Does Donald Trump deserve a second term? Yes or No.

Does Donald Trump deserve a second term as president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 74.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It's amazing that Hes trying to secure the border that Neighbors brown and black people.
So we're not trying to secure any other boarders we do have more borders you know that right?

Continue to support this asshole's of a president and continue to be caged up while your wife get dick down by Big dick black guys. How about those fact! ✌✌
It's amazing that Hes trying to secure the border that Neighbors brown and black people.
So we're not trying to secure any other boarders we do have more borders you know that right?

Continue to support this asshole's of a president and continue to be caged up while your wife get dick down by Big dick black guys. How about those fact! ✌✌
Does the GOP Have a Problem With Minorities? - ThoughtCo
The Republican Party has faced such accusations throughout the 21st century, particularly as Donald Trump rose to prominence as well as at the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla. During that convention, the GOP highlighted minority political figures such as Condoleezza Rice, Nikki Haley and Susana Martinez, but few of the actual delegates were people of color.

when did democrats and republicans flip on racism : stupidpol
Ethnic minorities were a central part of the Democrats' New Deal Coalition in 1932. It was the first time that the Dems had a platform that explicitly appealed to their class interests, so I'd say the Dems acceptance of anti-racism and social liberalism started there.

Blacks and the Democratic Party -
Apr 18, 2008 · Blacks and the Democratic Party. But then President Lyndon B. Johnson pushed through the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 (outlawing segregation in public places) and his eventual Republican opponent, Sen. Barry Goldwater, opposed it. Johnson got 94 percent of the black vote that year, still a record for any presidential election.

Democrats are good for minorities: Minority voters are ...
May 27, 2014 · The only observation is this: Over the long term, Republicans are less beneficial to the economic status of minorities than Democrats, even after you control for external conditions.

Trump’s Legitimization of White Nationalism Harkens Back ...

May 20, 2019 · These are of course, just the latest instances in a long line of Trump’s support for American white nationalism, from his prominent role in the “Birther” movement during the Obama years, to his lukewarm condemnation of David Duke’s endorsement of his campaign in 2016, to his references as president that “people from shithole countries” in Africa and the Caribbean should be kept from immigrating to the US, that Haitians all

Opinion | Trump Is a Racist. Period. - The New York Times · Aug 15, 2019

Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist - The Washington Post

Dec 01, 2015 · But there is a greater imperative not to be silent in the face of demagoguery. Trump in this campaign has gone after African Americans, immigrants, Latinos, Asians, women, Muslims and now the
So Trump is a liar?

Why facts don’t matter to Trump’s supporters - The ...

Aug 04, 2016 · When critics challenge false assertions — say, Trump’s claim that thousands of Muslims cheered in New Jersey when the twin towers fell on Sept. 11, 2001 — their refutations can threaten people, rather than convince them. Graves noted that if people feel attacked, they resist the facts all the more.

Why Trump Is Mentally Unfit to Be President: Pathology of ...

Apr 05, 2017 · Trump’s Mental Health: Is Pathological Narcissism the Key to Trump’s Behavior? ... and they can’t tolerate the idea that they have any flaws or imperfections or …

Trump Averaged 15 Lies PER DAY In 2018 - The Ring of Fire ...
Luckily The Washington Post fact checker has been keeping track of these since day one as they do with presidents and they found out that Donald Trump averaged 15 lies per day in the year 2018 5,600 total lies told by the president from January first of last year to December 31st 5,600 lines, 15 averaged per day. That is triple.

The number of Trump lies just hit 3,000 | Metro US
  • Significance
  • Statistics
  • Quotes
  • Example
  • President Trump has hit a milestone: He has told more than 3,000 lies in nearly 16 months in office. He has also nearly doubled his average of lies told per day.
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What have the members of the house done for you or this country since they took over? I'll answer it for you. (however I'd like to see your list of accomplishments) ABSOLUTELY NOTHING except try to take down a man who loves his country and has been relentless trying to get things done. Also tell me the horror stories of how your life has been affected since Trump became president. Did you lose your job, healthcare, house, money?

Is this a joke post ?
I have a question with respect for your opinion, how is the government going to ******* reform of Capitalism? I agree that not everyone that are against Trump want Socialism. But in our public school systems here in Maine children from kindergarten through college are being indoctrinated with Socialistic ideas.

