Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I only posted that one quote where he considered Trump through Larry Elder. I never stated Farrakhan was a full Trump supporter as I have no evidence of that. Again he was considering Trump because Obama failed his community as seen here:

he did say he thought Obama failed the black community...…..but that in no way implies he is favor of trump like you would have us believe......I hate movies and don't like people posting them because they lack the ability to speak for them selves.....some have already turned the Political thread into a movie channel so don't go there often....and you pushed me into posting movies...and do not want to turn this thread into one....just to prove how phoney you are
Trump Supporters Aren’t The Sharpest Tools In The Shed
But they sure are tools…

Enough is enough, Trump supporters. We’re done! America has had enough of you. As Hillary Clinton said, “¡Basta!” You refuse to listen to reason, you refuse to absorb any actual facts, and the low-information voter routine got old well before it even began. So I’m going to try and get through to you using the last method we have left: facts, delivered with enough insults, aimed directly toward your willfully ignorant faces, to hopefully get your ******* flowing enough to make your brains work properly. And if this doesn’t work, well, at least the rest of us will get to laugh for a little while… you know, before the Fourth Reich begins.

Donald Trump is amassing an army of Neanderthals who only pay enough attention to politics and current events to bitch about how much they hate Obama. If you’re a Trump supporter, then yes, I’m talking about you. You’re an idiot. In fact, it’s worse than that… you’re an idiot by choice.

All of the information known to the human race is available at your fingertips, in the phone in your pocket or on whatever device you’re reading this article, but you choose, free will and all, to ignore anything that doesn’t jive with your preconceived notions. Oh, right, you’re a stupid person… “preconceived notions” are things you think you know before learning something new. Go ahead and pop an aspirin. Feeling better? Good. Let’s continue.

I’m going to lay this out plain as day for you, dummies. Here are ten things that are absolutely, undeniably true. They’re facts. These aren’t my opinions, they aren’t open to interpretation, they aren’t things I’m making up… these are actual, God-honest facts. Take a few minutes with each one. Take an hour if you need it. If we can raise your IQ by a single digit, this will have been a decent success.

Ten Things Trump Supporters Are Too Stupid To Realize

1. Trump Recently Wanted Socialist Universal Health Care. I’m not talking about something that happened ten or twenty years ago, either. Donald Trump’s original health care plan as of September of 2015 involved universal health care for every American citizen. For real. I’m not making that up. Here’s an article from Breitbart (a super conservative website you probably trust more than you trust us) that proves it. It wasn’t the first time he pushed for universal health care, either. Here’s what he wrote in 2000:

2. Trump Used To Support Gun Control. He was big on banning assault weapons, as well as background checks and waiting periods, when he wrote his book back in 2000. Nowadays, he’s more conservative. But you know how people love to rail on Hillary Clinton because she’s a flip-flopper? Donald Trump is a flip-flopper, too.

3. Trump Supported Hillary Clinton! Speaking of Hillary Clinton, guess who was a big supporter of hers until recently? Donald Trump, that’s who. He financially backed her Senate campaigns repeatedly, and made a yuuuge donation to the Clinton Foundation of more than $100,000 as well. Hillary Clinton sat front-row at Trump’s most recent wedding in 2005, too (Bill was at the reception). He’s been in cahoots with the Clintons in the past. I guess you have a new catchphrase now? Trump “Pals Around With Clintons?” Let’s see if that one catches on.

4. “Trump” isn’t really Donald Trump’s Last Name. His actual last name is “Drumpf.” Not kidding. His family changed it right before they came to America. That’s right, the immigrant hater not only employed illegal immigrants, he’s descended of immigrants, too. Of course, you probably are too – and that hasn’t stopped you.

5. Donald Trump Speaks Like A Third-Grader. Do you know why he’s appealing to stupid people? Because he speaks their language. When a bunch of researchers analyzed Trump’s speeches, they found that he uses small words and short sentences, and has the general vocabulary of a baby in the third-grade. Maybe the fact that he “talks plain” appeals to you, but shouldn’t a president be smarter than you? Don’t you want a leader who actually thinks? You know… a leader with a brain? A functional brain?

