Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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RUSSIA collusion was all HORSESHITE - now you’re trying to say that Biden selling us out to China is all Russian disinformation - when it clearly ISN’T - you Dems and your media won’t even report on this HUGE scandal - you people are really delusional and dangerous - the media has COMPLETELY sold out to your party - NEVER been so crystal clear.
Email exchange from an old friend whom I haven't communicated with in several years:

The more the media and DC hate Trump and attack him, the more I like him. Just a simple logic question:

Everyone knows America is on the wrong track, we are in bad condition all the way around, and have been for decades.
Our Politicians have been more than happy to put us on this destructive path and keep us there, and if these politicians are attacking Trump, you have to ask yourself "why would that be?"
The answer has to be because he is not playing "their" game, because if he was, they would love him.
The more he destroys them, the more I like him. I hate them scumbags that are enriching themselves while they sell us down the river.
I will never forgive that scab Hillary for what she did to our guys in Benghazi - I see it as she just sacrificed them, that makes me sick.
thank you...…….being on the wrong track...bad condition....destructive path...and so much more....all compliments of trump!

wasn't it trump that said I and I alone can fix it?.....just another lie pushing us further down that road

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It is so exciting to hear my home state in the news as a battleground state! I figured that with Brian Kemp stealing the election to be the Georgia governor and then with Trump being elected President back in 2016 there would be a HUGE turnout of the Black vote here in my home state! Wow, and I must say that Stacey Abrams has done such an excellent job helping so many young Black folks and older Blacks to come out and vote early as well as helping them fill out absentee ballots! When I was 25, I could see the demographics in my home state changing and seeing so many Black folks being business owners, I can see the change and my home state WILL look good being a BLUE state instead of a RED state! I am so proud of what is going on and I am definitely proud of Stacey Abrams because she has done an OUTSTANDING job!

6% increase in taxes if you make over 400,000

Spinning the repugnants and Adolf Trump's lies and misinformation I see.

We don't need a President who caters to White supremacist TERRORISTS

BIDEN/HARRIS...for ALL Americans

Hard to believe anyone would even want to take the chance! But then again when a group hates their country as much as liberals do it's makes sense!​

Kamala Harris’s Economic Philosophy Is No Laughing Matter​


Brad Polumbo
Mon, November 2, 2020, 6:30 AM EST

During a 60 Minutes interview just over a week ago, Senator Kamala Harris was asked whether she would bring a “socialist” perspective to a Biden administration. She laughed, as if it were an absurd question.
It’s not.
Whether she embraces the label “socialist” or not, Harris’s stated agenda and Senate record both reveal her to be positioned a long way to the left on matters of economic policy.
From health care to the environment to housing, Harris thinks the answer to almost every problem we face is simply more government and more taxpayer money — raising taxes and further indebting future generations in the process.

