Why do some people choose to not get verified?


Real Person
Gold Member
I know that this question has been asked before but I wanted to reopen the topic and try to have a legitimate discussion about the topic. Hopefully it will include some people who have chosen to not become verified. So here is my question, I have seen many profiles here that feature very active members. They have pics, videos, participate in forums, and for many, have been members for quite some time. The interesting thing is that quite a few of these profiles are not verified. So I am genuinely curious, if you fit this description, why have you chosen to not get verified? To be clear, I'm really not asking this to hear different theories from those who are verified speaking on why people don't. We have done that plenty around here. I'm really hoping to hear from those who have elected not to.
The largest reason for me is because it's optional. If it were mandatory, I probably wouldn't be on the site simply because I don't want that kind of attention. I'm here to read it, see it and talk it. If there is a connection sure maybe one on one I'll get to know someone. While I'm sure I am not the only public figure on here, I bet there are some people who just want the anonymity as well. To be clear I'm not an A list celeb or anything. But I am widely recognized especially in the New England region...and no I don't play for the Celtics lol. It's not a flex here, I am just here to have fun and don't want everyone knowing who I am and what I'm into :cool:
I know that this question has been asked before but I wanted to reopen the topic and try to have a legitimate discussion about the topic. Hopefully it will include some people who have chosen to not become verified. So here is my question, I have seen many profiles here that feature very active members. They have pics, videos, participate in forums, and for many, have been members for quite some time. The interesting thing is that quite a few of these profiles are not verified. So I am genuinely curious, if you fit this description, why have you chosen to not get verified? To be clear, I'm really not asking this to hear different theories from those who are verified speaking on why people don't. We have done that plenty around here. I'm really hoping to hear from those who have elected not to.
Because we are not seeking any meetups with Bulls from this site. We read some things posted here and post a few comments and pics. If we decide to verify we will. And those running around calling out “fake profiles” are more obnoxious than those who don’t choose to verify in my opinion. And this site could use moderators to remove these people.
We have thought about it many times and come close sometimes. We both work in education and I know we won’t be showing our faces in the verification but it feels like someone we know might recognise us in a video rather than a photo in which we hide our faces. I know none of this sounds rational but I would hate the idea of one of the clients at a college say to me I saw your video on b&w.

That’s where we are currently but things may change.


To the contrary, it sounds more than rational. Some people have a lot they could lose, like their careers. You have to do what works for you and what you're comfortable with versus doing something just to prove something to people you don't even know. If and when you get found out, are those same people going to make you whole for the pensions you lose??? We all know the answer to that!
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I dont believe that verification will garner more sexual opportunities on this or any other site. Basically its just an extra step... toward more nothing.

If any ladies/couples are interested, I will happily chat with you via any medium you so choose and/or fly in to see you irl...put this dick all in your face...How's that for verification? 😉

This is my second go around on this site. The last time was four years ago, and I was verified (under a different handle), and it was just as you say. It was mostly a waste of time that generated no new opportunities, and I'm just not going to do it again. This and other sites just don't generate the kind of options that produce the kind of sexual encounters I desire. So, I guess I'm kind of unique in that I was verified once several years ago, but no desire to do it again. Too many fakes, flakes, fraudsters, and scammers. And sometimes just too much drama. Whether you're verified or not!

Note: I wanted to come back under my old handle but the system would not let me (said handle was already taken) so oh well!
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Because we are not seeking any meetups with Bulls from this site. We read some things posted here and post a few comments and pics. If we decide to verify we will. And those running around calling out “fake profiles” are more obnoxious than those who don’t choose to verify in my opinion. And this site could use moderators to remove these people.

We have plenty of Moderators but we ain't 'All Seeing' 👁‍🗨

If you are anyone else sees any kind of harassment and hit the REPORT button we will handle it as quickly as possible!
We wanted to verify but the risk was not worth it. The example we use is when hot yogawife and her boyfriend were enjoying their lifestyle and videos and someone shared almost everything with their family including children and neighbors. They went through a bad experience and people quickly found out their real names, addresses and employment as well as their bull. That was an eye opening experience and not worth the risk on websites. Even some of the onlyfans couples have run into this problem with information being leaked for no other purpose then malicious players on forums. Always play safe and don't compromise safety due to fantasy.

I remember when this happened. This was the real deal and should be a cautionary tale for everybody 😯
One hit to REPORT an offense works 👍🏾
There were numerous offenses. He keeps posting our profile pick next to a picture of a different woman in the same dress and calls us fake. He goes to many of our posts doing this and I reported most of them. This is harassment and needs to stop. And he did the same to others. Those posts should all be deleted.
There were numerous offenses. He keeps posting our profile pick next to a picture of a different woman in the same dress and calls us fake. He goes to many of our posts doing this and I reported most of them. This is harassment and needs to stop. And he did the same to others. Those posts should all be deleted.

One hit to REPORT an offense works 👍🏾
Once you read the conversation, you'll see that it's the same one that goes on with Verified and Unverified members for years around here. I got into with him too over him thinking Gold Membership means anything when it comes to verification.

Single White males cannot get verified. Therefore on a sex site revolving around the BBC, we want to make sure we're talking to a real couple or real woman, and not jagoff who created a profile to live in a fantasy world. So as always, there is a lot of questions around this new couple with zero content and suddenly lots to say about the lifestyle>
Once you read the conversation, you'll see that it's the same one that goes on with Verified and Unverified members for years around here. I got into with him too over him thinking Gold Membership means anything when it comes to verification.

Single White males cannot get verified. Therefore on a sex site revolving around the BBC, we want to make sure we're talking to a real couple or real woman, and not jagoff who created a profile to live in a fantasy world. So as always, there is a lot of questions around this new couple with zero content and suddenly lots to say about the lifestyle>

All valid points.

The website does have terms and rules so any violations can be reported and staff will handle it.
Once you read the conversation, you'll see that it's the same one that goes on with Verified and Unverified members for years around here. I got into with him too over him thinking Gold Membership means anything when it comes to verification.

Single White males cannot get verified. Therefore on a sex site revolving around the BBC, we want to make sure we're talking to a real couple or real woman, and not jagoff who created a profile to live in a fantasy world. So as always, there is a lot of questions around this new couple with zero content and suddenly lots to say about the lifestyle>
There were not “lots of questions”. There was one guy harassing us because we defended another person he harassed prior to us and he turned on us next. You piled on. The issue is verifying is not required so get over it. You can ignore people you feel are not real. But you cannot harass them with unsupported accusations. That won’t be tolerated. A different picture of a woman with the same dress as my wife is not evidence of anything. Logic 101 dude. I have proven to Magic Mike we are real and still will not verify. And you sir, will us alone.