6. You Look Like Nazis. There’s no pleasant way of telling you this, but when you have a booger hanging out of your nose, it’s polite for someone to tell you before you end up getting embarrassed. Donald Trump’s supporters look like Nazis at his rallies. Sticking your right hands up in the air and chanting your allegiance to Donald Trump while all of the people who disagree with him are beaten up and dragged away, all while your charismatic leader rambles about how much he hates people of certain ethnicities… you don’t need to be a genius to see the similarities here, people.

7. Trump Hates Poor People… Including You. Most of Donald Trump’s supporters are poor. You might hope to be wealthy like The Donald someday, but chances are, you won’t be. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, I’m just being honest with you. And because you’re poor, Donald Trump thinks you’re a stupid person who doesn’t deserve to vote. Those are his words, not mine. Do you think poverty equals stupidity? Are you a dumb person just because you don’t have as much money as he does? Well… you’re supporting Trump, so you’re definitely a stupid person, but it’s not because you’re poor (for most of you, it’s because your mom drank during her pregnancy… just keepin’ it 100, folks). But I’m not sure why I’m even going on about this. It’s not as if you can read anyway.

8. Trump Isn’t Actually Explaining His Positions. He talks about how awesome America will be under his reign during his presidency, but he doesn’t really tell us how he’ll do any of this stuff. The only people who hate Donald Trump more than Democrats are Republicans, so he isn’t going to be able to broker these “fantastic deals” he keeps telling us about. And no, Mexico won’t pay for his wall, either. Why would they? Can you actually answer that question using factual information? No, you can’t, because that factual information doesn’t exist. Don’t buy the magic beans, dummies. They don’t do what you think they do.

9. No, Trump Won’t “Keep Us Safe.” I keep hearing Trump supporters claim Trump will “keep us safe.” How exactly will he do that? I mean, he doesn’t detail his plans in any way (which we just covered a moment ago in #8… I know how prone you are to forgetting stuff). He just talks tough and acts tough, but what evidence is there of him being capable of thinking strategically and intellectually? What evidence is there that he can keep us out of wars, or prevent terror attacks from striking American soil? I mean, I play lots of video games… that probably makes me 3000% more qualified to “keep us safe” than Donald Trump is. Me… the guy who writes dick jokes (thanks, by the way, to one Donald Trump’s high minded debate style) and other snark on the Internet for a living. I’m definitely not qualified to be president, either, before you ask. Do you people actually ask questions, or do you just take him at his word for no apparent reason whatsoever?

10. Trump Lies To You Constantly. The worst part is, he doesn’t appear to realize he’s doing it. Remember when Donald Trump told you that unemployment was higher than the government claims? Yeah… he was making that up. The real unemployment number is 4.9% (as of this article being written). That’s using the same metric we’ve measured every American President by since the 1940’s. The other, higher number? Yeah… that’s made up. Trump wants you to believe that as much as 50% of the country is unemployed, but there’s literally no proof of that whatsoever. He just pulled that number out of his orange ass, and you’re stupid, so you believed it.

Donald Trump Is Dangerous

I don’t know what else you need to hear, or what other factual information you need to swallow. Any one of these ten things should at least make you second-guess whether you’re backing the right loud, abrasive, douchey orange horse or not. The question is, who among you is smart enough to breath with your mouth closed, let alone use Google and try to ascertain some facts about this ignoramus you want to elect as president?

Donald Trump is the worst kind of idiot there is: a dangerous one. He’s a short-fingered trust-fund baby with a comically absurd hairdo, hell-bent on becoming the president for personal gain, and he’s willing to say whatever stupid people want to hear in order to achieve that goal.

