Why I Love Black Men

Will definitely have to take you up on that offer, once all this Covid stuff dies down
Happy Season 5 GIF by Friends
This article was penned by a woman (whose name I've forgotton) but I agree with her so much. The only caveat is that for me personally, I don't want just the sex....but a real substantive connection. Other than that...she's right on the money.

Black skin is thick and lush, sensuous to the touch, like satin and velvet made flesh. There's only one patch of skin on a white man's body that remotely compares to nearly every inch of a black man's skin. The first time I caressed black skin, it felt like a luxury I shouldn't be able to afford. I craved it more strongly than Carrie Bradshaw craved Manolo Blahnik shoes. That phrase, "Once you go black, you never go back" is all about the feeling of the skin. And I had the socially acceptable explanation for my craving. I used that paucity-of-available-white-partners rationale to explain my relationships with black men for several years.

A white woman past forty is often passed over by her white-male contemporaries. She goes younger or ethnic or foreign-born or down the socioeconomic scale or darker or she spends lonely nights at home with her cats. Black men are happy to get the babe they couldn't have when she was twentysomething and fertile. The laws of the marketplace do prevail. It's not me, it's them being the white guys who weren't after me anymore, or so I claimed. That's a lie. The truth is, I attract about the same percentage of available white men my age (and far younger!) now as I did when I was thirty and that's not including the unavailable white men who want to play around anyway. Enough white men want me that I was hardly facing enforced celibacy, but I don't want them. I want black men. They want me. We look at one another and exchange a visible frisson of sexual energy in the lingering glances. And our attraction is based first on race. We are not those couples who "happen to fall in love" with someone of a different race or more purposefully come together but out of some greater sense of interracial understanding and respect. Not as politically-correct men and women do we seek one another out. The Internet has made it a lot easier for us to find each other now. Men advertise: ebony seeks ivory. Women write: seeking tall, dark, and handsome. Very dark. We are not the same people who say: Race is not important. It is important to us. We have race-specific desires.

Even in a time when nearly 40 percent of single Americans have dated outside their race, that deliberate seeking of the specific other makes some people, especially black women, damned mad. We are what they denigrate and castigate: white women and black men who choose one another because of our racial differences. They resent our taking their men. Black men are two and a half times more likely to marry a white woman than a black woman is to marry a white man. Black women can point to that statistic in justifying their wrath.

But in truth, black sisters, we're after the sex, not the ring and these guys aren't the marrying kind anyway. Yes, the sex! The woman who goes after black men is a variant of sex journalist Susie Bright's "white bitch in heat," a woman who puts sex first even though women aren't supposed to do that. According to one school of thought, white women turn to black men when their sex drives kick into higher gear and their social inhibitions recede into the rearview mirror. It's a "yes, baby, now I'm ready for you" reaction. When we get to the "yes, baby" place, they know it, and they are ready and waiting for us.

Black men have more energy, style and edge than white men. They know how to flirt, a nearly lost art among the rest of us. A black man is so damned sexy because he knows how to make a woman feel sexy. Black men have something white guys don't have anymore: confidence in their masculinity, their sexuality. They clearly know they're men. White men appear to be waiting for the latest sociological research study to let them know if they are men or not. Yet black men are gentlemen, something else white men no longer are. They make me feel like a woman, both respected and desired. I can let go of my inhibitions, my need to control, when I am with them. How many white men can treat a woman like a lady and ravish her too? I often felt in my White Period that only during heated sex does that little layer of air bubbles between me and the world pop and disappear, leaving me open to intimate connection. It takes a lot of friction for two white people to get that close.

These black men, so alive with erotic electricity, cut through the bubbles with a touch, a caress, a kiss and the freedom means I can truly touch them. I am like a pampered passenger in a Porsche with an expert driver at the wheel. I know I could suggest a route change, but I never really want to do that. On the other hand, the last time I had sex with a white man, we slogged along a bumpy road in a really old VW, the driver like the typical bumbling tv husband who would neither ask for nor accept the directions he badly needed.

