White women in a Black Lesbian Bar

I’ve been invited with a group of African American to go out to a bar known to be a black lesbian bar. I’m kinda scared to go, not sure what to expect, but excited too!

I’ve been dating an African American guy for the last few years, love it, and all his friends ( guys and girls). I’ll likely be the holy white person there.
Love to join you!
Sono stata invitata con un gruppo di afroamericani a uscire in un bar noto per essere un bar per lesbiche nere. Sono un po' spaventata all'idea di andarci, non so cosa aspettarmi, ma sono anche eccitata!

Sono uscita con un ragazzo afroamericano per gli ultimi anni, mi piace, e con tutti i suoi amici (ragazzi e ragazze). Probabilmente sarò la santa persona bianca lì.
Lucky girl
maybe we feel that wat because white women realize we will be displayed as the Black mans and Black womans sexual object and possession publiclly. our bodies shown off as Black owned...to be taken and enjoyed by your community.
if you belong to them, they can and may put you on display anytime and anywhere. that's clear.

they don't care if you're married, have a family or a good job. you're just their white sex toy. nothing more.