White girls for older bbcs ? Oh yea

I am beginning to like u
You will get my 11 inches
I m sonny of Satan himself
Very handsome
My daddy is a good man I love him
We will get pink pussies not matter what
Art Smile GIF by RCWDI
Never used VA
Only VA Gina of Gina the Brazilian who I fucked hard 3 hrs
Never used VA. Interesting. They procees (in part) our disability claims upon retirement. I suppose that's possible on Earth 4231; the parallel realm where even still your existence is false and useless.🤷🏿‍♂️

I'll go back to being "short now"🥳
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Hey Gorgeous,
You are amazing !
Your ability to profile people is as impressive as your beautiful thickness. I love it! I was late to reply because I had a breakfast meet with a real retd Admiral in Alexandria VA. We were in the same offensive operation about 20 years back. Brilliant man! He taught me everything about ISR, command & recon+ combined arms warfare doctrine. I do agree with you!
I do apply those principles in bed when I am with these young lusty chicks
As a matter of fact - I gotta train her tonight!
A beautiful blonde girl from GWU studying Foreign Services. She misses her daddy who is serving as an attache in a friendly country in Eastern Europe.
Wait, wait wait. So much bullshit I don't know what to address first.
You went to West Point BUT, learned the combined arms warfare doctrine from a Navy man?
Why the fuck didn't you learn this at West Point since it is Army doctrine and definitely taught there?
You're from Nigeria but was accepted into one of two of America's prestigious military institutes? Bullshit.

While up to 60 (out of about 1200 cadets) students are accepted on rotating basis from a few countries, Nigeria was not on that list 35 years ago. No sub-Saharan African country was.
AND - you have to be a citizen to be commissioned in the US Army. And if you were a citizen (with your "African yellow" jizz) and was a cadet, why didn't you learn basic instructions?

The discipline and academics are intense, the honor and prestige is real. You write like a 15 year old virgin.
As you were told earlier, watch who you talk this bullshit around, stolen valor will get you doxxed and roxxed.
You're fake as hell, I know you're fake, and you now know that I know. Knock it off.
Wait, wait wait. So much bullshit I don't know what to address first.
You went to West Point BUT, learned the combined arms warfare doctrine from a Navy man?
Why the fuck didn't you learn this at West Point since it is Army doctrine and definitely taught there?
You're from Nigeria but was accepted into one of two of America's prestigious military institutes? Bullshit.

While up to 60 (out of about 1200 cadets) students are accepted on rotating basis from a few countries, Nigeria was not on that list 35 years ago. No sub-Saharan African country was.
AND - you have to be a citizen to be commissioned in the US Army. And if you were a citizen (with your "African yellow" jizz) and was a cadet, why didn't you learn basic instructions?

The discipline and academics are intense, the honor and prestige is real. You write like a 15 year old virgin.
As you were told earlier, watch who you talk this bullshit around, stolen valor will get you doxxed and roxxed.
You're fake as hell, I know you're fake, and you now know that I know. Knock it off.
Many are called, few are chosen. Don't let him get to you Battle. Mental Illness is a reality, and some simply refuse help✊🏾
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I love Dave Chapelle! He is a family friend of my brother Admiral who married a Thai
Bayern - I think you are 5 5

Are you both excited I get a 20 year old tight white pussy tommorow

Bayern - I called my Langley boys and gave ur pics.. they ran through palantir and said you were dishonorably discharged

Omg :eek::cold::eek:
Uhm yeahhhh. Curious to know if they also got my reports on Godzilla off the Californian Coast? Though I was "dishonorably discharged" ( by sources as reputable as concrete balloons no less) for punching out an EBE at Area 51, I'm still a Patriot doing my part🫡
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6 6
11 inches
Field Offcer
15k Pension
2M mansion
45 white girls
Beautiful Blk wife & ******* is dating white chicks too
V proud
Life is great for me !!!!
Young white chicks love me 20 yr coming for training tomorrow
Pics soon
No pics coming ever. And just to point out how ridiculous you, let's debunk three of your lies in just the above:

The two black female magistrate judges in your area, are not your wife. You forget, this information is public and easily verified.