My current lover, a handsome businessman, seduced me via eye contact at a neighborhood bar while I was eating burgers with a friend. Without saying a word, he paid the compliments, asked the questions with his expressive eyes. He didn't move over to sit beside me and ask if he could buy me a ******* until he knew the time was right. Both soft-spoken and assertive, he has impeccable manners and charm. I was kissing him in a cab 30 minutes after that *******. On another night in that same bar, a different black man, an artist, knelt and kissed my knees. I am sure there must be some black men who aren't good in bed. Personally, I have not experienced one who isn't. (True, I am not dating down the socioeconomic ladder, but I didn't do that when I dated white either, so the racial comparisons seem valid and fair.) They look better than white men, they touch and kiss and make love better than white men. Statistically, their penises are only a fraction of an inch bigger on average, but they seem bigger and harder.

White men over 40 have lost their waistlines and their zest for life if they ever had it. They carry resentments, grudges and extra pounds in their basketball bellies. Perhaps a good part of that bloat is unhappiness. Even the thin ones look flabby somehow and deeply aggrieved. They nurse the smallest perceived slight longer than their double shots of Scotch. Surely our culture as much as biology turns them into softer, spongier, less-interesting versions of their youthful selves just at the point where women and black men and other minorities are emerging strong. Society overvalues the white man, leaving him angry and bitter when he realizes, around age 40, that he's not all that. With the exception of some Italians, white men don't turn me on anymore. That admission puts me in the same category as the older man only interested primarily or exclusively in young women. While women my age scowl and frown at these aging, Upper West Side Boomers pushing strollers as the hand of the thin, blonde wife 20 years their junior rests lightly on their arm, I feel a kinship with the old goats. We are the same, me and that bald white guy, drawn to the exotic other, not caring that the object of our desire has no childhood memory of a Kennedy assassination or a typical WASP Sunday dinner of over-roasted beef, lumpy mashed potatoes and soggy vegetables. Analyze the roots of attractions all you want like scientists have done and you won't come up with a perfect explanation for why we crave what we do. Desire rises from our depths and is gloriously oblivious to the good opinion of others.

Yet until recently, I pretended that my lust was an equal-opportunity craving, because that seemed like the right thing to do. Halfway through the first glass of wine in my last date with a white man, I realized that little clouds of sadness and self-pity were regularly fluffing off his psyche like the dust clouds kicked up by that dirt-smudged "Peanuts" character as he walks through Charlie Brown's life. This guy was at least mildly depressed, and I wanted to tell him to exercise, lose weight, trim the combover and get interested in something outside yourself. I would have walked out on him immediately, but he seemed to expect that. I couldn't deliver the blow to his ego proffered like the naked neck of a martyr to the ax. My Southern cousins would describe his general demeanor as a "hangdog air." Into the second glass of wine and glancing longingly at the exit, I wanted to hang that dog myself when he mentioned that his face was flushed, I hadn't noticed, because he'd taken a Viagra "just in case." What did he think would entice me more: That he assumed sex was probable because I'm a sex journalist or that he would need chemical help if sex did occur? I cannot even imagine a black man bungling an attempted seduction in such a sad way. That was my last token white guy. I recently came out of my racial-preference closet and told my friends, "I love black men. I'm not attracted to white men over 40, and I'm not dating them anymore. Really, it's not them, it's me. Nobody was surprised.
Excellent Ms Thang. With a personal proviso, I well understand and agree with what your "sex journalist" (whose name has slipped your mind) has written from her disappointing and frustrating experiences with white men on the Hunt.

The proviso is that there do happen to exist personally and sexually exceptional very savvy white men who apart from their skin color fit her description of---in her estimation---the perfect attractant-seducer and lover. I am one of them.

I'm handsome, well-built, very athletic, strong, in perfect shape (according to many attractive and sexually needy women among my ex's friends), smooth-skinned, supple, romantically savvy and (for a white guy) an exceptionally sensual mover and lover in bed and out of it. My ex rates me in nearly every romantic, physical and personal sexual aspect as at least the equal of my young black buddy, now her husband. She just happens to love "ringing the changes" as between Black and White when it comes to her being charmed, romanced and fucked in the marital bed and away from it.

