Wives impregnated by bbc

There is always a price to pay . . .family and friends either disappointed or pissed and the possibility of raising the baby alone. IF that happened you wouldn't be the first. I wonder how many single moms there are now in the country.
I always feel theres intros to be made here. So many cuckold men would be happy to meet single moms of mixed *******. To love and support them while they have a full sex life with Black men. A dating app for such couplings would be so good! 😊
Yes i really thought we would be together for the rest of my life but he thought i caused the miscarriage so that I would stay married
Your story is very familiar. My 25 year old wife took a black boyfriend after we were married less than a year and a half. I didn't know. She cried to me that she missed her period but said she got it a week later. Turns out she was pregnant and didn't know which of us was the *******. So she got an abortion while I was away for work. But when I got back she was so overcome with guilt that she confessed and said she wanted a divorce. She went to live with her black boyfriend and has given birth to three bi-racial babies by him.
Your story is very familiar. My 25 year old wife took a black boyfriend after we were married less than a year and a half. I didn't know. She cried to me that she missed her period but said she got it a week later. Turns out she was pregnant and didn't know which of us was the *******. So she got an abortion while I was away for work. But when I got back she was so overcome with guilt that she confessed and said she wanted a divorce. She went to live with her black boyfriend and has given birth to three bi-racial babies by him.
I would never terminate a black or any baby
There is always a price to pay . . .family and friends either disappointed or pissed and the possibility of raising the baby alone. IF that happened you wouldn't be the first. I wonder how many single moms there are now in the country.
Id say there an equal amount of willing cuckold males who would love to step up, love and support these single moms. No need to be single, just because they have mixed race babies. I wish there were a way to connect with the right peolle easier. For us all.