What white guys like to watch

new normal

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According to the article published by “Femail,” in which two psychologists break down what women want in men, they search for:

Height - black men in Western countries are generally taller than white men (when compared African countries it averages about the same because of poor diet; this is fixed in immigrants by the second generation).

Genetic compatibility - this is more or less random amongst small populations, but it has been noted that Africans as a whole have healthier genes, in general.

Athleticism - Africans completely outstrip whites in athletic competitions (with some minor exceptions) - which has been the subject of much scientific interest. Blacks are also perceived as more muscular and athletic.

Face - women look for masculine faces. Generally, darker and more chiselled looks are preferred, which are more common in black men (this is probably the most variable, though).

Voice - black men generally have deeper voices, which is what women look for.

Movement (dancing, etc.) - as the old stereotype goes, whites have no rhythm when compared with blacks.

Personality - obviously very varied. European men are generally more shy, though this is the most unreliable generalisation.

The book is Why Women Have Sex by Cindy M. Meston and David M. Buss

“Greater minds? More civilized? More Godly?” - I feel like this is a racist dogwhistle, but I’ll bite. Racists like to say that blacks have lower IQs - this is a result of socio-economic status - obviously. Race and intelligence probably has some minor correlation, but it’s hardly important. Civilized? The state of Africa is almost entirely due to the barbarism of the West that continues to this day. More Godly? What does that even mean?

“And would your vision of an ideal Europe be one that is mostly mixed?”


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so, you have gone 100% into the weird critical race theory ******* being taught in the US pubic schools? right away disqualifies you from judging anything intulecshual, foo.
Cuck husbands would love to get together to watch their wives worship a group of Black gods together.