That my buddy and I are versatile bisexual and have been lovers of each other since he was 17, my ex says has a lot to do with our personal and sexual attractiveness in her eyes. She doesn't in the least resent or envy my buddy and I loving and having sex with each other in our menage-a-trois. She actually encourages it and gets intensely turned on by the male beauty and sexual potency she sees and feels in both of us together and separately. But I admit she is a very exceptional individual in the population of sexually needy and determindly expressive women.
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I have to agree with many who have said well written. She certainly stroked the dicks of the black guys who've heaped praise on her words. I'm trying to figure out if the writer was extremely lucky with black men or extremely unlucky with all others. She compares the two like night and day. All of this or that none of this or that. Possibly the entire piece is made based on two men, one black, one white. If not i think i might just think as others have stated Bullshit.
I have been with many men of all colors and i have no difficulty in saying the comparisons just don't hold up. I've known men over 40 black and white who are in great physical condition with stamina. I've known men of all colors who are overweight. The same analogy can be made about every one of her statements except skin color.
Any time i read a statement that continuously contributes any physical or behavior to all of any group i know it's bullshit or based entirely on personal preference of the writer. Those who limit the field by such foolishness only hurt themselves. I've had great times with so many different shades of skin.
I had two great nights with a red man. Yes a full blooded Apache, right off the White Mountain reservation. The guy was hung, over nine inches of hard throbbing cock. We fucked all night both times. So if i write a paper saying all red men have big cocks will women flock to the reservation, i hope not . It would be a honest statement based on the one red man I've known, but not a true one. You know there's some little dick guys out there.
This work is either someones fantasy, or very distorted observations . There is one other explanation, the writer doesn't describe herself. Is she overweight, a plain Jane. A female that most white guys would rate between 1 and 5. Two women i know frequent clubs filled with black guys.
They only go home alone if they choose to. The black guys are more attentive, they will get hit on without exception. Some black guys get off on having a white woman on their arm. Plump, older, no pinup girl but no problem. They want her and everyone's happy.
Thanks for you well thought out comment. I felt like the author was just clearly stating her personal preference. I don’t think it was an indictment of white men but rather her personal preference. One other thing about older women: we know what we like and we have ZERO fucks to give about anyone’s opinion if it
Thanks for you well thought out comment. I felt like the author was just clearly stating her personal preference. I don’t think it was an indictment of white men but rather her personal preference. One other thing about older women: we know what we like and we have ZERO fucks to give about anyone’s opinion if it
I well understand that. And thank you for your excellent contribution.
Thanks for you well thought out comment. I felt like the author was just clearly stating her personal preference. I don’t think it was an indictment of white men but rather her personal preference. One other thing about older women: we know what we like and we have ZERO fucks to give about anyone’s opinion if it
And you also have much better insight and experience than do younger, greener people! 😎
Excellent Ms Thang. With a personal proviso, I well understand and agree with what your "sex journalist" (whose name has slipped your mind) has written from her disappointing and frustrating experiences with white men on the Hunt.

The proviso is that there do happen to exist personally and sexually exceptional very savvy white men who apart from their skin color fit her description of---in her estimation---the perfect attractant-seducer and lover. I am one of them.

I'm handsome, well-built, very athletic, strong, in perfect shape (according to many attractive and sexually needy women among my ex's friends), smooth-skinned, supple, romantically savvy and (for a white guy) an exceptionally sensual mover and lover in bed and out of it. My ex rates me in nearly every romantic, physical and personal sexual aspect as at least the equal of my young black buddy, now her husband. She just happens to love "ringing the changes" as between Black and White when it comes to her being charmed, romanced and fucked in the marital bed and away from it.

That my buddy and I are versatile bisexual and have been lovers of each other since he was 17, my ex says has a lot to do with our personal and sexual attractiveness in her eyes. She doesn't in the least resent or envy my buddy and I loving and having sex with each other in our menage-a-trois. She actually encourages it and gets intensely turned on by the male beauty and sexual potency she sees and feels in both of us together and separately. But I admit she is a very exceptional individual in the population of sexually needy and determindly expressive women.
Regarding the thumbs-up opinions of my ex and certain other women on the subject of my body and persona and confident sexual stance, here's a sequence of deliberately cockless shots of me stripping for a beautiful young Danish student of Photography and Fine Arts student in Copenhagen. For "artistic" reasons she wanted me to contrive a "cool" look (also to partly conceal my facial identity for purposes of her academic portfolio) which I tried to oblige her with and in her opinion succeeded in doing.

Of course the shots don't prove anything universal about my sex-appeal vis-a-vis black males or anybody else. My besotted young black boyfriend, my ex's new husband, thinks they're smoking hot but of course he's wildly prejudiced and at the end of the day my debatable personal and sexual allure remains a matter of personal and sexual preference of the individual woman and man.
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We both agree. If there's a black gent in need of a dedicated white couple, reach out and say hello.
Please be located inthe NYC, NNJ, or Westchester area.
What a load of crap!
"Black skin is thick and lush, sensuous to the touch, like satin and velvet made flesh. There's only one patch of skin on a white man's body that remotely compares to nearly every inch of a black man's skin." Why doesn't she explain this? What patch of skin? Major fetishisation of black skin.