Inaccurately described by liberal media outlets as a “moderate” and “centrist,” Harris actually supports an astounding $40 trillion in new spending over the next decade. In a sign of just how far left the Democratic Party has shifted on economics, Harris backs more than 20 times as much spending as Hillary Clinton proposed in 2016. (In both cases their plans covered ten-year periods.)
Harris has abandoned the old Democratic Party’s lip service (however unconvincing) to fiscal restraint. Labels aside, it’s unclear what exactly separates the approach to fiscal policy she would take from the runaway deficit spending and money-printing that has caused so much trouble for so many economies over the years.
And this is not just a matter of spending. During her failed presidential campaign, Harris supported a federal-government takeover of health care, with only a small and highly regulated role remaining for private insurers. This could mean that the government, not the individual, ends up with the final say on medical decisions.
Crippling the private sector and all but eradicating profit would destroy medical innovation, too. Right now, deeply flawed as it may be, the U.S.’s private health-care system is the most innovative in the world. We are responsible for more than 40 percent of total research-and-development spending despite comprising a much smaller fraction of the global population.
When you strip away the profit motive from the health-care industry and replace it with government bureaucracy, the driving ******* of innovation and discovery that makes us world-leading innovators evaporates along with it. For example, we currently have some of the highest cancer-survival rates in the world.
It’s no coincidence that we are one of the top countries for “medical tourism,” meaning that people come to the U.S. from all over the world to access our top-quality care and innovative treatments that don’t emerge in their native socialist systems. Yet Harris’s health-care agenda would doom the U.S. to the same fate of lackluster innovation.
The senator jumped on the “Green New Deal” bandwagon as well. She co-sponsored the Green New Deal resolution in the Senate that called for a “new national, social, industrial, and economic mobilization on a scale not seen since World War II and the New Deal era.”
With her support for the proposal, Harris embraced the idea of radically overhauling our economy to move it away from fossil fuels — even at the cost of up to $600,000 per household, according to a study led by a former director of the Congressional Budget Office. The resolution also endorsed having the federal government provide housing, health care, and food for all, and upgrading every building in America.
To be clear, this was just a nonbinding resolution, not the actual agenda Harris campaigned on in her presidential bid. Some of the items made it into her final $40 trillion agenda, some did not. But Harris’s signaling of her support for such a resolution speaks volumes about the true nature of the ideological leanings she would bring to the White House.
Oh, and the cost of housing would skyrocket under a Vice President Harris, too.
The California senator has evidently not learned from her home state’s failed experiment with “rent control,” as she supports enacting price controls on housing across the country. As almost all economists agree, this only exacerbates the problem by discouraging the construction of new housing and limiting supply. Higher prices emerge in the long run, and you end up like San Francisco and New York City, where failed government interventions have made housing either unaffordable or unattainable for far too many people.
It’s clear that while Harris laughs off the socialist branding, any objective analysis of her record at least raises the question of where she stands. She might dismiss the label — and she might even believe that it doesn’t apply to her — but what’s the phrase about swimming like a duck, quacking like a duck?
The left-wing group Progressive Punch analyzed Harris’s voting record and found that she is the fourth-most liberal senator, more liberal even than Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren. Similarly, the nonpartisan organization GovTrack.us deemed Harris the furthest-left member of the Senate for the 2019 legislative year. (Spoiler alert: If your voting record is to the left of Bernie Sanders, you might be a socialist.)
Ultimately, if Joe Biden wins in November, Harris will be next in line for the presidency. Under these circumstances, her agenda matters, and could, of course, possibly matter even more.
That’s no laughing matter at all.

More from National Review​


Hard to believe anyone would even want to take the chance! But then again when a group hates their country as much as liberals do it's makes sense!​

We love our country, hate what this President has done to it, and fear what he will do.
Your hatred for Senator Harris is showing beneath your sheet.

It's not one group of liberals, it's most Americans. Just like MOST Americans didn't vote for him the first time.
Your problem is, like tRump's, you dismiss some people's patriotism based on their political persuasion, or race. That's your main mistake.

I guess these groups, hate America too? How does your 'brain' justify these people supporting Biden/Harris?
Are they haters of this country? Unpatriotic?
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Kamala Harris’s Economic Philosophy Is No Laughing Matter​

Ummm, newsflash, Biden will be President, it's his plan people are supporting. Just like I couldn't tell you fuck all about Mike Pence's plan. Why? Because it's the President and his economic team. We know Biden was part of the greatest economic team this country seen, and needed. Saved us from a Great Depression brought on by Republican policies.

Hard to believe anyone would even want to take the chance! But then again when a group hates their country as much as liberals do it's makes sense!​

Kamala Harris’s Economic Philosophy Is No Laughing Matter​


Brad Polumbo
Mon, November 2, 2020, 6:30 AM EST

During a 60 Minutes interview just over a week ago, Senator Kamala Harris was asked whether she would bring a “socialist” perspective to a Biden administration. She laughed, as if it were an absurd question.
It’s not.
Whether she embraces the label “socialist” or not, Harris’s stated agenda and Senate record both reveal her to be positioned a long way to the left on matters of economic policy.
From health care to the environment to housing, Harris thinks the answer to almost every problem we face is simply more government and more taxpayer money — raising taxes and further indebting future generations in the process.

