Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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ALWAYS turn it back on to your opposition - Ed You are such the Dem !!!!

There is tons of evidence the Bidens are dirty - your media just won’t report on it - that’s the REAL crime.

They reported on President Trump about Russian “collusion” for over 2 years with NO evidence. Soooooo sad :{
ALWAYS turn it back on to your opposition - Ed You are such the Dem !!!!
Turn what? You've presented us with nothing. But your whining and bitching about Joe Biden, the next Democratic President, supported by a majority of Americans of all parties.
There is tons of evidence the Bidens are dirty - your media just won’t report on it - that’s the REAL crime.
"tons of evidence" is right up there with Unicorns. You've been saying it for weeks. Where is the proof? Who is holding it and what are they waiting for? Why don't you show us? You must have seen it to be so convinced.
It's not like you can rely on your skills of deduction. Because...wel, because of what you wrote below.
They reported on President Trump about Russian “collusion” for over 2 years with NO evidence. Soooooo sad :{
You must ask yourself, how did you get so stupid and blind, and delusional.
Now, go and pack your bags and get the fuck out since you want to be a Russian.
ALWAYS turn it back on to your opposition - Ed You are such the Dem !!!!

There is tons of evidence the Bidens are dirty - your media just won’t report on it - that’s the REAL crime.

They reported on President Trump about Russian “collusion” for over 2 years with NO evidence. Soooooo sad :{
you people KNEW trump was dirty when you elected him and yet over looked it....him and his family have made millions while he is being pres...….and his ******* making tons of money since the chump parked his sorry ass in a seat of honor.....and yet you cry about something Biden has been accused of.....by your president....even your party investigated it and found nothing...just making trump that much more furious...….he wants Biden disqualified and somehow in that tiny little fucking mind he has he thinks that will make him pres
Bit premature on your prognostication there Ed.

Hope that’s the extent of your being premature ;}
Заткнись, черт возьми! Просто начни практиковать свой русский язык, киска.
I said I’d rather be Russian than a Democrat - dinna say I wanna live there ya twit.
Still displaying your stupidity?
A Democrat is a political choice, not an ethnicity. Unlike Republicans, we come in all ethnicities and races.
So when you use it in context, we are talking about Russian in a political sense- or else what you said, has no logical sense.
So, living there is not necessary for one to go from an American to a Russian, but it would be tough for you to stay here.
Or, you can just be a sympathetic traitor to our biggest adversary on the planet.
It didn't work out too well for Aldrich Ames, Julius and Ethel Rosenburg, Robert Hanssen and John Walker Jr.
That's good company you're in. A bunch of fucking traitors.
Still displaying your stupidity?
A Democrat is a political choice, not an ethnicity. Unlike Republicans, we come in all ethnicities and races.
So when you use it in context, we are talking about Russian in a political sense- or else what you said, has no logical sense.
So, living there is not necessary for one to go from an American to a Russian, but it would be tough for you to stay here.
Or, you can just be a sympathetic traitor to our biggest adversary on the planet.
It didn't work out too well for Aldrich Ames, Julius and Ethel Rosenburg, Robert Hanssen and John Walker Jr.
That's good company you're in. A bunch of fucking
Still displaying your stupidity?
A Democrat is a political choice, not an ethnicity. Unlike Republicans, we come in all ethnicities and races.

A Democrat is a political choice, not an ethnicity. Unlike Republicans, we come in all ethnicities and races.

C’mon ed that’s not true and you know it. Just because CNN says Republicans are white and racist Don't fall for it.

oh wait...you said that. 🤔
Just saw MLK’s niece on the news proudly speaking of her support for Trump. I’m pretty sure she’s black.
A Democrat is a political choice, not an ethnicity. Unlike Republicans, we come in all ethnicities and races.

C’mon ed that’s not true and you know it. Just because CNN says Republicans are white and racist Don't fall for it.

oh wait...you said that. 🤔
Just saw MLK’s niece on the news proudly speaking of her support for Trump. I’m pretty sure she’s black.
90% of blacks do NOT support Republicans or Trump.
40 million blacks in America. Finding 1 or 1000 who support Trump is not an accomplishment.
The Republican Party, and Trump, do NOT have a majority support from any racial minority group.
I'll take your 'niece' and raise you two actual children of MLK.
Russians aren’t my enemy - seems they’re only enemies of the Dems - wonder why
Because you don't know what it means to be an American, clueless on Russia's objective for 70 years, and never had to defend the country. Probably never traveled to Central and Eastern Europe.
Your ignorance in that statement is just reflective of how far we've fallen. Your lack of shame in gleefully posting it is curious.
But, you may be right in them being the enemies of Democrats. We give ******* about the ongoing success of Western Liberalism.
I know what you meant. You cant be sarcastic with ed. He doesn’t understand it!
As you can see from his further writings, he is not being sarcastic.
I say send his ass off to Russia, not Moscow either. I've been there and it's too cosmopolitan. He goes to small rural town in the North. Just like he lives here.
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