Why do Non-White women write interracial porn fiction about White men?

No, just personal observation. Go to Wattpad and type BWWM (Black Women White Men)or AWWM (Asian Women White Men), you will get plenty of stories regarding these two topics.
Because its sells good... just like porn with black man and blond white woman.
Marketing my frend.
Becouse its sells good... just like porn with black man and blond white woman.
Marketing my frend.
There is a difference here. Interracial Porn is a product of capitalism and most its consumers are Black men and other Non-White men. Asian men are one of the largest consumers of interracial porn.

Most of these interracial Wattpad novels are only catered to women.
There is a difference here. Interracial Porn is a product of capitalism and most its consumers are Black men and other Non-White men. Asian men are one of the largest consumers of interracial porn.

Most of these interracial Wattpad novels are only catered to women.
Where did you get all statistics?
You answer your question... women write what they want to write.

And you wrong about men porn consumers, acording to pornhub women consuming about 30% porn
Nah, I don't think so. 30% is too high. I don't think it's more than 5%. Even if it's 30%, then also it won't make any difference.
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Yeah someone needs to take the lead and that just happens to be me.. let's talk about it man let's have a conservation instead of all the other things! And I sometimes dont know why I'm doing it I just keep doing it even if i have to go against 20 other white who are against me it doesnt matter and not just because of that but in general if theres something I see other white men do which is find cringy I correct them or if they support wrong things I go against it too. I just recently went against a bunch of punks who started supporting violence against a women and this was during the time when a guy named Andrew tate became popular and I began to discover how he attracted such punks and really these faggots feel they are real men when they hit a fucking women and I have zero tolerance for such punks they need to be humbled !
What are you talking about?
There is a difference here. Interracial Porn is a product of capitalism and most its consumers are Black men and other Non-White men. Asian men are one of the largest consumers of interracial porn.

Most of these interracial Wattpad novels are only catered to women.
I'm pretty certain the biggest consumers of interracial porn are white men.
I’m a white guy who has been married to a black woman and only dates black women. Long story short - many black women love dating white men. There are many different reasons - they might be attracted to white features, might see white men as bringing a different social and cultural experience to their lives, or desire to have a family with a white man. Most of the black women I’ve been with are very good partners and lovers, and from a sexual perspective they love being admired and praised for their beauty. They often comment that lovemaking by white men is much more attentive to their needs and that they aren’t respected in their own communities. To clarify, this is what black women have told ME - it’s not me saying that this is the reality of all black women’s experiences. Most of them still have fantasies of having sex with black men or even affairs with black men - that’s where my cuckold fantasy originally started.