Are Conservatives here fooling themselves or just picky?

boo no GIF by Denyse
Go suck on a cock libtartd.
Actually, it depends what you see as ''conservative''. I know in US it has a negative tone, maybe a bit racist that you only want to be around white people... I see conservative as someone who wants to live with traditional values, such as family values. In that way I consider myself as a conservative, I like to keep things as they are, but I have absolutely 0 problems with any other people. You also have black conservatives, it doesn't mean they hate their own skin colour. So for me conservative doesn't mean the same as racist... I wouldn't care if I had a black wife, asian wife, latina wife, white wife... And yes I also say this in real life to people: I don't care which skin colour my girlfriend has, but I do care about her values and culture. Someone who lives in an African country has a different culture than someone who lives in Europe. For me it's no problem, unless she wouldn't be able to accept me.

I know people who call themselves ''liberal'' but they are still racist secretly (they don't want to be around non-white people for example). I don't like to be around such hypocrites.
Liberals are not secretly racist. Its wide open that they are.
And Trump did more for the black communities than any other president in recent history, which is well documented as well. But cancel culture has not done nothing to try and change that narrative either correct?
Malcom X even stated the American Liberal is the enemy of the negro. But im sure cancel culture will change that narrative as well.
not documented at all and in so far as cancel culture, America on the whole is guilty of that.
this is so hypocritical and typical of a liberal. what a joke
curious as to why you think it's hypocritical? Democratic, Republicans and every sector of America has done it. Many folks with agendas that don't conform to their own do it all the time or am I wrong?
I'm curious. I've seen a number of posts and profiles from white couples and females stating that they are conservatives. I'm sorry when I see White married women and their husband's here ready to fuck black men and women, the last thing that comes to my mind is someone is conservative. I think being here in a very progressive-thinking site full of anything except conservative actions makes them either confused as to if they really are conservatives, liars or just speaking out of both sides of their mouths to fit in. I would like to hear from some of those people. No right or wrong answers, just information that I hope will help me see things your way.
Maybe it is just because they want to give off that conservative lifestyle and keep their naughty side behind closed doors and private. Plus with politics who really knows what they are going to do. Seems like during the campaigns they say they are going to do everything they can for the country and once in office it's all about chasing money.