Inaccurately described by liberal media outlets as a “moderate” and “centrist,” Harris actually supports an astounding $40 trillion in new spending over the next decade. In a sign of just how far left the Democratic Party has shifted on economics, Harris backs more than 20 times as much spending as Hillary Clinton proposed in 2016. (In both cases their plans covered ten-year periods.)
Harris has abandoned the old Democratic Party’s lip service (however unconvincing) to fiscal restraint. Labels aside, it’s unclear what exactly separates the approach to fiscal policy she would take from the runaway deficit spending and money-printing that has caused so much trouble for so many economies over the years.
And this is not just a matter of spending. During her failed presidential campaign, Harris supported a federal-government takeover of health care, with only a small and highly regulated role remaining for private insurers. This could mean that the government, not the individual, ends up with the final say on medical decisions.
Crippling the private sector and all but eradicating profit would destroy medical innovation, too. Right now, deeply flawed as it may be, the U.S.’s private health-care system is the most innovative in the world. We are responsible for more than 40 percent of total research-and-development spending despite comprising a much smaller fraction of the global population.
When you strip away the profit motive from the health-care industry and replace it with government bureaucracy, the driving ******* of innovation and discovery that makes us world-leading innovators evaporates along with it. For example, we currently have some of the highest cancer-survival rates in the world.
It’s no coincidence that we are one of the top countries for “medical tourism,” meaning that people come to the U.S. from all over the world to access our top-quality care and innovative treatments that don’t emerge in their native socialist systems. Yet Harris’s health-care agenda would doom the U.S. to the same fate of lackluster innovation.
The senator jumped on the “Green New Deal” bandwagon as well. She co-sponsored the Green New Deal resolution in the Senate that called for a “new national, social, industrial, and economic mobilization on a scale not seen since World War II and the New Deal era.”
With her support for the proposal, Harris embraced the idea of radically overhauling our economy to move it away from fossil fuels — even at the cost of up to $600,000 per household, according to a study led by a former director of the Congressional Budget Office. The resolution also endorsed having the federal government provide housing, health care, and food for all, and upgrading every building in America.
To be clear, this was just a nonbinding resolution, not the actual agenda Harris campaigned on in her presidential bid. Some of the items made it into her final $40 trillion agenda, some did not. But Harris’s signaling of her support for such a resolution speaks volumes about the true nature of the ideological leanings she would bring to the White House.
Oh, and the cost of housing would skyrocket under a Vice President Harris, too.
The California senator has evidently not learned from her home state’s failed experiment with “rent control,” as she supports enacting price controls on housing across the country. As almost all economists agree, this only exacerbates the problem by discouraging the construction of new housing and limiting supply. Higher prices emerge in the long run, and you end up like San Francisco and New York City, where failed government interventions have made housing either unaffordable or unattainable for far too many people.
It’s clear that while Harris laughs off the socialist branding, any objective analysis of her record at least raises the question of where she stands. She might dismiss the label — and she might even believe that it doesn’t apply to her — but what’s the phrase about swimming like a duck, quacking like a duck?
The left-wing group Progressive Punch analyzed Harris’s voting record and found that she is the fourth-most liberal senator, more liberal even than Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren. Similarly, the nonpartisan organization GovTrack.us deemed Harris the furthest-left member of the Senate for the 2019 legislative year. (Spoiler alert: If your voting record is to the left of Bernie Sanders, you might be a socialist.)
Ultimately, if Joe Biden wins in November, Harris will be next in line for the presidency. Under these circumstances, her agenda matters, and could, of course, possibly matter even more.
That’s no laughing matter at all.

More from National Review​

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Ummm, newsflash, Biden will be President, it's his plan people are supporting. Just like I couldn't tell you fuck all about Mike Pence's plan. Why? Because it's the President and his economic team. We know Biden was part of the greatest economic team this country seen, and needed. Saved us from a Great Depression brought on by Republican policies.
C'mon man, If he wins he won't be the President.
C'mon man, If he wins he won't be the President.
You lean toward conspiracy? Tucker Carlson is your source. Enough said.
The president picks the economic team based on his philosophy. That team designs a plan.
Learn how this country works before you start hating half of it.
And stop following people who were born into the kind of wealth that gives them peace of mind for three generations no matter what happens to the economy. Tucker and Trump were born into retirement.
Damned right. Oh ******* Biden is on TV surrounded by 15 supporters in Scranton.
We care about voters, more than props for the camera.
tRump has had some big rallies that has spread the 'hoax' virus to over 30,000 people and responsible for hundreds of deaths.
Yet tonight, no big gathering. Just a small group in the East Room of the White House.
He fucking knows the outcome. Such a phony.
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