Being stupid is a lifestyle choice, folks. You can be a smart person if you really want to be. All it takes is a small amount of effort… a lot less effort than it takes to join Trump’s Nazi-like “movement,” for sure. All it really takes is one book. No, not that one. A different one.
I bet even Trump recognizes his mistake sending 1 penny to Bill and Hillary where I am glad he reversed that mistake by opposing and defeating them with your point #3. And with point #6 @subhub174014 I hope you were not taken somewhere and beaten up yet? If not it just goes to show that Donald Trump is not a Nazi dictator. You still have your freedom of speech where you can be as much as a cancerous boil on Trump's ass you desire as America still offers enough rights for common citizens where you can criticize your leaders all you want and not end up dead the following day. If you care to see what true dictators do visit North Korea and criticize Kim Jung-Un openly. You will see my point of view then. ;)
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Ever read the Book of Hosea? God told him to marry an unfaithful woman who he ultimately showed mercy to after she cheated on him?

Hosea’s Wife and Children
2 When the Lord began to speak through Hosea, the Lord said to him, “Go, marry a promiscuous woman and have children with her, for like an adulterous wife this land is guilty of unfaithfulness to the Lord.” 3 So he married Gomer ******* of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a *******.

Hosea 14 New International Version (NIV)
Repentance to Bring Blessing
14 [a]Return, Israel, to the Lord your God.
Your sins have been your downfall!
2 Take words with you
and return to the Lord.
Say to him:
“Forgive all our sins
and receive us graciously,
that we may offer the fruit of our lips.[b]
3 Assyria cannot save us;
we will not mount warhorses.
We will never again say ‘Our gods’
to what our own hands have made,
for in you the fatherless find compassion.”
The bible was written by men running a patriarchal society. So of course....marry a woman you thought was a virgin and find out she wasn't....stone that whore to death. But if you want to marry a slut....go right ahead, see it's in Hosea.
Those dates were skipped by Great Britain in order to get their calendar back in sync with the calendaring scheme used by neighboring countries at the time. Other countries made this change even later such as Russia in 1918 and Greece in 1923.

Thanks for providing more evidence of the arbitrary nature of the whole calendar system as I pointed out.
Arbitrary AFTER it's true original purpose which you were so kind to mention earlier too @hoping hubby: ;)

2019 years since a "year 1" picked by Dionysius Exiguus when he came up with the Anno Domini dating system in 525. Year 1 was supposed to be based on the birth of christ, but of course 525ish years is a long time to have accurate info on...especially in those times. Many scholars believe the year of jesus' birth would have been 4 or 6 BC by the arbitrary dating system we use today.
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/wake-up-america-wake-up-please.131760/post-2539487 )
he did say he thought Obama failed the black community...…..but that in no way implies he is favor of trump like you would have us believe......I hate movies and don't like people posting them because they lack the ability to speak for them selves.....some have already turned the Political thread into a movie channel so don't go there often....and you pushed me into posting movies...and do not want to turn this thread into one....just to prove how phoney you are
The reference is located in that video clip. I know how you loathe video files but it is there for others to listen in addition to that quote I was so kind to transcribe for our audience as well on B2W too. Again if you or anyone else wish to challenge them feel free to do so to prove me at fault. But you wound me @subhub174014 as you know I have never intentionally lied about my sources? But if you wish to do so feel free:

The bible was written by men running a patriarchal society. So of course....marry a woman you thought was a virgin and find out she wasn't....stone that whore to death. But if you want to marry a slut....go right ahead, see it's in Hosea.
If that is the case then why did God have him marry a promiscuous woman to begin with? The stoning of a whore to death was the law. God was trying to introduce mercy and forgiveness otherwise all would have to die as "this land is guilty of unfaithfulness to the Lord".

( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/wake-up-america-wake-up-please.131760/post-2539510 )
Year 1 was supposed to be based on the birth of christ
Which was entirely arbitrary in and of itself as was my point. Year 1 could have been selected as (by current calendar system)

776 B.C.E because of the founding of Rome
476 C.E. because that was the fall of Rome
0....why did the dunce's skip 0 for christ's sake!
or ANY other year for that matter.

For that matter, why does the year start in the middle of winter (in the norther hemisphere). It could easily start at any point in the Earth's orbit. The whole dating system is arbitrary.

