Anyone else notice the rise of interracial advertising?

My wife commented to me after only about a week in the South that there are more blacks in TV ads but you don't see black men with white women the way it is found in the North. After she mentioned it I began to watch more closely and saw very little black male/white female together.
Your wife or ex-wife Maury? I thought your wife left you.
My wife commented to me after only about a week in the South that there are more blacks in TV ads but you don't see black men with white women the way it is found in the North. After she mentioned it I began to watch more closely and saw very little black male/white female together.
You, my dear, just go have yourself a nice day.
I've been noticing it for years now, but specifically in the past year it seems to really be on the rise. Even just browsing fb, I notice advertisements where it's a black man holding hands with a white woman, or a black man and a white woman getting married. I even saw one advertisement that was basically insinuating white women want to kiss black cock. What is everyone's opinion on the rise of interracial in advertising? Is it propaganda? Or is it just a reflection of reality and the current trends in pornography?
Yes you are correct there is more interracial advertising these days. I think there are a two main reasons for this. 1. Is for equality 2. To keep the “woke” people happy if you have two white people black people will be offended if you have two black peoples white people will be offended one of each keeps everyone happy and doesn’t cause and backlash for the brands
It's just reflecting what society is at the moment. It's been like for a long time but the powers that be are old and don't like seeing it on TV. Just look at some of the social media comments on some new commercials featuring an interracial couple of a couple of colour, the comments are sickening.

Today's younger generation are, on the whole, far more welcoming and accepting than any other generation. Hopefully it leads to more harmony and people just being nice to each other.
It's just reflecting what society is at the moment. It's been like for a long time but the powers that be are old and don't like seeing it on TV. Just look at some of the social media comments on some new commercials featuring an interracial couple of a couple of colour, the comments are sickening.

Today's younger generation are, on the whole, far more welcoming and accepting than any other generation. Hopefully it leads to more harmony and people just being nice to each other.
I'd argue it's even simpler than this. Having a diverse cast in your advertising allows you to appeal to a broader set of society. If you are only advertising to white people in 2021 you are missing 40% of your potential client base.

Advertising firms arent advancing any agenda, they are selling products. Do they know it sends a message of inclusivity, progressiveness, and even may ignite latent erotic thoughts? Of course, sex sells. but it's not about advancing an agenda, its about selling as much of a product as possible.
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And there are white guys with black’s normal as far as I can tell

I travel quite a lot, and the only place in the United States where I saw a lot of white men with black women was in New Orleans. It was really quite noticeable as I don’t see that type of coupling nearly as much as I see some others.
My wife commented to me after only about a week in the South that there are more blacks in TV ads but you don't see black men with white women the way it is found in the North. After she mentioned it I began to watch more closely and saw very little black male/white female together.

It’s true . . . although it’s more common than it was . . . you still don’t see nearly as many black/white couples in the old Confederate states as you do in other parts of the United States. There is some fucking going on for sure, but peeps work hard to keep it on the down low.
Every commercial showing a cute and happy interracial couple further normalizes it and encourages more impressionable young minds to consider those couplings. This is pretty innocuous for boring consumer brands like Tide but more provocative brands are invoking interracial sex appeal for their ads and those are definitely encouraging the idealized white female/black male couple.
Interracial couples are definitely becoming more common in advertisement. When they first appeared, the couples were presented in non-romantic way: Riding the car, sitting together at a restaurant, etc. Now you see them openly as romantic, even sexual partners or attracted to each other.

Some are even funny or amusing.

Watch the young lady's hand at the end of this commercial.

Watch my sister's eyes on this one.
I like the nerdy Scarlet Johanson Belvita girl.
100% true and accurate, especially in recent movies too!
Funny thing is that although mixed couples are promoted, majority of those ads/movies display a black male with a white female. It is quite rarely the opposite.
Yes, that is usually the case, black man with white woman, and she always looks happy. (We know why!). Some commercials are also showing interracial couples with mixed-race children, which is another positive step.
Its actually what's really happening! In fact this illustration was released from the United Nations which is a worldwide organization as you know and according to them this is the current perception of the world. Now they caught some heat for this and had to remove it from their site but the fact remains that this is the current perception of the world of the racial demographic in America and they released this on Valentine's day so what does that tell you! 🤷‍♂️

By the way good post good observation!
Reflection of reality, no it is, cause some people actually are that naive.
there is no jew conspiracy that told that white woman "Say you must fight political fight for black dildos".
Like literally in no realm of hell could I imagine society would end up like that. lol.
Gives a new perspective on the phrase "Politics isnt everything" when so many people embrace that politics are everything ONLY if it is extremely simple minded and almost silly-ish in its dominance.
Like I will never accept the notion of sexual warfare as a societal movement in all aspects of life..
I barely accept it sexually. But ye I do enjoy dat white pussy squeezing some peachy juice out with some chocolate sweet rods.