Getting Permission to Post Photos

Thanks Mac for showing hungteacher how wrong he was about you when he said: he is a good person and a positive member of this community.

However, if I were trying to be an asshole, I'd have pointed out how idiotic you made yourself look in your first post in this thread. It's copyRIGHT, not may have just set a new precedent for homophone horse hockey 🤣

In case you're unsure, the first 10 amendments are not called the Bill of Writes either...
@hoping hubby I appreciate the comments, but both of you should act more your age and not your shoe size. It's possible to appreciate more than one human being at a time. I gather there is a rivalry between the two of you. Clearly, HH you take the exchanges more tongue in cheek, than @MacNfries does.

But HH you need to understand that I have been on this site for a long time. I have met a lot of people from this site, men, women, couples. I also have read a lot of Macs posts and threads and comments. Whatever your issue with him, its devolved into something personal and not based on factual reality.

Yes, Mac was wrong on the copyright issue. But he's allowed to be wrong. No one is infallible. Although I dont like to be wrong, I do appreciate when someone can show me the error in a respectful way. I feel your post was respectful, which is why I said thank you and commented. But there is a history between the two of you it seems, so Mac took it as a personal attack. But are you cyber stalking his posts? Do you comment on Every Single One? Im going to ask you to answer honestly, and then im going to verify that by checking myself. So please tell me the truth! If you are an honorable guy, which im giving you the benefit of the doubt, then just say that you do cyber stalk him and that you will apologize to Mac and agree to limit your posts on his comments and threads to 25% of the time.

Because if you are commenting every time he comments, dude, that's a bit extreme, don't you think? I hope you can agree with that.

You seem like a reasonable guy, I can tell you are highly intelligent, so you have to admit that following Mac around the site is a bit childish and at this point if you're doing that, you are doing it to try and ruffle feathers. And I would rather you browse other peoples posts so you can find threads where WE need you to comment. Actually, I would rather you follow my comments instead of Macs at this point, since there are so many posts where I think your level-headedness is needed.

I hope you are amenable to my suggestion and just give Mac a vacation from your comments for a bit.

Thanks :)
@hoping hubby I appreciate the comments, but both of you should act more your age and not your shoe size. It's possible to appreciate more than one human being at a time. I gather there is a rivalry between the two of you. Clearly, HH you take the exchanges more tongue in cheek, than @MacNfries does.

But HH you need to understand that I have been on this site for a long time. I have met a lot of people from this site, men, women, couples. I also have read a lot of Macs posts and threads and comments. Whatever your issue with him, its devolved into something personal and not based on factual reality.

Yes, Mac was wrong on the copyright issue. But he's allowed to be wrong. No one is infallible. Although I dont like to be wrong, I do appreciate when someone can show me the error in a respectful way. I feel your post was respectful, which is why I said thank you and commented. But there is a history between the two of you it seems, so Mac took it as a personal attack. But are you cyber stalking his posts? Do you comment on Every Single One? Im going to ask you to answer honestly, and then im going to verify that by checking myself. So please tell me the truth! If you are an honorable guy, which im giving you the benefit of the doubt, then just say that you do cyber stalk him and that you will apologize to Mac and agree to limit your posts on his comments and threads to 25% of the time.

Because if you are commenting every time he comments, dude, that's a bit extreme, don't you think? I hope you can agree with that.

You seem like a reasonable guy, I can tell you are highly intelligent, so you have to admit that following Mac around the site is a bit childish and at this point if you're doing that, you are doing it to try and ruffle feathers. And I would rather you browse other peoples posts so you can find threads where WE need you to comment. Actually, I would rather you follow my comments instead of Macs at this point, since there are so many posts where I think your level-headedness is needed.

I hope you are amenable to my suggestion and just give Mac a vacation from your comments for a bit.

Thanks :)
Well if you're going to be a self-appointed Inspector Clouseau, go right ahead and research. Why don't you start looking at a simple search for posts since July 1. You'll see Mac posted 83 times. I've posted a whopping 7. Mac has always set great store in his "likes" on this site. So look at our ratio of likes to posts. You'll see Mac averages a little over 3 likes for every post and I'm just barely under three. Do you think I'd have so many likes per post if I just did was what Mac claims?