"Black men have more energy, style and edge than white men. They know how to flirt, a nearly lost art among the rest of us." Who on earth is she hanging around with or meeting in bars etc?!? A lot of guys from different races/ethnicities know how to flirt, it's not exclusive to black men. I've met black men who know how to flirt and others who don't have a clue and think they can just brush their cock up against you in a bar and that will do.

"Without saying a word, he paid the compliments, asked the questions with his expressive eyes." Are you sure he didn't have a nervous eye twitch or something like that?

"On another night in that same bar, a different black man, an artist, knelt and kissed my knees." Who in their right mind does that? That's not confident or sexy it's just plain weird! A random guy kneels down and kisses her knees?!? Why? What a strange man.

Such an overly long article to say that she fancies black men and attempts to justify it. Maybe she should just get one of those awful Queen of spades t-shirts instead.

Whenever I see this article there is never an author attached to it.

Whenever I see this article there is never an author attached to it.
The author's name is Susan Crain Bakos. i think i have posted a link once (years ago) when the article was sill out on the NewYorkPress site. ;) There is quite a list of erotica books written by her but most of them date back to before the divorce from her white ex husband has made her a bitter person and she has started to fetishize Black men.

Here is a "newer" (2011) blog post by the same author in which she is also referring to the older article...
Enjoy! (Or not - you choose. :D )
This was a very interesting article indeed. It makes me think of some conversations I have had with the wife I am playing with. She has said to me and I quote " I didn't realize how much I need this in my life " She absolutely loves her husband lets me clear!.. There are moments when she is looking at me, touching me and yes smelling me and I know it's some primal ******* going on in her head. I still remember the first time we went out to dinner the 3 of us. we had already played multiple times. I walked through the door to find their table.. I swear she looked at me like.. I WANT TO FUCK YOU RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!!!... I may have her read part of this article.
Your wife has no idea if you can even have a wife. You are the lowest form of life on the planet. Posting pictures of a woman without her consent, plus pictures of someone's baby on a site like this. If you had testicles you would be able to discuss your fantasy with your alleged wife. And any man with a family definitely would not post pictures of a baby on this site. Guys like you are GARBAGE!!
What is really interesting is that a certain proportion of black ladies ( regardless of life age ) think similarly about non-black (mainly Caucasian) men.

A consistent vision of lifestyle ( family, loyalty= monogamy , financial security , emotional security, good sexual life, healthy lifestyle ) , physical characteristics from hair pigmentation to penis size and shape to height , outstanding sexual performance by the man.

There are more and more videos on this topic on video sharing sites.I wouldn't write names.Anyone interested in the topic will do research as well!

Like the Caucasian ("white") ladies commenting here, some Congolese ("black") ladies objectively approach the possibility of a relationship between phenotypes (not species because there is only one human species and it has larger phenotypes and smaller phenotypes) !!
The thinking characteristic of these girls and women is that they notice the positive features of the physical and mental side of men belonging to their own phenotype, but to some extent they are attracted to men representing the other phenotype.
Girls and ladies with a subjective mentality generalize men of their own phenotype in a degrading way in a negative sense, while men of the other phenotype are generalized in a positive way in an idealized way. In essence, this is both negative and positive racism on their part, based on a combination of bad and good experiences.

In one thing, however, each camp is in perfect agreement with each other! For them, sexual and emotional contact with members of another group of people is another opportunity to achieve happiness, and they also encourage their fellow women to broaden their personal horizons and ignore colorism.

In fact, this is not a new thing! There is a saying that for a baby, every joke is new thing. This already existed in the Stone Age among the early Homo Sapiens because part of the population that migrated to Eurasia returned to Africa and mingled with some of the early Congolese people.
This is how the Ethiopian phenotype was created, which is the transition between the main phenotype in the Caucasus and the Congo
Especially nice people !!
Would any guys go to a bar and kiss a girls knees?

Would you crouch on the ground in front of her and...kiss her knees...in the bar...in full view of everyone there?

Not kiss her lips, not kiss her hand but her knees.

Would anyone do that as the author said someone did to her?