 supposedly for the cause of social justice had no access to knowledge of the internal life of the inner circle and the reality of the leadership. The lies created a fictional world that became more bizarre, elaborate and far from normality the further into the system one got.
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Cult ???
You Dems are ridiculous.
Think you have some moral high ground but you’re the party that approves of killing the innocent unborn - paLEASE !!!!!

It makes me laugh how pompous Dems have the holier than thou mindset - justify whatever they do and insult - intimidate - try to discredit by labeling/identity politics ie. cult - GET REAL
You are judging a grandfather who you do not know. I could care less about proper grammar. I do not play board games so you cannot checkmate me. How do I argue in bad faith? Explain why you think I am a coward, maybe I am. As far as President Trump goes, he is crude in many ways, but I don't see him as a cult leader.

Ok, good for you.
Cult ???
You Dems are ridiculous.
Think you have some moral high ground but you’re the party that approves of killing the innocent unborn - paLEASE !!!!!

It makes me laugh how pompous Dems have the holier than thou mindset - justify whatever they do and insult - intimidate - try to discredit by labeling/identity politics ie. cult - GET REAL

Sounds like a whole lotta whining to me.

Yeah... Not cult like at all...

Trump called these people good folks.

Sorry I hurt ya feelings. ??‍♂️
How Donald Trump Became A Buffoon | HuffPost
Apr 28, 2017 · Trump acquired an army of sycophants and grew powerful in his world. When you surround yourself with an army of sycophants, you can only grow into a buffoon and bully. Any echo of dissent was a minority to be punished, then ignored. The result for poor Donald Trump was a false reality where he is always correct and his tough decisions always right.
Donald Trump, Con Artist? | The New Yorker

  • A line, thin but perceptible, divides even egregious liars from confidence men. People deceive one another for all sorts of reasons: they might lie to stay out of trouble, for example, or to make themselves seem more interesting, or to urge a business deal toward its consummation. David Maurer, a linguist turned historian of the con, said, If confidence men operate outside the law, it must be remembered that they are not much further outside than many of our pillars of society who go under names less sinister. …
Trump’s an “Art of the Con” Demagogue Not a Populist ...
Apr 03, 2017 · Enough already of calling Trump a populist! He's a con-artist/demagogue. A demagogue "is a leader in a democracy who gains popularity by exploiting prejudice and ignorance among the common people, whipping up the passions of the crowd and shutting down reasoned deliberation." Methods include: "Scapegoating, Fearmongering, Lying, Emotional oratory and personal charisma, …
Sounds like a whole lotta whining to me.

Yeah... Not cult like at all...

Trump called these people good folks.

Sorry I hurt ya feelings. ??‍♂️

All Dems do is WHINE - bunch of snowflakes - then perpetually accuse any opposing view of doing exactly what they’re doing - so predictable!!!

My feelings are in no way hurt - if you look into the example you posted deeper - you’ll see there is a lot more too it than the leftwing media and DNC talking points have made it into.
All Dems do is WHINE - bunch of snowflakes - then perpetually accuse any opposing view of doing exactly what they’re doing - so predictable!!!

My feelings are in no way hurt - if you look into the example you posted deeper - you’ll see there is a lot more too it than the leftwing media and DNC talking points have made it into.

What a unique one of a kind take you have here.

Criticize people for not thinking like individuals while basically sounding like a Fox News mouth piece.
Think MAYBE cause of the TOTALLY biased leftwing media propaganda going 24 / 7 on CNN ????

I don't care for any of those networks.

I just think most Republicans are full of ******* and start crying the moment you make them feel bad about anything. Even centrist who aren't Dems can see this whole also seeing the issues on the Left.

The Republican Party supports Mitch McConnell, that's really all that needs to be said. The party is trash.