Black Lives Matter!

Ya'll act like black people don't fetishize white men/women too. Every race is fetishized. Stop being such a victim
there is a small percent of black men that fetishized white women. There are some that genuinely like white women that doesn’t depend on race. But a huge majority go to white women because of self hate and say things that disrespect black women.

Pointing out a fetish isn’t playing victim you idiot it’s to point out that there are people on this site that don’t really give two fucks about black lives just black dick for their wives.. regardless fetishizing someone for their race is wrong..

Easy for you to say stop playing victim or any of you to say all lives matter when ******* isnt set up against you. Yeah keeping ignoring you guys white privileged ignore the injustice and try and act like black people are the problem. Y’all are willfully ignorant because none of this has affected you a day in your life.
Please read all I have written before being angry at the fact I would like to say hate is hate! I am a white male 49 and know I have not experienced anything that a black male my age has and I don't understand nor claim to understand what it is like to be black in our country . I do politely disagree there is no reverse racism I am not saying this from an argumentative point I am saying it because I do lots of volunteer work building houses in many communities and when I am on site I do get judged by some (Some not all) because I am white. After we work together regardless if they are black white brown yellow we laugh and honestly try to get to know each other we are all very much the same we are all human beings. I have gotten to know lots of great people of many nationalities and hope they feel they same about me. When I say all lives matter it is truly not to take away from the fact that black lives matter I truly and whole heartedly believe they do and I believe that by putting a color to it instead of every life matters and all should be equal it creates a larger divide. There are white people who hate others based on skin color with out a doubt and they are fools because they are missing out on knowing some GREAT people. It does go both ways again I am not trying to take away from this but in my opinion I truly believe the best way to fix things is to work together and build each other up not tear each other down. Maybe I am naïve but I don't hate people based on skin color I judge people based on who they are. To judge or say any race or religion is all bad or all good is a crazy thought to me, there are great African Americans as much as there are great white people as well as bad of each I feel we need to find a way to love each and every person.
Thank you for reading

I appreciate your post.
the term racism has changed so much throughout the years but when it comes to racism it’s built on a power structure which white people have. Those experiences that you discussed is prejudice, bigotry and so on.But to be fundamentally racist we as black people cannot because we don’t have the power behind it. We can be prejudice and bigots but not racist. That is most peoples confusion.
I appreciate your post.
the term racism has changed so much throughout the years but when it comes to racism it’s built on a power structure which white people have. Those experiences that you discussed is prejudice, bigotry and so on.But to be fundamentally racist we as black people cannot because we don’t have the power behind it. We can be prejudice and bigots but not racist. That is most peoples confusion.
But to have prejudice AND power that’s where racism comes into play.
Sir, I applaud your well thought out and carefully expressed truths. I've seen privilege from a different angle, it's the side of the poor white family in an all white area. Some of us know what it's like to be targeted for looks when we are just trying to live, and I only ever found out what it was like to not be looked at that way when I came to a larger city like Ft Wayne or Indianapolis. Most middle class or rich white folk don't and probably never will understand what this does to the psychological state of those who have had to act or behave a certain way just to not be fucked with, and even then it doesn't always seem to work.

thank you.. even the poorest of the poor white people still have a privilege over poor black people. Even though they are in the same economical situation they were taught to feel superior over poor black people. Just to be able to see and acknowledge your privilege is a huge deal because most can’t do that or believe it doesn’t exist.
thank you.. even the poorest of the poor white people still have a privilege over poor black people. Even though they are in the same economical situation they were taught to feel superior over poor black people. Just to be able to see and acknowledge your privilege is a huge deal because most can’t do that or believe it doesn’t exist.

Divide and conquer.
Hello to anyone that is reading this post. This is just a way for me to vent. I am not going to filter myself, if you are offended then you are either apart of the problem or going along with the problem by being complicit.

First, the Black Lives Matter movement has never said anything about all lives don't matter. The media turned it that way because of their biases which is a whole different topic. Using all lives matter as an argument is creating further divide because if all lives truly matter black people wouldn't be getting killed by cops.