Mac just dislikes the fact I have so often called him out on claims he makes in the political sections and proven him wrong. He tends to never admit to being wrong, even when proof is glaring in his face. His discourse quickly devolves into lies about me, claims I have no job, my wife has no interest in me, and any number of other cow piles he has zero knowledge of. It's a good thing you're a "teacher" Mac's discourse in the political forums often devolves into middle school playground name calling.

Now how about you try to get Mac to apologize????
Now how about you try to get Mac to apologize????
Oh, I'm so sorry for calling you an "asshole" ... I meant to say "big, fat, very old asshole". And as far as me apologizing to YOU? gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif
Thing is, you just can't shut the fu*k up. When you start noting my misspellings & usage of words, I know you're desperate, H-H. If anyone wishes to know the "truth" regarding our 5 year discourse, they can simply go to the political forums and read where I've asked you hundreds of times to "leave me the fu*k alone" ... but you can't do that. So, I started insulting you in hopes that it would discourage you .... but nooooooo, you just keep on, regardless of the fact that it disturbs other posters & members who don't wish to see & read this gif_CRAP.gif. Heck, at least MY responses have a bit of humor. And when I ignore you, you simply post your insults in 3rd person as you know I read them.
Now, go ahead and take your traditional LAST WORD again ... as you always do.
But, by all means make it fast and then .... quit your ..gif_BabyCrying1.gif and then just leave me alone. Shouldn't be that hard to do, H-H unless you're an asshole. (?)
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Mac was wrong on the copyright issue.
But was I? DId you read the attachments I gave. Did you provide any documentation to refute my statement? For one thing, if the photo hasn't been registered, there isn't much chance of a lawsuit. However, when challenging someone's post, its polite to post your "source" as well.
Amateur Pornography, being what it is, isn't often going to be challenged anyways. Whatever possesses a person to post their most private photos of themselves or those they care about, on the internet is way beyond my own logic.
If they're clearly marked copyright, that's one thing, but with the millions and billions of photos on the internet, it'd be rare to get a complaint regarding the use of a photo UNLESS the person using it is making profit from the photos OR representing themselves in the photos. Either way, simply removing the photo resolves the problem of the violation. But, again, don't confuse a website's "stamp" as a notation of ownership. As a matter of fact, go find a photo, then when you bring the photo UP, there are usually links as to where that photo is being used on other websites and the internet. Check those sites out.
So, I'll just say I think you're making a mountain out of a mole hill, and on fantasy sites (similar to this) both are restricted if PROVEN.
I'd suggest simply relaxing and enjoying the website until it gets boring to you.

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But was I? DId you read the attachments I gave. Did you provide any documentation to refute my statement? For one thing, if the photo hasn't been registered, there isn't much chance of a lawsuit. However, when challenging someone's post, its polite to post your "source" as well.
Amateur Pornography, being what it is, isn't often going to be challenged anyways. Whatever possesses a person to post their most private photos of themselves or those they care about, on the internet is way beyond my own logic.
If they're clearly marked copyright, that's one thing, but with the millions and billions of photos on the internet, it'd be rare to get a complaint regarding the use of a photo UNLESS the person using it is making profit from the photos OR representing themselves in the photos. Either way, simply removing the photo resolves the problem of the violation. But, again, don't confuse a website's "stamp" as a notation of ownership. As a matter of fact, go find a photo, then when you bring the photo UP, there are usually links as to where that photo is being used on other websites and the internet. Check those sites out.
So, I'll just say I think you're making a mountain out of a mole hill, and on fantasy sites (similar to this) both are restricted if PROVEN.
I'd suggest simply relaxing and enjoying the website until it gets boring to you.

View attachment 4253147
@MacNfries I'm just replying to this comment. I do appreciate that you separated it from the other issue.

Yes, you were wrong. You are making a parallel argument that seems similar, but is not the same thing. I am agreeing that you won't get sued. Im agreeing that you won't get punished for posting or reposting other people's work, but that's not the same thing as violating copyright. Yes, you are violating copyright. I will give you a better example, since this one seems to have lost its point with you.

If you are not a pro-member of Canva, but you post Canva graphics on other sites and social media, you are in violation of their copyright. You may not get in trouble for it, but you did not pay for the rights to use their images. Are the images registered with canva? Not really. Will you get sued? Not if you aren't making money from the post, but you are in fact legally violating their copyright.