6'6" is too tall to be accepted as a cadet to West Point. So you never went, and still not a veteran.

In your fantasy, your wife is a magistrate judge. Your peak salary and her peak salary together would be about $380,000. That's way below the cutoff for a $2,000,000 home. I speak from experience. That salary would get you a $1-$1.2 mil mortgage with everything else that counts as qualifications being in order.

But it's all bullshit. So yep,
No pics coming ever. And just to point out how ridiculous you, let's debunk three of your lies in just the above:

The two black female magistrate judges in your area, are not your wife. You forget, this information is public and easily verified.

6'6" is too tall to be accepted as a cadet to West Point. So you never went, and still not a veteran.

In your fantasy, your wife is a magistrate judge. Your peak salary and her peak salary together would be about $380,000. That's way below the cutoff for a $2,000,000 home. I speak from experience. That salary would get you a $1-$1.2 mil mortgage with everything else that counts as qualifications being in order.

But it's all bullshit. So yep,
Don’t forget his brother is allegedly a Navy admiral who is friends with Dave Chappelle. 🙄

I saw one source that said there are currently 14 Black males admirals in the Navy and one female. So another very short list that could easily be checked.
So BayernBBC is 100% correct that we all should just let you go back to your white dude circle jerk. He and Mo are very understandably offended that you’re claiming to be a highly decorated retired Black Lt Col when you so clearly aren’t.

On the other hand, I am appalled at what a lousy, inconsistent liar you are and feel compelled to point out a few of your many tells, my fellow white person.

- A Lt Colonel would be able to spell sergeant correctly. Fuck, a private should be able to do that or at least have the good sense to abbreviate it to Sgt. Only a dumbass who thinks he’s smarter than everyone else would spell it out incorrectly.

- One second your soon-to-be married young woman is 25, then she’s 27. One second she’s a Georgetown grad, then you call her Ivy League. Georgetown isn’t in the Ivy League. An educated DC resident would know that.

- One post you claim 25 is your max age for white girls. But you had a good 10 posts talking about how you were going to bang the bride’s hot 52yo m0ther. Which is it?

- As Mo pointed out, you mix up who is the alleged sender and who is the alleged receiver in some of the fabricated texts you offer as “proof”

- You want us to believe that a 25yo is asking a 55yo man to teach her how to play with herself? She’s had access to Cosmo, Google, porn and countless other resources for around a decade but she needs a man to show her how her own clit works?!? Do you have any idea how ridiculously idiotic that fantasy is? No, of course not. You’re too busy jacking off in mom’s basement to IR porn and feeling inadequate (rightly so).

- You want us to believe that you are a 55yo Black man who never got white pussy until 4 yrs ago while you also claim to have been in Europe in the mid-90s. While I never served in the military I did work for NATO in Hungary in the mid-90s and you’re absolutely right that Europe had a plethora of desperate women from the former Soviet Republics working as barmaids, strippers, pr0stitutes, hotel maids, etc. Even the ugliest American soldier with a wallet could get laid in mid-90s Europe, either through his own charms or for a pittance. It’s not remotely believable that you’re a 55yo Black veteran who served overseas and could not get any white pussy until four years ago.

- Similarly, in other threads you claim to be 6’6”! Six fucking six and you couldn’t get white pussy until age 51 when Obama worked some magic for you!?!?! Sorry but when a 6’6” Black man walks into a club the panties just drop on their own accord. Even an ugly AF 6’6” man can get plenty of white pussy and always could in your lifetime. There’s no way you had to wait til your 50s for your first white pussy.

- Speaking of that alleged first white pussy, it would have been in 2020 but Obama left office in Jan 2017. Why would any Black man credit Obama with making him “a white chick magnet” if Trump was in office at the time? You’re so focused on trying to foment hate, fear and obsession that you cannot see what utter nonsense you’re spewing. The rest of us can.