*Not all cops are bad but their fraternity to protect the bad ones is what makes them look bad as a whole. Then on top of that the slaps on the wrist that they get for not being held accountable is ridiculous. THERE are good cops but that fraternity is corrupt to allow them to avoid accountability.

All lives matter, reverse racism is all tactics to take away from the pressing issue at hand that black people continually suffer from system racism and people get away with seeing us as less than human beings. Black people cannot be racist because we don't have power so please don't confuse black peoples prejudice and bigotry to racism. Not saying its right but a black person has dealt with systemic racism, prejudice, and bigotry far more than a white person can understand. There are literal racist in this world that have never had a bad experience with a black person but because they were taught to hate or saw hate on the media then hate is all they know. If everything was equal laws wouldn't need to be passed for jobs to not discriminate against a black persons hair. Affirmative action has turned into a quota for most companies and white women benefit from it the most. Affirmative action was supposed to give an opportunity for qualified POC to get an opportunity.

Second, stop changing the narrative to looting and rioting. Businesses have even came out and said their employees will still get paid and merch can be replaced but yet people still focus on that angle. With all the riots people want to get upset but are quiet about the Tulsa Massacre that happened in the past. Where black people and black businesses was specifically targeted. Agitators are the ones thats turning most of these protests into riots to begin with. Even with video footage people still give the aggressors the benefit of the doubt to try and justify their actions. watch the all these videos of the police interacting with the protestors and you'll see who the real "thugs" are.

Third, racism and injustice for black people is literally everywhere this just isn't a USA thing. Black tourist are treated nice in foreign countries because they have money that they can spend. I've traveled as a tourist and studied abroad both experiences were like night and day. The media warps peoples mind to hate us and those people are weak minded to not think for themselves. if you never had anything happen to you by people of color but you still judge them as a whole your incredibly dumb because you aren't thinking for yourself.

Forth, divide has been around so long that poor white people even believe they are above poor black people when they are the exact same boat. SS is greatly used by poor white people but media makes it look like its only black people.

Fifth, please stop being fool by people and companies. If they weren't on the side of Keapernick when he kneeled during the anthem to protest this same topic then they aren't on our side now. People will fake sympathy or hop on a movement because it's trending instead of actually caring about people and what they are going through. People that genuinely cared showed up as soon as injustice peaked their heads not when things get out of control.

Sixth and final point, stop allowing yourself to be fetishized by white sex workers and white women in general. These people are not on our size they only want a black man because he can offer a big dick. When they aren't fuckin she could care less about him. Before anyone gets upset this is specifically for the small percent of white women that do this. As well as the white women that only want to sleep with a black man because they have racist parents.

All and all there is unfortunately more white people that side with oppression and willfully being ignorant than people that are on the side of sympathy for what us black people go through. This post isn't about generalizing there are good people there are good cops. If you don't go against the narrative of racism you are guilty by being complicit. All lives should truly matter but it won't until black people are done being seen as a threat, Muslims are done being seen as terrorist, and etc.

All I ask is please remove your biases and truly open your heart and understand what is going on. If you willingly look for the truth it is out there for you to see. Some are privileged and have never felt oppression or true fear when being innocent. Because you haven't experienced doesn't mean others haven't or it isn't real.
if you do not hug gays then you are part of the problem, if you do not help the poor then you are part of the problem if you do not do what other people tell you to do then you are part of the problem. When was the last time you invited a white honky into your home or even had a chance to let alone invite a baptist. Just because you cheat and steal and abuse other people does not make you a racist or sexist. you see where i am coming from. I live in a place with hardly any black people and last night the police shot and killed a young woman and they killed a white dude who was sitting in his car after getting off the train. The black guy in Atlanta who fucked my wife told me there were neighborhoods that were unsafe for me to walk in after dark because of my skin tone
I encourage you to watch this video by Candace Owens. The facts she provides, and her logic in general, really refute the claims that systemic racism is a problem, and that black men are getting killed by cops disproportionately.
More importantly, we can be against the BlackLivesMatter organization, but be for the fair and equal treatment of black people. BLM wants to defund police, and they want to send armed militias to stand up to police. Those are not wise stances to take, especially given the facts Candace cites.

Oh Candace Owens and logic?
Black people embrace the lowest denominator?

