Biracial births continue to increase

Great that you always try to speak to white moms when you see them with biracial *******, to compliment them. I agree that many people still oppose the lifestyle so it is great that offer encouragement to them. I am glad that you had the opportunity recently to see a lovely family: black dad, white mom, 3 well-behaved biracial boys and tell them it was a pleasure to see such a fine family. I think it is much more likely that a white wife complimenting a white mom and her black husband, or lover, on their biracial family would be well receives than a white man complimenting them. I have seen white women with black babies and I wanted to congratulate them but I didn't because I thought my compliment might be misinterpreted.
Yes, the perception would be much different coming from a white man vs. a white woman. You are wise to be cautious in that regard.

Occasionally I see white moms breastfeeding their biracial babies, which is such a lovely sight. Being a mom myself, I appreciate the bonding that occurs as they nurse, and again I compliment and encourage them.
This is she,,,,,,,,,, we do see this more and more as the interracial relationships are more accepted in society. We aren't here for this result but it is fun to think about.
I agree that interracial relationships are more accepted in society and we see it more often now. I think it is good that a person's skin color should not determine the kind of relationships they can have or anything else in life.
Yes, the perception would be much different coming from a white man vs. a white woman. You are wise to be cautious in that regard.

Occasionally I see white moms breastfeeding their biracial babies, which is such a lovely sight. Being a mom myself, I appreciate the bonding that occurs as they nurse, and again I compliment and encourage them.
You are lucky to have seen white moms breastfeeding their biracial babies, which, I agree would be such a lovely sight. I would also find it very exciting.
Have you ever seen a white wife, her white husband and biracial babies with the white wife's black fathers of her biracial babies?
You are lucky to have seen white moms breastfeeding their biracial babies, which, I agree would be such a lovely sight. I would also find it very exciting.
Have you ever seen a white wife, her white husband and biracial babies with the white wife's black fathers of her biracial babies?
Before the coronavirus shut down so many activities, yes, I did. Sometimes in restaurants all eating together, sometimes at sporting events where one of the ******* was playing and the whole family was there to cheer on him or her.
I always try to speak to white moms when I see them with biracial *******, to compliment them. I know many people still oppose the lifestyle, so I like to offer encouragement. I recently ate out and saw a lovely family: black dad, white mom, 3 well-behaved biracial boys. I told them it was a pleasure to see such a fine family.

Its great that you do that! My wife receives alot of that kind of encouragement from white women, almost none form black women. There are still plenty of white women are dumbfound when they learn all 6 are hers and their not adopted. Lots of awkward long pauses. lol
Before the coronavirus shut down so many activities, yes, I did. Sometimes in restaurants all eating together, sometimes at sporting events where one of the ******* was playing and the whole family was there to cheer on him or her.
You are very lucky to have had the pleasure of seeing white wives, their white husbands and biracial babies with the white wife's black fathers of her biracial babies. I have never had that pleasure yet.
Its great that you do that! My wife receives alot of that kind of encouragement from white women, almost none form black women. There are still plenty of white women are dumbfound when they learn all 6 are hers and their not adopted. Lots of awkward long pauses. lol
Great that your wife receives alot of that kind of encouragement from white women. Too bad that your white wife receives almost none form black women. Do you or your wife receive nice comments from black men or white men?
Great that your wife receives alot of that kind of encouragement from white women. Too bad that your white wife receives almost none form black women. Do you or your wife receive nice comments from black men or white men?

My ******* are in alot of sports before this corona nonsense so i receive alot around that. But not in the way my wife gets or we all get form mostly white women. "What a nice family" kinda comment.
My ******* are in alot of sports before this corona nonsense so i receive alot around that. But not in the way my wife gets or we all get form mostly white women. "What a nice family" kinda comment.
Sad that you don't get the "What a nice family" kinda comments from black men or white men.
Congratulations to you and your wife on having 6 healthy biracial babies. It must be exciting for you to see the look on the white men's faces when one of her black babies goes up to her. You must feel very superior knowing that you have the white woman that the white men want.

Honestly i'm not really focused on white men's reactions to my children. I'm more focused on flirting with their wives.

I always establish dominance with white or black and that doesn't come from my wife that come form me.
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This is she,,,,,,, well, it isn't totally in the mainstream but getting more so as the years go by.

Its not just that i'm black its also the number of *******. Anything above 4 and people know shes a "breeder". That's part of the reason she works so hard to make sure our ******* are disciplined and she looks good, she wants to set the example and defy the sterotype.
Its not just that i'm black its also the number of *******. Anything above 4 and people know shes a "breeder". That's part of the reason she works so hard to make sure our ******* are disciplined and she looks good, she wants to set the example and defy the sterotype.
This is she,,,,,, what stereotype? You lost me.
Is your bitch your wife?
I am shocked that biracial births are almost 11%,much higher than I would have ever dreamed. I don't believe that youngsters in high school should be having babies, biracial, black, white or any other color. However, if married white women and their white husbands want the wives to have biracial babies with black men, that is fine as long as they will love their biracial babies. Also married couples of any color that want to have biraciak babies of any other color is fine also as long as they love their biracial babies.
Yep she is. Not by accident as many may think. It was a win-win agreement, and more so when we look back at it. At 22yo she is sort of a youngster too. But I think she still has a great future once the ******* turn into their teens. I appreciate that she feels responsible for her babies future too and she has developed a strong housewife mindset.
Now, whether biracial couples are more fertile than others, I don't know. I also agree that teenagers should focus on school and not so much on sex. But we live in a society where sex is a commodity.