The fact that you don't see a © symbol doesn't mean anything. Because some people crop photos to remove those symbols and TM so they think they can post them. In all honesty, Im surprised you are pushing so hard on this topic since you should admit that you don't know what you're talking about.

I said it before, so I'll say it again. Good rule of thumb, if it's not yours, don't post it.

I will deal with your nemesis in a second, in a different comment, but he has accused you of being arrogant and unwilling to admit when you are wrong, and I'm beginning to believe him that you might have blinders on when it comes to your own infalliablitly. Just take this one on the chin and admit you're wrong and move on. If that means you might want to consider deleting older posts, then delete older posts. Im not here to police you. Im not going to call out your older posts. I know that your intent was in the right place. I have had enough conversation with you to know that you're a good person. But if you are posting other people's content, you might want to consider stopping.

Again, I am asking with sincerety - why are you posting other people's stuff anyway? Is this your way of feeling important on this site? You provide plenty of insight into threads and posts, we don't need reposts from you to see value. So just stop doing it. Seriously man, like reposting is something 15-year olds do because they cant come up with original thoughts and content, so they steal in hopes of taking a short cut. You don't need to do that, you're an intelligent and mature adult. Right?

hope you had a great weekend, btw. :)
Well if you're going to be a self-appointed Inspector Clouseau, go right ahead and research. Why don't you start looking at a simple search for posts since July 1. You'll see Mac posted 83 times. I've posted a whopping 7. Mac has always set great store in his "likes" on this site. So look at our ratio of likes to posts. You'll see Mac averages a little over 3 likes for every post and I'm just barely under three. Do you think I'd have so many likes per post if I just did was what Mac claims?

Mac just dislikes the fact I have so often called him out on claims he makes in the political sections and proven him wrong. He tends to never admit to being wrong, even when proof is glaring in his face. His discourse quickly devolves into lies about me, claims I have no job, my wife has no interest in me, and any number of other cow piles he has zero knowledge of. It's a good thing you're a "teacher" Mac's discourse in the political forums often devolves into middle school playground name calling.

Now how about you try to get Mac to apologize????
@hoping hubby you make it very difficult to defend you. I hope you realize that. First, your final comment is about as childish as it gets. I was half expecting for you to say "he started it" next. LOL

This is just absurd at this point. So since I am an educator, I'm going to have treat the two of you like children.
I cant even believe that I have to do this with 2 full grown men, but you guys honestly leave me no choice.
No one is going to apologize to anyone. I personally don't care that you guys cannot get along. It sounds more like sibling rivalry than anything else, which should make both of you pause and re-examine what the heck is going on.

HH, you need to stop obsessing over Mac. Like wow! I said, I would verify, but I didnt say when. I honestly felt like you were going to tell me the truth and I was going to do a cursory search. Kind of like an audit and look at 10% of the posts and see what I saw. I trust your numbers, which means that if I did a cursory look, I would have seen that you do not post on all of his threads. And so Mac overly exaggerated his issue with you because you are needling him. Stop poking him. Like seriously, it's not nice, it's not polite.

I have no issue nor opinion on whether you only call him out when he's wrong, but if you are ONLY doing that, then why are you engaging in back and forth with him after you do it?

Mac made a comment on my post, I called him out on it. He tried to offer proof that he was correct. The proof does not apply to what he is arguing against, so it's an interesting tactic, but I wasn't falling for it. I am also not emotionally invested in this conversation. I am just trying to offer opinions that help people and help this site. I believe in this site and I want it to succeed. There are very few places left on the internet where women can be celebrated. Posting women's pics and videos that are not authorized by those people is offensive. That's all. Is it legal, probably, is it ethical and morally right, not at all. So I was appealing to Mac's sense of justice and right and wrong.

I guess he isn't as Noble as he would like to portray himself to be. But you, are just childish and immature. Mac is at least trying to be an adult. I cant say the same for you. You have lost your way sir. I want you to find it again.

I truly believe you have things to offer this site as well. I think if you can stay out of the personal attacks, you have a lot of insight. You advanced this thread forward. Thank you :) Truly and sincerely.

But then you dragged it into the ground kicking and screaming and stomped on it with your petulance. Gee whiz!