I am not a conservative or a liberal those terms are labels and creates division when we need unity more than anything else and empathy.

This is a human rights issue and the rest of the world sees it as a problem but some in the United States not as much.

David Dorn is the retired cop she failed to know his name for some reason but can rattle off numbers from out of nowhere.

Interesting a CNN reporter was handcuffed before Derek Chauvin.
if you do not hug gays then you are part of the problem, if you do not help the poor then you are part of the problem if you do not do what other people tell you to do then you are part of the problem. When was the last time you invited a white honky into your home or even had a chance to let alone invite a baptist. Just because you cheat and steal and abuse other people does not make you a racist or sexist. you see where i am coming from. I live in a place with hardly any black people and last night the police shot and killed a young woman and they killed a white dude who was sitting in his car after getting off the train. The black guy in Atlanta who fucked my wife told me there were neighborhoods that were unsafe for me to walk in after dark because of my skin tone

Funny how being docile is the solution. That’s ridiculous. I have gay friends and friends of all races. The difference is they recognize the privilege that they have..
and great example of a black man that fucked your wife.. what about the black delivery drivers that get the cops called on them for being in a predominantly white neighborhood? But you wanna focus on him saying that but not the reason why because most black communities go through gentrification and are pushed out of their communities.
Funny how being docile is the solution. That’s ridiculous. I have gay friends and friends of all races. The difference is they recognize the privilege that they have..
and great example of a black man that fucked your wife.. what about the black delivery drivers that get the cops called on them for being in a predominantly white neighborhood? But you wanna focus on him saying that but not the reason why because most black communities go through gentrification and are pushed out of their communities.
not being docile but picking your fights.your country invaded iraq afghanistan and vietnam so should i blame you, even though you live better than many people you think you are hard done by.
Division, exactly what they want. Together we stand, divided we fall. This is a race war started be the globalists. Do your research. Its easier to control people divided than when they stand together. This is all the beginning of a plan to make the US (the largest obstacle in the plan) part of a global economy. If you do your research you will find it. We are all pawns in the elite’s chess game. Most reading this will call me crazy but im not i assure you. Just someone who thought things didnt add up and did my research and fell down a rabbit hole in the process. You will see, it will get worse before it gets better and this started many years ago and ive been watching it all fall into place for a couple years now.
Division, exactly what they want. Together we stand, divided we fall. This is a race war started by the globalists. Do your research. Its easier to control people divided than when they stand together. This is all the beginning of a plan to make the US (the largest obstacle in the plan) part of a global economy. If you do your research you will find it. We are all pawns in the elite’s chess game. Most reading this will call me crazy but im not i assure you. Just someone who thought things didnt add up and did my research and fell down a rabbit hole in the process. You will see, it will get worse before it gets better and this started many years ago and ive been watching it all fall into place for a couple years now.
I think the one thing everybody on here can agree on is the 4 cops deserve to go to prison. Also I'am the only one that thinks the Asian cop looks and might actually be retarded?🤔
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Hello to anyone that is reading this post. This is just a way for me to vent. I am not going to filter myself, if you are offended then you are either apart of the problem or going along with the problem by being complicit.

First, the Black Lives Matter movement has never said anything about all lives don't matter. The media turned it that way because of their biases which is a whole different topic. Using all lives matter as an argument is creating further divide because if all lives truly matter black people wouldn't be getting killed by cops.

*Not all cops are bad but their fraternity to protect the bad ones is what makes them look bad as a whole. Then on top of that the slaps on the wrist that they get for not being held accountable is ridiculous. THERE are good cops but that fraternity is corrupt to allow them to avoid accountability.

All lives matter, reverse racism is all tactics to take away from the pressing issue at hand that black people continually suffer from system racism and people get away with seeing us as less than human beings. Black people cannot be racist because we don't have power so please don't confuse black peoples prejudice and bigotry to racism. Not saying its right but a black person has dealt with systemic racism, prejudice, and bigotry far more than a white person can understand. There are literal racist in this world that have never had a bad experience with a black person but because they were taught to hate or saw hate on the media then hate is all they know. If everything was equal laws wouldn't need to be passed for jobs to not discriminate against a black persons hair. Affirmative action has turned into a quota for most companies and white women benefit from it the most. Affirmative action was supposed to give an opportunity for qualified POC to get an opportunity.

