Anyone here every been recognized here by someone from their everyday life?

Anyone here every been recognized here by someone from their everyday life?

We had a situation early on, we got some messages here from a guy who my wife thought she might have known from work, it really freaked her out.
Not every day life. But on a ski trip to Whistler. A few times.

The First one was a single lady who was in the hot tub with a black man. I needed a second look. It was a tattoo that gave her away. Said hello and have a nice day that was all.

The second was the female half of a couple in a hot tub on a ski trip to vail. Also a tattoo that gave it away. They were sitting with a younger Gentleman of colour. We talked for a bit then the lady left with her friend. Ended up going out to dinner with the husband as i knew a great place to eat. Turned out he was a foodie too. Swapped BBQ recipies over dinner. The next day saw him again on the hill. He gave me his email address so I could send him a recipe for both Cowboy Beans and one for Vegetarian Chilly. Both are slow cooked meals like 36 hours on the stove.

Have recognized a few ladies on the beach in Florida and Jamaica. Just said hello and left at that. It seem to freak them out.
Yes, my extremely jealous ex-bf sent me a text once telling me all sort of horrible things, i simply ignore him since he was the one who pushed me away because of another woman, his loss... my gain... i am free of drama and enjoy my life very openly without needing anyone's approval.

And also i was approached by the wife from a couple i used to play with in a unexpected place... after a meeting at a former job... that definitely was awkward lol.
An HVAC guy we hired recognized her from her pics online. He was cool about it though, told me quietly afterward.
2nd time was a man whose wife worked for the ambulance district and he had met Lisa at her work (hospital).
Both times was exciting and both times they acted like adults about it.


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An HVAC guy we hired recognized her from her pics online. He was cool about it though, told me quietly afterward.
2nd time was a man whose wife worked for the ambulance district and he had met Lisa at her work (hospital).
Both times was exciting and both times they acted like adults about it.
I’d have her on her knees sucking my black cock to keep quiet!!!
a woman I had connected with and briefly corresponded with from a different site but never actually met in person walked into my restaurant on a quiet Sunday evening. As I was welcoming her she said, "Does your name happen to be Langley?" I was taken by surprise because that name is only known in certain circles...I told her "Yes, that is a name I've been known to go by in certain circles" 😅 she came in for a ******* and we chatted. she said she was glad to meet me as I was better in person which is a compliment I don't mind receiving.

we stay in touch but haven't had an opportunity to connect connect...yet
From here specifically? Probably but no one has straight told us. Would love to hear from anyone that does. We both enjoy sharing her on the internet and have zero care about being outed. She has a profile on several sites and shares her stuff herself. She's been recognized several times on other sites though. One contacted her through facebook to let her know, another sent her pictures to her uncle who forwarded them to her parents (which is why we have no more fear of being 'outed. Already happened)'the rest were random internet profiles that made comments that could only have been made by guys that knew her, a couple claiming to have fucked her, although, who knows about that one.
From here specifically? Probably but no one has straight told us. Would love to hear from anyone that does. We both enjoy sharing her on the internet and have zero care about being outed. She has a profile on several sites and shares her stuff herself. She's been recognized several times on other sites though. One contacted her through facebook to let her know, another sent her pictures to her uncle who forwarded them to her parents (which is why we have no more fear of being 'outed. Already happened)'the rest were random internet profiles that made comments that could only have been made by guys that knew her, a couple claiming to have fucked her, although, who knows about that one.
"another sent her pictures to her uncle who forwarded them to her parents" - I'm really sorry that happened to you. totally not cool. What's wrong with some people? Gross and invasive behavior. Live and let live!