Once I'm elected President, I will institute the new HH calendar system. My calendar system will be based with my new starting year 0 equivalent to the A.D. year 666.
Which was entirely arbitrary in and of itself as was my point. Year 1 could have been selected as (by current calendar system)

776 B.C.E because of the founding of Rome
476 C.E. because that was the fall of Rome
0....why did the dunce's skip 0 for christ's sake!
or ANY other year for that matter.

For that matter, why does the year start in the middle of winter (in the norther hemisphere). It could easily start at any point in the Earth's orbit. The whole dating system is arbitrary.

Once I'm elected President, I will institute the new HH calendar system. My calendar system will be based with my new starting year 0 equivalent to the A.D. year 666.
Undoubtedly you would desire absolute power like Kim Jung-Un? If so @subhub174014 and a few other critics on here that prefer to remain nameless would be shaking in their boots under your regime? And if you became a world dictator @DaphneD would have to volunteer for the Mars mission as you might make her life Hell on Earth! LOL! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

But I hope you would be okay with Canada? ?
Which was entirely arbitrary in and of itself as was my point. Year 1 could have been selected as (by current calendar system)

776 B.C.E because of the founding of Rome
476 C.E. because that was the fall of Rome
0....why did the dunce's skip 0 for christ's sake!
or ANY other year for that matter.

For that matter, why does the year start in the middle of winter (in the norther hemisphere). It could easily start at any point in the Earth's orbit. The whole dating system is arbitrary.

Once I'm elected President, I will institute the new HH calendar system. My calendar system will be based with my new starting year 0 equivalent to the A.D. year 666.
Again Jesus was that important to remember, but as you say either yourself if you become a dictator or whoever becomes the true antichrist will undoubtedly obfuscate this dating system so that one may better worship whoever he will be.
Again Jesus was that important to remember
Again Jesus was that important to remember...to Dionysius Exiguus who was a monk. It doesn't mean Dionysius was right. Hell, it doesn't even mean jesus existed. It was just a chosen dating system and given the church had great power in society at the time it became widely adopted.
Undoubtedly you would desire absolute power like Kim Jung-Un? If so @subhub174014 and a few other critics on here that prefer to remain nameless would be shaking in their boots under your regime? And if you became a world dictator @DaphneD would have to volunteer for the Mars mission as you might make her life Hell on Earth! LOL! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

But I hope you would be okay with Canada? ?
No, I'll be a benevolent President, not a dictator. If you like your health care you can keep your healthcare....trust me!

I live by the teachings of the true creator of the universe, the FSM. I'm particularly fond of his eighth "I'd really rather you didn't":

I’d Really Rather You Didn’t "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" if you are into, um, stuff that uses a lot of leather/lubricant/Las Vegas. If the other person is Into it, however (Pursuant to #4), then have at it, take pictures, and for the love of Mike, wear a CONDOM! Honestly, it’s a piece of rubber. If I didn’t want it to feel good when you did it I would have added spikes or something.
No, I'll be a benevolent President, not a dictator. If you like your health care you can keep your healthcare....trust me!

I live by the teachings of the true creator of the universe, the FSM. I'm particularly fond of his eighth "I'd really rather you didn't":

I’d Really Rather You Didn’t "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" if you are into, um, stuff that uses a lot of leather/lubricant/Las Vegas. If the other person is Into it, however (Pursuant to #4), then have at it, take pictures, and for the love of Mike, wear a CONDOM! Honestly, it’s a piece of rubber. If I didn’t want it to feel good when you did it I would have added spikes or something.
Our health care system needs some work @hoping hubby on occasion we have to send people to America and that rarely makes the news:
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I bet even Trump recognizes his mistake sending 1 penny to Bill and Hillary where I am glad he reversed that mistake by opposing and defeating them with your point #3. And with point #6 @subhub174014 I hope you were not taken somewhere and beaten up yet? If not it just goes to show that Donald Trump is not a Nazi dictator. You still have your freedom of speech where you can be as much as a cancerous boil on Trump's ass you desire as America still offers enough rights for common citizens where you can criticize your leaders all you want and not end up dead the following day. If you care to see what true dictators do visit North Korea and criticize Kim Jung-Un openly. You will see my point of view then. ;)