Second, stop changing the narrative to looting and rioting. Businesses have even came out and said their employees will still get paid and merch can be replaced but yet people still focus on that angle. With all the riots people want to get upset but are quiet about the Tulsa Massacre that happened in the past. Where black people and black businesses was specifically targeted. Agitators are the ones thats turning most of these protests into riots to begin with. Even with video footage people still give the aggressors the benefit of the doubt to try and justify their actions. watch the all these videos of the police interacting with the protestors and you'll see who the real "thugs" are.

Third, racism and injustice for black people is literally everywhere this just isn't a USA thing. Black tourist are treated nice in foreign countries because they have money that they can spend. I've traveled as a tourist and studied abroad both experiences were like night and day. The media warps peoples mind to hate us and those people are weak minded to not think for themselves. if you never had anything happen to you by people of color but you still judge them as a whole your incredibly dumb because you aren't thinking for yourself.

Forth, divide has been around so long that poor white people even believe they are above poor black people when they are the exact same boat. SS is greatly used by poor white people but media makes it look like its only black people.

Fifth, please stop being fool by people and companies. If they weren't on the side of Keapernick when he kneeled during the anthem to protest this same topic then they aren't on our side now. People will fake sympathy or hop on a movement because it's trending instead of actually caring about people and what they are going through. People that genuinely cared showed up as soon as injustice peaked their heads not when things get out of control.

Sixth and final point, stop allowing yourself to be fetishized by white sex workers and white women in general. These people are not on our size they only want a black man because he can offer a big dick. When they aren't fuckin she could care less about him. Before anyone gets upset this is specifically for the small percent of white women that do this. As well as the white women that only want to sleep with a black man because they have racist parents.

All and all there is unfortunately more white people that side with oppression and willfully being ignorant than people that are on the side of sympathy for what us black people go through. This post isn't about generalizing there are good people there are good cops. If you don't go against the narrative of racism you are guilty by being complicit. All lives should truly matter but it won't until black people are done being seen as a threat, Muslims are done being seen as terrorist, and etc.

All I ask is please remove your biases and truly open your heart and understand what is going on. If you willingly look for the truth it is out there for you to see. Some are privileged and have never felt oppression or true fear when being innocent. Because you haven't experienced doesn't mean others haven't or it isn't real.

I wholeheartedly agree with EVERYTHING you said, and thought you explained it beautifully.

I don't disagree with you at all, but honestly I DO think it's hard for white people (myself included) to really understand. Perspective is reality for people, and the thing about perspective is that it all about your vantage point. We all live in the same world, but we experience it very differently.

I remember watching a Dave Chappelle comedy routine where he commented about how differently his white friend felt about randomly taking to a police officer then he did... Chappelle thought his white friend was crazy for doing that, part of what made the joke funny was the stark contrast of how differently the two felt about police in general, showing that perspective is a motherfucker. These types of incidences of police ******* and violence against black men needs to be addressed at the highest and lowest levels, I cannot understand why all police officers aren't required to wear body cams, or why nobody is even pushing legislation for this?!

Over the last several years, with the proliferation of cell phones with video, for the very first time white people are witnessing these types of horrific things that have actually been going on for a LONG time, which is good, but not enough is being done by ANYONE weather democrat or republican to actually pass laws to better control, and prevent this type of thing.

Probably though... the biggest problem is what you described as the "fraternity of police officers." Before this last atrocity, I recall an event where a ******* white female cop was so *******, she walked into a black man's apartment thinking it was her apartment, and that he had broken in... she shot and killed the man in his own home! And, THAT wasn't even the worst part... what many media outlets failed to report was that there was another black male in the apartment that she didn't shoot, but witnessed the event. He was set to testify against her, and MYSTERIOUSLY... he was killed before that could happen!!! Obviously, by police, committing cold-blooded ******* to protect this horrible excuse of a human because she was a cop!