- Black men usually call themselves brothas, bulls, males, guys or similar. I never heard a Black man say “I am BBC” just like I never say “I am vagina” or “I am pussy.” Yes, I have a vagina but that’s different than being one. Try recognizing that men with more melanin than you are fellow human beings first rather than seeing them solely as large organs you envy/desire.

- Do you know any FedEx pilots? I do. They are not ultra rich millionaires. The ones I know complain all the time about being overworked and underpaid. FedEx captains on larger aircraft get paid more than DC judges but not tremendously more. If the alleged family was ultra rich by some other means then the f@ther would have quit being a pilot a long time ago as it is a demanding job.

- The biggest tell that everything you’ve written is complete BS: there was absolutely no reason to include your alleged military rank or your wife’s alleged judgeship. Those details are totally irrelevant to getting white pussy. Your alleged white chick isn’t fucking you bc your wife is a judge…right? The white chick is allegedly fucking you bc Obama made you “a chick magnet.”

A genuine highly decorated Black Lt Col would have much to lose by revealing personal details and nothing to gain. How many Black women are judges in DC? You didn’t say which court but even if we add them all up I’d guess there are fewer than 100 Black women judges in DC. It would be pretty easy to get a list and cross-reference who has 3 klds and a husband who is retired military. And now you’ve also added that your brother is allegedly an admiral in the Navy? How many Black admirals do you think there are? Again, it would be quite easy to produce a list of Black admirals and then figure out if any of them have a brother who is a retired Lt Col.

Ever hear “Loose lips sink ships” in your illustrious military career? It was literally my grandfather’s Day One training in the Navy in WW2 and that important rule is still drilled into military personnel today. Even if you had a completely open marriage (which you probably would have bragged about as well, but I digress) a genuine retired Lt. Col would be concerned that a sex scandal could diminish his ability to maintain DoD clearances, get consulting contracts, lobbyist positions and other lucrative work. CYA is paramount in the military. No man intelligent and careful enough to earn the rank of Lt. Col would include personal details that were totally irrelevant to the white pussy storyline but could easily get him identified.

On the other hand, if you’re an angry white dude who wants to stoke hate, fear and obsession in other disgruntled white dudes then the equation flips completely. Suddenly a Black couple’s alleged military and legal achievements become highly relevant…in fact they’re central to your narrative. You gloat about wild sexual conquests, an incredible pension and life of ease, a powerful wife, etc and get the ire up of every racist white dude like yourself who is failing in life and blames the people who are succeeding for his own lack of success.

It’s easy to get this audience hot and bothered with “You can’t get laid/you’re getting cheated on because hyper-sexed Black men are fucking all our pretty young white women” stories, but why stop there? Fan the flames with the “Uppity Negro” trope and somehow tie all this wild IR sex and enviable Black success to Obama. Congratulations! You’ve hit the racist trifecta!! 🥳🥳

Trump would be so proud of you! You got caught in an initial set of lies. Rather than slink back under the rock you crawled out from, you doubled-down on your lies and threw petty insults at verified members who are bona-fide veterans. So much for supporting the troops, eh?

Here’s the deal: you’re arguing with 3 verified members who have no reason to lie about their backgrounds and knowledge. Just get verified and I’ll gladly apologize and say “My bad, Colonel.” If you are a Black man as you claim to be then verification takes 10 mins. You could easily do it by noon today.

We know you’ll come up with some mumbo jumbo about how you’re too busy fucking white 20yo chicks or having lunch in Langley to verify so I’ll up the ante: put your scrambled eggs (any real veteran knows what that means), your 3 medals of honor and your 11-inch dick in your verification video and I will personally drive to DC this week to suck your BBC and swallow this allegedly yellow African cum that you rant about repeatedly. We can even have a threesome with your 25/27yo bride who you just taught how to finger herself. 😂😂

That’s how sure I am that you’re completely full of dookey. So quit insulting real veterans - it is now time “Colonel” to put up or shut up.

And for the record, I did not introduce an innuendo. I directly stated that you were not legit and not Black and that you do not have the class and discretion that an officer would possess. There’s a difference. Look up fancy words before you attempt to use them.