again more of your distortion!
well just like Hitler or any dictator he wants to punish his enemies...he never thought he would get as far as he did...once he did Hillary became an enemy and wanted to destroy her anyway possible......that became the problem with a lot of the justice department...he wanted Hillary in Jail and they wouldn't just do it without something to go...other than what trump puts out and wants people to believe

not beaten up yet....bet you would pay to see that so you could continue to mind fuck the sheep on here

freedom of speech...he is trying to "alter" that a lot...look at the gal serving time for laughing at his original AG....and have posted several article where he has promoted violence against those that are against him....kind of like Hitler did

so you get to keep promoting your lies and false hood s and twisting the facts and they sheep will continue to believe....just like your Farrakhan tape
The reference is located in that video clip. I know how you loathe video files but it is there for others to listen in addition to that quote I was so kind to transcribe for our audience as well on B2W too. Again if you or anyone else wish to challenge them feel free to do so to prove me at fault. But you wound me @subhub174014 as you know I have never intentionally lied about my sources? But if you wish to do so feel free:

I just picked 2 "movies" that show how phoney you are...…..there was at least 10 there and wasn't going to post them all....your implications are as fakes as some of these news sources you guys point at
again more of your distortion!
well just like Hitler or any dictator he wants to punish his enemies...he never thought he would get as far as he did...once he did Hillary became an enemy and wanted to destroy her anyway possible......that became the problem with a lot of the justice department...he wanted Hillary in Jail and they wouldn't just do it without something to go...other than what trump puts out and wants people to believe

not beaten up yet....bet you would pay to see that so you could continue to mind fuck the sheep on here

freedom of speech...he is trying to "alter" that a lot...look at the gal serving time for laughing at his original AG....and have posted several article where he has promoted violence against those that are against him....kind of like Hitler did

so you get to keep promoting your lies and false hood s and twisting the facts and they sheep will continue to believe....just like your Farrakhan tape
You wound me again @subhub174014 your perspective is important so as to keep Trump in check. Initially as we sparred off maybe I would have been inclined to do so but it is important to keep your thoughts in mind and to verify sources like Stein's for example. If you watch that Larry Elder video it is there what was stated about Farrakhan and other things as I am not hiding anything @subhub174014 . ?

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I just picked 2 "movies" that show how phoney you are...…..there was at least 10 there and wasn't going to post them all....your implications are as fakes as some of these news sources you guys point at
Prove it @subhub174014 . Go right ahead if you can.

And to make your task simpler @subhub174014 on that video beneath Larry Elder was talking about Farrakhan right after Jesse Jackson thanked him approximately at 6 minutes and 50 seconds too!

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do your own leg work...i did it once.....so you can do....although I'm sure you will come up with something different andst show the ones with him supporting trump after Obama failed the blacks....but six months later he has a different sone to sing.....and has several out there singing about the woes of trump..but the you probably didn't watch the last vid as it was directed right at blacks who support trump
do your own leg work...i did it once.....so you can do....although I'm sure you will come up with something different andst show the ones with him supporting trump after Obama failed the blacks....but six months later he has a different sone to sing.....and has several out there singing about the woes of trump..but the you probably didn't watch the last vid as it was directed right at blacks who support trump
I helped you out further so you would not have to watch the whole video too @subhub174014 . I can guide a horse to water but it has to ******* for itself after providing and transcribing and telling you the position of where to watch? The choice is yours! ;)

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do your own leg work...i did it once.....so you can do....although I'm sure you will come up with something different andst show the ones with him supporting trump after Obama failed the blacks....but six months later he has a different sone to sing.....and has several out there singing about the woes of trump..but the you probably didn't watch the last vid as it was directed right at blacks who support trump
On the contrary I did recall seeing the videos of the farmworkers who supported Trump who found they they could no longer cross the border and the farm owners had no workers to maintain their farms because of the effectiveness of Trump's policies. Like anything there has to be an exemption for farm workers just like the creation of new policies and systems that are broad and wide ranging. :)
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