Anyone else notice the rise of interracial advertising?

Also the global internet advertising AI as improved ALOT
It probably now focuses interracial advertising to you specifically based on IP adress or even profile across your social media,
which they did not do 10 years ago..
but yes I do agree some propaganda it is also.. ****** by compromise of fear of racism etc.
I've been noticing it for years now, but specifically in the past year it seems to really be on the rise. Even just browsing fb, I notice advertisements where it's a black man holding hands with a white woman, or a black man and a white woman getting married. I even saw one advertisement that was basically insinuating white women want to kiss black cock. What is everyone's opinion on the rise of interracial in advertising? Is it propaganda? Or is it just a reflection of reality and the current trends in pornography?
True. But that's a different story if based on personal criteria due to targeted marketing.
What is most impressive is the raise of mainstream ir ads and movies for the global population (mostly black male/white female).
I wonder if it is due to the reality of the society or a subtle goal from media to promote those kind of relationships.
Who came first, the chicken or the egg?...
Well i have researched extensively, and Ive seen dogfart network with cuckolding has existed since 1999 or so..
So the reality of the sexual life has nothing new come up..
The only thing that has changed was a black president which probably helped some white women come out of the nymphomaniac closet.
To be honest I have no idea, I find the whole thing extremely weird, as this whole interracial movement happened at the same time
I noticed it, which is weird in itself cause interracial stuff has been around looong before I *Noticed* it, you know?
I have no idea what happened.
It might be a generational thing,
me a 89 model less racist, increased the pressure of interracial to replace the dominant movement in society, which to me makes no sense as I do not like nor agree that one dominant hierarchy should be replaced just because a younger generation is less racist..
But it may explain why the "power surge" happened last couple years, where the older more narrowminded generation got replaced with some less narrowminded control white men..
But all that explains is that black men has become AS narrowminded as the older white guys WERE.

You know what really worries me? That I have to explain this in as much detail as possible to avoid becoming a "Racist".
Its literally a war: intelligence vs simpleminded dominance control.
Good point. But that only answers half of the question.
The remaining question is why society/media is mainly promoting the stereotype of a black male with a white female instead of the opposite?
well that is probably the easiest question to answer ever.
The weakness of the paradox of white men agreeing black slavery is wrong,
coupled with the "reparation" argument creates a perfect handicap paradox enough that it meets no resistance when the propaganda is applied, it even dont need to be pushed.
The bonus push is also that we are weak that let it happen which creates a double paradox where it is both wrong to resist it, and also because we resisted it before it must be paid back with women, and then last must be punished because we let it happen also (punished both for resisting and not resisting).

You can try to stick your head into a wasp nest, and every single wasp there will use the same tactic vs ur head.
I guess we white men are more like bees, sting only when we have to.
100% true and accurate, especially in recent movies too!
Funny thing is that although mixed couples are promoted, majority of those ads/movies display a black male with a white female. It is quite rarely the opposite.
It's interesting how people's perceptions vary. I've read comments on YouTube and other places that claim most of the ads and movies showing interracial relationships portray Black women with White men. I've seen several of both, as well as Asian/White couples.
Does that imply you previously felt less attraction to black men? Or were scared of reaction from family or even friends and peers?
i just never really thought about it before as like attraction to black or white or wahtever. i guess maybe some of it was the reaction its kinda weird to talk about this it makes me feel guilty lol
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i just never really thought about it before as like attraction to black or white or wahtever. i guess maybe some of it was the reaction its kinda weird to talk about this it makes me feel guilty lol
Oh my. You should never feel guilty being attracted to very masculine Black men. Colorblind is fine, but so is surrender to desires and newfound curiosity 😉🥵

what was that reaction?
Oh my. You should never feel guilty being attracted to very masculine Black men. Colorblind is fine, but so is surrender to desires and newfound curiosity 😉🥵

what was that reaction?
i didn't mean guilty like that! i'm not racist like i meant guilty like for thinking about what other people would think
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