Search results

  1. S

    What kind of cuckolding videos do you like the most?

    The answers highlight the problem. Most people like amateur cuckold porn so guess what, the porn industry produces lots of 'amateur' cuckold porn. Making finding genuine amateur cuckold porn tricky.
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    Help. Seen picture on here once now can't find it

    While you're at it I'm looking for a pic of a hotwife getting fucked by a black guy with a big cock. Anyone know it?
  3. S

    Finally admitted to black friend about this

    I wonder what % of these slow developing 'situations' are genuine.
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    We were on our way and I fucked it up

    Be very very sure that it's what you BOTH want. Then go into it TOGETHER and remain honest with each other. Take it really SLOWLY and accept sometimes you may need / want to take a step back to pause and think about things before moving forward again. Hopefully you'll both get off on it and have...
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    Sexy MILF

    My wife dressed like this for sex with me. Wasted on me don’t you think?
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    Mainstream IR Movies

    The Mountain Between Us. Short scene (not explicit) with Idris Elba and Kate Winslett.
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    Getting Permission to Post Photos

    If you post a picture on the Internet (especially porn) then you've got to accept it may reappear somewhere else. To think otherwise is simply stupid. That's irrespective of the legalities / morality. So if that really bothers you then don't do it or make them anonymous. And yes, I get as...
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    ways to tell

    A small key on a necklace.
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    Northwest of England True Story

    I'm not in the least bit interested. I find those 'teaser' intros beyond tedious.
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    Social Media

    Many on here will almost have a sort of split personality. They have their life in the 'real' world and their life in this world and they never want the two to intersect. Some talk about it happening - friends / family finding out or even witnessing it - but whilst it's very erotic I think it's...
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    Tips for a white man

    Don't you 'like' being quick? Doesn't it reinforce the whole scenario? In that sense it's self perpetuating.
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    Cheating wife/partner

    It definitely has a certain erotic thrill though. The ultimate in control.
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    Hmmm I wonder how this will end up? I think he might just get her to go through with it.
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    Maybe he's rubbed it away with the friction of masturbating?
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    Cockload Edinburgh

    I'm just guessing but I think you need to invest a bit more in the project than that.
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    Beginner having Doubts -- help

    Don't cum until it's all over.
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    It's interesting that most stories that start out like this end up with the woman going all the way (and some) whilst in reality most times it goes precisely nowhere. Hence my suggestion, obviously, for any wannabes is to start writing about it somewhere like this because it appears to...
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    Is it normal to think about your girlfriend getting bred by BBC?

    Just to point out that being 'bred' depends on timing and not the size of the 'load'. I'm not even sure that the size of the load is related to sperm count.
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    These Fake Accounts Are Killing Me

    I don't think every time waster / no show etc is a fake account. I bet a lot are genuine (or think they are) until it comes to the crunch and then they get cold feet and back out.
  20. S

    Does anyone actually understand bitcoin?

    You might as well buy tulips.