I'm not your parent, but I would say to both of you - go to your room. Cuz you both have acted out of character. So calm down, reboot and come back tomorrow with a better sense of purpose. You have a lot to offer, so offer it, don't argue over who said what and when and if someone owes someone else an apology. Im apologizing to you. Ok?

Leave Mac alone. If I see him act out of turn, I will call him out. Trust me on that. Ok?

Are we all friends again? :)
@hoping hubby you make it very difficult to defend you. I hope you realize that. First, your final comment is about as childish as it gets. I was half expecting for you to say "he started it" next. LOL
Oh gosh, someone on a porn forum thinks a comment I made is ever will I get through the day.

I don't need you to defend me, nor do I care if you do or don't. Frankly, the innocent naivete you've repeatedly shown in this thread is an interesting mix of charming (in the vein a parent sees idealistic behavior from their kid charming) and pitiful.

It isn't your place to be the posting police on this site. If you see copyright violations, you can report them to the moderators. It is a violation of the site's terms and rules, although as I pointed out we have staff members here who violate good luck with that. Once you complete your efforts to eradicate all the copyright violations here, there's a whole internet you can whale away at.

You've been on this site just four days longer than I have. If you'd been reading the political threads, you'd know Mac has a quite lengthy history of grade school level arguing and name calling with those who don't see politics his way. Go back and look at how he treated people like falcon, twobi, alanm and torpedo. Here's a good example of a response he made to can start your investigation there Inspector.
It was Hurricane Sandy, you dipshit! And over 50 people died in that hurricane, dickwad!
You're a calloused, self-serving, right-wing asshole as usual.

If you go create your own site, you can ensure it has no copyright violations on it and you can enforce your behavioral guidelines on anyone who cares to join and remain. Here, you're not my teacher or Mac's. If I were anything in reality I'd be your professor. This is an open forum. Mac has a right to post whatever BS he wants just as I and everyone else has a right to call BS on his or anyone's posts. Go right ahead and continue telling people how they should behave on here. As for me, don't be surprised if I'm more concerned about the opinions of my new puppy.

Wait! Isn't that a windmill over there you need to tilt at????
Are we all friends again? :)
I think you might still have some work to do.

.......... ........ Example of becoming unhinged and ......... ............. solutions to stress
....... gif_TossingPapersInAir.gif ................ cartoon_Suicide-DontFuckItUP.jpg

Puppies carry fleas & gif_CRAP.gif in the house ... hate puppies!
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Frankly you both could be schooled on copyright law, but you more so Mac. Much of what HungTeacher has told you is correct. There's no need to officially copyright a picture. The person who snaps the shutter has the copyright to that image from the first nanosecond...unless there's a legal agreement where they are taking the photos for someone/some other entity who would then own the copyright or he/she later sells the rights. It might help you if you read the articles you posted. Your first article states:

it’s not yours. Although not all images have been “officially” copyrighted, at the creation of an image, the snap of a picture, the work has immediately become copyrighted and the owner is the only person with a legal right to distribute, replicate, or display the work.

It doesn't matter if you see a copyright sign or the site has or has not blocked downloading as a jpg etc. etc. Copying pictures you don't own is copyright violation. The fact you get away with it....and I get away with it...and a few billion other people get away with it doesn't make it a non-violation. The simple fact is for the vast majority of pictures posted in forums all over the net, there isn't adequate damages for the copyright holder to bother pursuing a claim. Many copyright suits are civil suits for damages, although under certain criteria, there can be federal criminal charges pressed which could potentially put a person in prison for up to 10 years such as: (18 U.S.C. § 2319)

Also a disclaimer notice isn't going to help you unless you're making a legitimate legal claim such as a fair use reason for posting the work you don't own. Without the proper legal basis, your disclaimer could actually serve as evidence you knowingly were posting a photo you don't own the rights to in violation of copyright law.

Here's a good example of a blatant copyright violation by you. This is from post 121 in the who wants to fuck Sarah Palin thread:

View attachment 4248779View attachment 4248780

Something told me when I saw this that Ole MacnLies probably wasn't there taking either of these pictures....much to your chagrin. Sure enough, didn't take much of a search to find the picture on the right is officially copyrighted having been taken by Jason Merritt with the rights owned by Getty Images. Something also tells me you likely didn't pay Getty Images the $175 minimum cost to obtain the rights to the photo.