I can't say that I understand your pain the way that you feel it, the way that young black men, or mom's and *******'s of young black men feel it, I don't think that's really even possible, but I do feel it in my own way, and it makes me incredibly sad. I think this is a major reason we need to see more black politicians, police officers, and organizations to fight these systemic issues, and we need actual actionable measures taken to help fight these problems... like bodycams for ALL police officers, and a separate organization that can review them, and take disciplinary actions upon review just as a start.
I wholeheartedly agree with EVERYTHING you said, and thought you explained it beautifully.

I don't disagree with you at all, but honestly I DO think it's hard for white people (myself included) to really understand. Perspective is reality for people, and the thing about perspective is that it all about your vantage point. We all live in the same world, but we experience it very differently.

I remember watching a Dave Chappelle comedy routine where he commented about how differently his white friend felt about randomly taking to a police officer then he did... Chappelle thought his white friend was crazy for doing that, part of what made the joke funny was the stark contrast of how differently the two felt about police in general, showing that perspective is a motherfucker. These types of incidences of police ******* and violence against black men needs to be addressed at the highest and lowest levels, I cannot understand why all police officers aren't required to wear body cams, or why nobody is even pushing legislation for this?!

Over the last several years, with the proliferation of cell phones with video, for the very first time white people are witnessing these types of horrific things that have actually been going on for a LONG time, which is good, but not enough is being done by ANYONE weather democrat or republican to actually pass laws to better control, and prevent this type of thing.

Probably though... the biggest problem is what you described as the "fraternity of police officers." Before this last atrocity, I recall an event where a ******* white female cop was so *******, she walked into a black man's apartment thinking it was her apartment, and that he had broken in... she shot and killed the man in his own home! And, THAT wasn't even the worst part... what many media outlets failed to report was that there was another black male in the apartment that she didn't shoot, but witnessed the event. He was set to testify against her, and MYSTERIOUSLY... he was killed before that could happen!!! Obviously, by police, committing cold-blooded ******* to protect this horrible excuse of a human because she was a cop!

I can't say that I understand your pain the way that you feel it, the way that young black men, or mom's and *******'s of young black men feel it, I don't think that's really even possible, but I do feel it in my own way, and it makes me incredibly sad. I think this is a major reason we need to see more black politicians, police officers, and organizations to fight these systemic issues, and we need actual actionable measures taken to help fight these problems... like bodycams for ALL police officers, and a separate organization that can review them, and take disciplinary actions upon review just as a start.

Louisville police chief fired. Officers failed to use body cams in protest shooting.

Louisville police chief fired. Officers failed to use body cams in protest shooting.

It is GOOD that he got fired, but horrible that is what they did!!! We've got to stop tolerating this *******.

Turning off your body cam is EXACTLY what a cover-up is! We ALL know precisely why body cams are often not used! This ******* is unacceptable! These body cams need to be on 100% of police officers... 100% of the time they are on duty... no exceptions!!! If the police are acting in an appropriate manner it cay actually protect them! However, more importantly it protects the public, and particularly black men from them. Theoretically, it SHOULD be a win-win, but I don't hear anyone talking about doing this!

It's an obvious precaution, it's a common sense actionable measure that would help immensely, but nobody is even suggesting this. All police officers need to be wearing body cams, and they need to be on all the time! If you turn it off... turn in your badge! Good cops should want this, as it actually protects them too!

It would ALSO be immensely helpful to have an outside organization established that could review body cams whenever someone is badly injured or killed by a police officer or officers, and can take direction disciplinary action against those involved.
I encourage you to watch this video by Candace Owens. The facts she provides, and her logic in general, really refute the claims that systemic racism is a problem, and that black men are getting killed by cops disproportionately.
More importantly, we can be against the BlackLivesMatter organization, but be for the fair and equal treatment of black people. BLM wants to defund police, and they want to send armed militias to stand up to police. Those are not wise stances to take, especially given the facts Candace cites.

Candace is not the voice of reason. She's just Omarosa 2.0. She used to be a liberal and realized she could flog books by taking this stance. Shes not entirely wrong but she leaves out many facts in order to justify her agenda. No one is making a Saint out of Floyd, he just so happened to be the straw that broke the camel's back. She left out the 18 prior complaints against the officer. If she wasn't making money from TV appearances and selling books I'd take her more seriously. She's no better than Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. Same type of people