I'm gonna need proof of that.

If it's true then that's a Maine problem, no?
Remember it was your beloved Democrats who were against abolishing slavery.

Stop acting like you care either way.

You completely stripped context from what it is you're referencing. The fact that you aren't acknowledging the party switch shows you are full of *******.

Stick to getting your wife/gf fucked by black dudes. I don't need you to pretend to care with bad faith arguments like this.
Also @Latina4BBC you can tell our arguably greatest vocal critic of President Donald Trump ?? on this site, @subhub174014, why you with possibly Hispanic roots would support someone as "racist" as Donald Trump ???
I am a plain ole white dude. My ex (in the avatar ) is 100% Hispanic. My ex in-laws came here legally from Mexico. She has a fairly large family, mostly in Houston, where the majority are republican. I had a conversation with her ******* who lives in a border town in Texas who did not hold back and said quote "we need keep these mom fuckers out of here." They are breaking the law and costing those of us here legally jobs and costing the country millions." He felt strongly that those who want to come to this country need to do it like they did, legally. My ex is a huge Trump fan. She wore her MAGA hat into a Mexican restaurant in California. I was just waiting for the haters (lots of them in Cali) to say something. Surprisingly lots of looks but no one said anything. It might have been that I'm a pretty big dude. Because if anyone would have touched my wife's hat like I have seen done in so many videos, I certainly would have struck back.

Trump is going to win in a landslide. Keep up the good work!
I'm gonna need proof of that.

If it's true then that's a Maine problem, no?
It is much more then a Maine problem, what I stated is a fact I know first hand. The very school system I graduated from in 1975, is pushing Socialism so much that many of the people from the 4 towns that make up that district attended a school board met this past Spring in protest of the way the Superintendent of the whole system had a mission to indoctrinate all the students, he has been ****** to resign. Two of my grandchildren have now been placed in a private Agricultural School.
Also @Latina4BBC you can tell our arguably greatest vocal critic of President Donald Trump ?? on this site, @subhub174014, why you with possibly Hispanic roots would support someone as "racist" as Donald Trump ???

I am a plain ole white dude. My ex (in the avatar ) is 100% Hispanic. My ex in-laws came here legally from Mexico. She has a fairly large family, mostly in Houston, where the majority are republican. I had a conversation with her ******* who lives in a border town in Texas who did not hold back and said quote "we need keep these mom fuckers out of here." They are breaking the law and costing those of us here legally jobs and costing the country millions." He felt strongly that those who want to come to this country need to do it like they did, legally. My ex is a huge Trump fan. She wore her MAGA hat into a Mexican restaurant in California. I was just waiting for the haters (lots of them in Cali) to say something. Surprisingly lots of looks but no one said anything. It might have been that I'm a pretty big dude. Because if anyone would have touched my wife's hat like I have seen done in so many videos, I certainly would have struck back.

Trump is going to win in a landslide. Keep up the good work!

Thanks @Latina4BBC I guess POTUS Donald Trump ?? can't be much of a racist seeing that there are several Mexican-Americans like your ex and her family that openly support such a "racist" President. I am glad that they recognize the truth where at the very least President Donald Trump ?? is not a racist. Keep spreading the news as there are several @subhub174014's out in America. I pray you can re-elect him in 2020 to serve another four years. Afterwards who knows?


And not sure if it's true but a guy in the UK wagered £ 10,000 that Ivanka would be president in 2024 too. It will be impressive if he wins his bet.


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Thanks @Latina4BBC I guess POTUS Donald Trump ?? can't be much of a racist seeing that there are several Mexican-Americans like your ex and her family that openly support such a "racist" President. I am glad that they recognize the truth where at the very least President Donald Trump ?? is not a racist. Keep spreading the news as there are several @subhub174014's out in America. I pray you can re-elect him in 2020 to serve another four years. Afterwards who knows?

View attachment 2897043

They can still be Mexican and support a president complicit in racist fuckery. Yes. Good job.
And your someone of importance? A cult ! President Trump is not Racist but I don't image he likes idiots of any color.
Why do TrumpCult members ignore facts?- #resist ...

Jan 02, 2019 · Make no mistake here, the cult of Trump ticks all these boxes are more. It is not a political movement, instead it is a political cult that instills fear to draw people in and utilises emotional manipulation via propaganda to keep people in line. Why does knowing this matter?