Is Getty Images going to come after you for your violation, very unlikely. Taylor could in theory come after you for defamation for posting her pictures on a porn site, but sadly she won't bother with can always jerky your meat dreaming she would!

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Taylor Swift's tits or the pictures of them reposted here. These tits are posted under fair use as edumacation material for Ole MacnLies ;)

I've been a professional photographer for over 35 years (yes you read that right) and you are correct about copyright law. In fact, you're the only one right about copyright law in this thread.

A lot of people think that the model being photographed has the copyright; not so. The photographer does (unless of course, he signs it over to someone). I do not need the model's permission to post pictures that I take anywhere on the internet. The only time I need a model release (a signed permission from the model) is when I use the photograph for commercial purposes.

Another myth is that you need someone's permission to photograph them in public. Not true. When you're in public, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy and I can take all the pictures of you or anything else I can see from public. This includes army bases, bridges, area 51, oil refineries, etc. If you're in public, take pictures all you want. If the cops arrest you, expect a check in the mail when they settle out of court (I've gotten three so far). Ask any celebrity or paparazzi about public photography, they'll tell you an earful.

Heck, almost all the photos on here probably violate copyright law but if no one complains, no one cares. Even if they do complain, all the site has to do is take it down. I've seen some of my pictures on here and it doesn't really bother me.
I've been a professional photographer for over 35 years (yes you read that right) and you are correct about copyright law. In fact, you're the only one right about copyright law in this thread.

A lot of people think that the model being photographed has the copyright; not so. The photographer does (unless of course, he signs it over to someone). I do not need the model's permission to post pictures that I take anywhere on the internet. The only time I need a model release (a signed permission from the model) is when I use the photograph for commercial purposes.

Another myth is that you need someone's permission to photograph them in public. Not true. When you're in public, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy and I can take all the pictures of you or anything else I can see from public. This includes army bases, bridges, area 51, oil refineries, etc. If you're in public, take pictures all you want. If the cops arrest you, expect a check in the mail when they settle out of court (I've gotten three so far). Ask any celebrity or paparazzi about public photography, they'll tell you an earful.

Heck, almost all the photos on here probably violate copyright law but if no one complains, no one cares. Even if they do complain, all the site has to do is take it down. I've seen some of my pictures on here and it doesn't really bother me.
Amazing, that you took 300 words to agree with me, when it PAINED you to agree with me.

"Heck, almost all the photos on here probably violate copyright law but if no one complains, no one cares. Even if they do complain, all the site has to do is take it down. I've seen some of my pictures on here and it doesn't really bother me."

Your statement is all I was saying. That's it. I don't have any further comments. I wasn't trying to make a big deal out of it.
This sort of thing happens to me frequently...genius level IQ can be a burden ;)
Yes, you wear the burden so well.

You did a fabulous job. You, in fact, turned someone who was on your side into someone who doesn't like you very much and has very little respect for you at this point. If you have a 150+IQ, then you have a below 20 EQ. You are a complete social idiot. So sit on that.

@MacNfries said this is what you do, but I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. You're an obnoxious social idiot. That's it. That's who you are. You have to live with yourself. Not me, thank goodness.

I can tell that I will enjoy Mac's posts whenever I see them. He does add humor and sarcasm into his comments, which being from NYC, I do appreciate :) Thank you Mac. You, on the other hand, are just condescending, rude and a like a bull in a china shop. You're ability to write and communicate intelligent thoughts is amateurish at best. You make me laugh, unfortunately, not because you are funny, but because you are sad and desperate.

The fact that you think I have an emotional attachment to this is funny. I check posts once a day, usually late at night after I've finished my work for the day. This is just the "fun" I have. Your comments are boring. So I won't be responding to anymore. As Joe Pesci said in My Cousin Vinny, "I'm done with yous!"
If you post a picture on the Internet (especially porn) then you've got to accept it may reappear somewhere else. To think otherwise is simply stupid. That's irrespective of the legalities / morality. So if that really bothers you then don't do it or make them anonymous.

And yes, I get as frustrated as the rest of you by fakers, fantasists and time wasters passing off others pics as their own.
Amazing, that you took 300 words to agree with me, when it PAINED you to agree with me.
It pained me to agree with you?

I have no idea who you are and don't know you and wasn't thinking about you when I made that post. In fact, I didn't read any of your posts prior to this one.